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ColoursPeriod 2Reading . 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子1. Smiles can help you forget your _(悲伤). 2. Li Nas success in her career has brought the _ (热) of tennis in China. 3. That great designer has _(创造) lots of new things to make peoples life much easier. 4. Its time for you to make a _(决定). 5. We had no _(困难) in finding out the truth with the help of the Internet. 6. He pushed against the rock with all his_(力量). 7. (xx宿迁)People around the world all love p_ and hate wars. 8. Its believed that the sudden change of the weather i_ peoples health deeply. 9. Im wondering w_ or not you will come to my party tomorrow. I will certainly go to your party. Thanks for your invitation. 10. How dirty the floor is!Oh, yes. It r_ to be cleaned at once. 用方框中所给的词或短语填空,有一词或短语多余calm down, wedding, hopes for, to water, created, watering, green with envy, purity, such as1. Weve _ a beautiful new house from an old house. 2. Green is the colour of envy, so we may say someone is “_”. 3. Tom fell in love with the girl because of her beauty and _. 4. He will go to his sisters _ this Wednesday. 5. Our teachers often tell us to _ first when we are in danger. 6. Kitty works hard at all her lessons and _ success. 7. I have been to many cities, _ Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. 8. These young trees we planted ten days ago require _ once a day. . 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 这张照片使你想起了谁?Who did the photo _?2. 绿色是大自然的颜色,代表着新生命。Green is _ nature and _. 3. 大量的医生对我们的家乡会有所帮助。A lot of doctors will be_ our hometown. 4. 如果你完成作业有困难,请向李老师寻求帮助。If you have _ your homework, please_ Mr Li_ help. 5. 穿蓝色衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里能给我们的身心带来平和。_ or sleeping in a blue room can bring peace to _. 单项填空()1. (xx天水)Do you prefer grapes _ bananas?I prefer grapes _ bananas. A. to; or B. or; to C. than; toD. or; than()2. (xx南京)Are you going camping this afternoon?A typhoon is coming. Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be closed. A. which B. what C. whether D. why()3. When we mean someone is _, we can say he or she is feeling blue. A. jealous B. tired C. happy D. unhappy()4. (xx苏州)Sorry, Ive forgotten your name. Can you _ me?Im Daniel. A. remind B. receive C. respect D. remember()5. _ helps people calm down when they are angry. A. Red B. Orange C. Blue D. Green()6. He played computer games until midnight last night, so he feels _ in class today. A. sleeping B. asleep C. sleepy D. sleeps()7. Its _ for Mike to learn English, but his cousin can learn English well without _. A. difficult; difficult B. difficulty; difficultyC. difficulty; difficult D. difficult; difficulty()8. She looks sad. Lets _. A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C. to cheer up her D. to cheer her up ()9. Colours sometimes can make us_ or happy. A. to feel sadly B. feel sadly C. to feel sad D. feel sad()10. (xx泰州)Mr Ling, I have some difficulty _ the article. Remember _ it three or four times at least. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; readingC. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read. 任务型阅读We live in a colourful world. In different countries, colours have different meanings. They are used to represent different holidays. In ancient Rome, a red flag was a sign for battle(战斗). In India, red is the colour of soldiers. In South Africa, red is the colour of mourning(服丧). In China, red is the colour of good luck and it is often used at weddings. In ancient Greece, green represented victory. In England, people wear green as a mark of honour. Green is the national colour of Ireland. In India, yellow is for a businessman or a farmer. In China and Japan, people wear white when very sad things happen. When their relatives are dead, they usually wear white. The ancient Greeks wore white to bed to have pleasant dreams. In ancient Rome, public servants wore blue. Today the police still wear blue. Colours can also represent different people. For example, you will be a leader or an active person who enjoys life if you like yellow, orange or red. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Colours have different meanings in different countries, dont they?_2. What colour do people often use at their weddings in China?_3. Where is yellow for a businessman or a farmer? _4. Why did the ancient Greeks wear white to bed?_5. What will a person be if he likes yellow, orange or red?_教师详解详析. 1. sadness2. heat3. created 4. decision5. difficulty6. strength 7. peace8. influences9. whether 10. requires. 1. created2. green with envy3. purity4. wedding 5. calm down6. hopes for7. such as8. watering. 1. remind you of 2. the colour of; represents new life3. of some help to4. difficulty finishing; ask; for5. Wearing blue (clothes); our mind and body. 1. B句意:“你更喜欢葡萄还是香蕉?”“我喜欢葡萄胜过香蕉。”第一空表选择,用连词or,意为“或者”;第二空考查prefer A to B这一固定用法,意为“喜欢A胜过B”。故选B。2. C句意:“今天下午你将去野营吗?”“台风就要来了。我不能确定通往山里的道路_会封闭。”由句中的“not sure”可知,从句表示“通往山里的道路是否被封闭”。故选C。3. D4. A考查动词的辨析。句意:“对不起,我忘了你的名字,你能提醒我吗?”“我是丹尼尔。”表示“提醒”应用remind。故选A。5. C6. Cfeel是连系动词,后接形容词,因此排除A、D项;asleep意为“睡着的”,通常用于短语“fall asleep”; sleepy意为“困倦的”。故选C。7. D8. B9. D10. C句意:“凌先生,我很难理解这篇文章。”“记住至少要读它三到四遍。”have difficulty (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”,为固定短语,先排除A、D两项;remember to do sth意为“记得去做某事”,表示还未做,故选C。. 1. Yes, they do. 2. Red. 3. In India. 4. To have pleasant dreams. 5. A leader or an active person.


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