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2019年PEP小学四年级英语期末考试卷班级 姓名 评分听力部分(40分)一、 听录音,选择你所听到的字母、数字或单词。(10分)( ) 1. A.bdg B.bdj C. dbg( ) 2.A.MAL B.NAL C.MLA( ) 3.A.KXU B.KES C.XEB( ) 4.A.13 B.30 C.20( ) 5.A.12 B.22 C.42( ) 6.A. mouse B. music C. milk( ) 7. A. black B. bread C. breakfast( ) 8. A. home B. room C. phone( ) 9. A. four B. tall C. fork( ) 10. A. nice B. knife C. nine二、听录音,选择正确的图片。(10分)1. A B 2. A B ( ) ( )3. A B 4 . A B ( ) ( ) 5. A B ( ) 三、听录音两遍,根据你所听到的问题,找出正确的答句。(10分)( ) 1. A. Its on the book. B. Its near the window.( ) 2. A. Theyre my parents and me. B. There are four.( ) 3. A. Shes a doctor. B. My mother likes music.( ) 4. A. No, they arent. B. Yes, he is. ( ) 5. A. Hes a driver. B. Hes my brother.四、听录音,给下列句子排列顺序。(10分)( ) Hes tall and strong . Whats his name ?( ) Youre right .( ) Whos he ?( ) I have a new friend.( ) His name is Zhang Peng . 笔 试 部 分 (60分)一、按格式抄写单词。(5分)picture forty strong shelf parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、找出与其他单词不同类的选项。(5分)( )1. A. chicken B. bread C. board( )2. A. forty B. fish C. fifty-one( )3. A. strong B. thin C. sports( )4. A. chair B. kitchen C. bathroom( )5. A. doctor B. father C. farmer三、把与图片内容相符的句子代号写在括号里。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. The boy is my brother. He likes playing puter games.2. Put the pencil-case on the chair.3. The girl likes listening to music.4. Turn on the lights, please.5. My friend has big eyes and small mouth. He likes sports.四、给句子选择正确的中文意思。(10分)( ) 1. Please have a try ! A.接电话。( ) 2. Go to the study . B.用筷子。( ) 3. Answer the phone. C.去书房。( ) 4. Take out your book . D.请试一试。( ) 5. Use the chopsticks . E.拿出你的书。五、根据所给的情景,选择恰当的选项。(10分)( )1. 当你想告诉大家我们的新老师又高又瘦时,说:_A.Our new teacher is tall and thin.B.Our teacher is tall and thin.( )2. 你想告诉别人你有一只猫,你要说:_ A. I have a cat. B. I have a dog.( )3. 你要知道对方有多少支蜡笔,要问:_ A.How many crayon do you have?B.How many crayons do you have?( )4. 当你想吃薯条时,要问:_ A. Can I have some French fries?B. Have some French fries.( )5.想知道Tom 的书包里有什么,可以问:_A. Tom,whats in your bag ?B. Tom,what colour is your bag ?六、从栏中选出栏中各句适当的答语。(10分)( ) 1.Whats her name ?( ) 2.Are they on the table ?( ) 3.Wheres my seat ?( ) 4. Whats your father ?( ) 5. What would you like ? A. Hes a farmer.B. No, they arent .C. Id like a glass of water.D. Her name is Ann.E. Its near the door .七、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分) Look, this is a photo of my family. I put it on the desk in my bedroom. Look! They are my grandparents. They are not very old. My dad is strong. My mom is thin. Oh, this is my sister. Shes quiet. Shes 10. Shes a good student. She likes English and sports. The boy is me. I like music and books.( ) 1. I am a girl. I like music and books. ( ) 2. My grandpa and grandma are very old. ( ) 3. My sister is 10. Shes a good teacher. ( ) 4. My sister likes English and sports. ( ) 5. There are 6 members in my family. 四年级英语期末试卷 (听力材料)一、 听录音两遍,选择你所听到的字母、数字或单词。(10分)1dbg 2. MAL 3.KES 4. 30 5 . 426 . music 7 . bread 8 . home 9 . tall 10 . nice 二、听录音,选择正确的图片。(10分)1.Look, the floor is clean.2.-Whats in the classroom? -Many desks and chairs.3.This is my good friend. She has long hair, small eyes and a big mouth.4.Looks, this is my new chair.5.Let me clean the board.三、听录音两遍,根据你所听到的问题,找出正确的答句。(10分)1.Wheres my seat ? Its near the window .2.How many people are there in your family ? Therere four.3.Whats your mother ? Shes a doctor.4.Are they on the table ? No,they arent .5.Whos he ? Hes my brother .四、听录音,给下列句子排列顺序。(10分)1. I have a new friend. 2.Whos he ?3.Hes tall and strong . Whats his name ?4.His name is Zhang Peng .5.Youre right .正确答案 听力部分一、C A B BC BBABA二、AABAB三、BBAAB四、35214 笔试部分一、 略二、 CBCAB三、 52431四、 DCAEB五、 AABAA六、 DBEAC七、 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 6 页 共 6 页

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