七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Part 3 Grammar Focus同步练习 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Part 3 Grammar Focus同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Part 3 Grammar Focus同步练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 3 Grammar Focus夯实基础,活用语法一、抄写、朗读并翻译。1What time do you usually get up? 抄写:_翻译:_2They always get dressed at seven thirty. 抄写:_翻译:_3They usually exercise on weekends.抄写:_翻译:_4Hes never late.抄写:_翻译:_5When does Scott go to work?抄写:_翻译:_二、Grammar Focus语法过关。( B )1Where does your mother work?She _at Huaxing Clothes Store.AworkBworks Cworked Dworking( D )2_do you usually play the piano? In the morning.AHowBWhyCWhereDWhen( B )3I have _ lunch at 2:00 in_afternoon.Athe; theB/; the Cthe; /D/; /( C )4Its 7:50! You must get _ now, or youll be late.Adress Bdressing CdressedDdresses( A )5He usually _ his teeth twice a day.Abrushes Bbrushing Cbrush Dbrushed( D )6I dont have much time to have breakfast, so I usually eat very _.Alate Blately CquickDquickly( D )7My father goes to _ work after _ breakfast.Athe; theBthe; / C/; the D/; /( A )8_ Lily do sports every day? Yes, she _.ADoes; doesBDo; doesCDoes; do DDo; do( C )9_ weekday we go to school _ 7 oclock.AIn; at BOn; inCOn; atDIn; on( D )10Does your friend Jim _at 17:30 in the afternoon?Aexercises Bto exerciseCexercisingDexercise三、语法运用:用所给单词的正确形式填空。1There will be more jobs (job)for people in 10 years.2Mr. Green is in good health because he exercises (exercise)every day.3This movie is funny (fun)4Look! Some boys are running (run)over there.5Jim gets (get)up at 7:30 every morning.四、重点句型运用。1丽莎通常几点淋浴?What time does Lisa usually take a shower?2他们几点吃晚餐?What time do they eat dinner?3山姆在10:00点吃早餐。Sam eats breakfast at ten oclock.4他通常在七点去上班。He usually goes to work at seven oclock.5他从不迟到。Hes never late. /He is never late.五、短文填空。My name is Tom Green. I am 9 1 old. I 2 from London. I study in Beijing. I am good at drawing. I like 3 the violin very much. Every morning I 4 up at 6:40. I get dressed and 5 my teeth at 6:50. After breakfast, I go to school 6 bike. There 7 50 students in my class. I have 4 classes in the 8 and 3 classes in the afternoon. My favorite 9 are P.E.and art. I like playing football after school. I go back home at a quarter to six in the afternoon. I take a shower at half past nine in the evening. Then I 10 TV with my grandparents. I go to bed at 22:00.1 years 2 come/am 3 playing 4 get 5 brush6 by 7 are 8 morning 9 subjects 10 watch


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