2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空优练习题(7).doc

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2019中考英语完形填空优练习题(7)及答案Passage AMothers Day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States, England, India and(1)countries. In a short time, it becomes widely celebrated. Mothers Day falls on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people(2)gifts(礼物)of love to their mothers.The(3)of a day for mothers was suddenly given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia(费城)As a result of her(4), the celebration of the first(5)Mothers Day was(6)in Philadelphia on May 10,1908. Soon the(7)became popular all over the U. SA. and around the world.In China, people do the same on the day for mothers. And, in some cities, people sometimes ask(8)to be broadcasted(广播)on the radio for his or her mother only.(9)might cost a little money, but as it is said,“(10)is invaluable(无价的)”()1A. the othe B.any otherC. some other D. another()2A. put B.send C. write D. post()3A. visit B.workC. trouble D. idea()4A. good newsB.hard workC. nice photo D. bad accident()5A. American B.EnglishC. Indian D. Canadian()6A. holding B. heldC. deciding D. decided()7A. game B .meeting C. holiday D . city()8.A. a present B. a songC. some flowers D. some clothes()9.A. This B. TheseC. She D. They()10.A. Money B. TimeC. Love D.Hate答案:1C 2B 3D 4B 5A6B 7C 8B 9A 10CPassage Bxx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记叙文My favourite animals _ zebras. Look at this one. It _ cute. It is black and white like the panda. But it _ come from Asia, It _ from Africa. It _ grass.【小题1】AareBamCisDbe【小题2】AamBisCareDbe【小题3】AisBisntCdoesDdoesnt【小题4】AcomeBcomesCgoDgoes【小题5】AeatBeatsCdrinkDdrinksPassage C【*安徽芜湖】阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in the country, “Ill give 51 of you a seed (种子). Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plant that you bring. 52 Ill choose a new king from you.”A boy 53 Ling got a seed, too. He planted it 54 . But the seed doesnt grow at all. A year later, Ling had to take his 55 box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt 56 .The king 57 the palace and look around. When he found there was nothing in Lings box. The king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed 58 couldnt grow. But all of you, 59 Ling, have bought me plants and flowers. Ling was the only one with the honesty (诚实) and 60 to bring such a box. So he will be the new king! ”51. A. eachB. neitherC. bothD. none 52. A. and B. butC. althoughD. so53. A. liked B. helpedC. namedD. asked 54. A. carefulB. carefullyC. carelessD. carelessly55. A. fullB. emptyC. beautifulD. broken 56. A. sadB. excitedC. happyD. satisfied 57. A. gotB. arrivedC. wentD. arrived at 58. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. it 59. A. besidesB. withC. exceptD. as 60. A. skillB. courageC. experienceD. fear【主旨大意】本文通过一位国王选新国王的故事,向人们说明了“诚实是做人的根本”的道理。 51. A 意为:我会给每个人一粒种子。52. A and在本句中表示承接关系。53. C 指一位名叫Ling的男孩。54. B plant是动词,其后应当用副词;根据下文可知:他认真地种下了这粒种子。所以选B。55. B 根据上文可知种子并没有生长,所以他带着一只空盒子去了皇宫。56. A 指他看到别人带着漂亮的植物,感到非常的难过。57. D get, go, arrive是不及物动词,带宾语时要加介词。58. A 这是一个定语从句,先行词是物,所以只能用which做关系代词。59. C 指除了Ling之外,你们中的人都带来了植物和花。60. B 指Ling是唯一一个具有诚实和勇气带来空盒子的人。Passage D阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When Rebecca was a middle school student, she was often bullied (欺凌). At that time, she didnt want to tell others. However, she now thinks people who are bullied should talk about their 16 .Rebecca says that many people who are bullied 17 in silence. She says that although she 18 heard a lot about bullying when she was in primary school, she never thought it would happen to her.Rebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle school. People started making fun of her for being a 19 student and knowing all the answers.She went on to say that every time she answered a question correctly in class, everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too 20 for them.She told us that by the end of the year, she was very 21 about the bullying and became ill. She began to hate school. But 22 she had a friend who could talk to, and they told their head teacher about her problem. She believes that talking to the teacher 23 her a lot. They found ways to deal with the problem, and the bullying finally 24 .Her 25 is, dont see yourself as the problem. Nobody should be bullied. But if you dont tell anyone what is going on, nobody will know that you need help.16. A. experiences B. jokes C. hobbies D. studies17. A. sleep B. laugh C. suffer D. play18. A. seldom B. always C. never D. suddenly19. A. bad B. happy C. silent D. good20. A. clever B. slow C. noisy D. proud21. A. pleased B. worried C. satisfied D. amazed22. A. usually B. interestingly C. luckily D. strangely23. A. surprised B. controlled C. excited D. helped24. A. started B. stopped C. increased D. continued25. A. problem B. agreement C. condition D. advice【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Rebecca在中学时因为成绩好而被同学嘲笑,一度让她生病和厌学。幸运地是,她和朋友向班主任反映问题之后,他们找到了解决问题的办法,并且最终阻止了这一现象的发生。Rebecca想让人们明白一个道理:没有人天生就应该受欺凌,当我们受到欺凌的时候,应该勇敢地说出来,这样大家才知道你需要帮助。16. A 根据句意“然而,她现在认为那些受欺凌的人应该说出他们的经历”可知此题考查名词辨析。A. experiences意为“经历”;B. jokes意为“玩笑,笑话”;C. hobbies意为“爱好”;D. studies意为“书房”,故选A。17. C 根据句意“Rebecca说许多受欺凌的人默默地忍受”可知此题考查动词辨析。A. sleep意为“睡觉”;B. laugh意为“嘲笑”;C. suffer意为“忍受”;D. play意为“玩”,故选C。18. B 根据句意“她说尽管她在小学时经常听说关于欺凌的事情,但她从来不认为事情会发生在她身上”可知此题考查频度副词的用法。seldom意为“很少”;often意为“经常”;never意为“从来,绝不”;suddenly意为“突然地”,故选B。 19. D 根据下文“knowing all the answers(知道所有的答案)”可知Rebecca是一个好学生。A. bad坏的;B. happy快乐的;C. silent安静的;D. good好的,故选D。20. A 根据上下文可知,对于其他的学生来说Rebecca应该是太聪明了。A. clever聪明的;B. slow迟钝的;C. noisy吵闹的;D. proud骄傲的,故选A。21. B 根据句意“到学期结束的时候,她告诉我们她很担心受欺凌,并且生病了”可知此题考查固定短语辨析。A. be pleased with 对满意;B. be worried about 为担心;C. be satisfied with 对满意,为A的同义短语;D. be amazed at对感到惊讶, 故选B。22. C 根据句意“她开始厌学。但是,幸运地是她有一个可以交谈的朋友,并且她们告诉了她们的班主任关于这个问题”可知此题考查副词辨析。A. usually通常;B. interestingly 有趣地;C. luckily幸运地;D. strangely奇怪地,故选C。23. D 根据句意“他相信和老师交谈能够帮助她很多”可知此题考查动词辨析。A. surprise 为使惊讶;B. control控制; C excite 使激动;D. help帮助,故选D。24. B 根据上下文,前文说找到了解决欺凌的方法,故后文应该是这种现象终于停止了。A. start 开始;B. stop停止;C. increase增加;D. continue继续,故选B。25. D 根据上下文可推知,此处应该是她的建议。A. problem 问题;B. agreement 协议 ;C. condition条件;D. advice 建议,故选D。Passage E阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and threw 1 on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their hats, too! Kevin soon 2 all the hats and left happily. Fifty years later, young Tony, 3 of Kevin, also sold hats for a living. 4 a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. He was soon fast 5 . When he woke up, Tony found that there werent any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his 6 , he found some monkeys on the tree wearing his hats. Tony didnt know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather 7 used to tell him. “Yes! I can fool these monkeys!” said Tony. “Ill 8 them imitate (模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!” Tony then waved at the monkeys, the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down 9 the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground and 10 up to Tony. He said, “Do you think only you had a grandfather?” 1. A. it B. its C. him D. his2. A. pointed B. put C. collected D. matched3. A. father B. son C. grandson D. friend 4. A. When B. After C. Before D. As5. A. alive B. afraid C. awake D. asleep6. A. pleasure B. interest C. value D. surprise7. A. recently B. luckly C. proudly D. angrily8. A. tell B. make C. promise D. realize9. A. from B. beside C. toward D. through10. A. put B. brought C. walked D. took参考答案110、ACCBD DCBAC


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