2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期中测试卷(含解析) 人教新目标版.doc

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2018-2019学年八年级英语下学期期中测试卷(含解析) 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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xx八年级英语下学期期中测试卷(时间:120分钟满分:120分)一、听力部分(20分).听句子,选择恰当的应答语。句子读两遍。(5分)( )1.Mario fell down while he was running and hurt one of his legs. A.He was fine.B.Im sorry to hear that. C.Where was he?( )2.Watching TV for too long is not good for our health.A.I agree. B.Of course not. C.Never mind.( )3.Lets play basketball after school.A.What about you? B.Sounds like a good idea. C.Thanks a lot.( )4.Could I borrow your dictionary?A.Its not mine.B.Sorry, I cant. C.Sure, here you are.( C )5.Did you go to Shanghai by plane or by train last week?A.Yes, I did.B.No, I didnt. C.By plane.听小对话,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(5分) ( )6.What will Betty do first? ( )7.What was the weather like when the woman was going home? ( )8.Whats the matter with the man? ( )9.How does the girl go to school? ( )10.What did Lily do last night?.听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,完成第1112小题。 ( )11.Where are they talking?A.At home. B.At the cinema. C.In the classroom.( )12.How long did Li Lei spend on his homework?A.About two and a half hours. B.About two hours. C.About eight hours.听第二段对话,完成第1315小题。 ( )13.Whats the girls problem?A.Having no hobbies. B.Getting bad grades. C.Too much homework.( )14.Whats Jacks advice?A.To give up all hobbies. B.To give up homework. C.To choose a favorite hobby.( )15.Does Jack have any problems?A.No, he doesnt. B.Yes, he does. C.He always feels worried.听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。(5分) A Tour to MeijiangWhat Day?16. .When to havebreakfast?At 17. .How to go?18. .When to leave? At 7:30.Where and when to have 19. ?On a ship in Meijiang Lake at half past 12.What to bring?A bottle of water and 20. .二、单项选择(15分)( )21.Peter,you watch the iPad all time.OK,I will take break to rest my eyes. A./;a B.the;/ C.a;theD.the;a( )22.Its dangerous to drive after drinking.Thats true.It can increase the of traffic accidents. A.importance B.stress C.joy D.risk ( )23.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane.She always feels when getting on it. A.nervousB.interested C.relaxedD.happy( )24.Excuse me! Is there a supermarket near here?Sorry,Im new here too.Why not the old lady over there? A.askingB.ask C.asksD.to ask( )25.Though he is at home,he doesnt feel for he has many things to do.A.alone;lonely B.lonely;alone C.alone;alone D.lonely;lonely( )26.Wheres your brother? he is in the bedroom,but I am not sure. A.PerhapsB.Finally C.CertainlyD.Seldom( )27. you work, progress(进步)you will make. A.Harder;greater B.The harder;the greater C.Harder;the greater D.The harder;greater( )28.She short,but now she is tall. A.used to beB.is used to be C.is used to being D.used to being( )29.Robert,could you wash the car for me?Yes,I .Im coming,dad. A.could B.couldnt C.canD.cant( )30.Excuse me! May I your book?Sure,and you can it for two days,but you cant it to others. A.borrow;borrow;lend B.lend;lend;borrow C.borrow;keep;lend D.lend;keep;borrow( )31.When did the classroom have a power cut?This morning,while we a physics lesson. A.have hadB.were having C.are havingD.will have( )32.Danny is too lazy.He never does anything by himself.He just his parents. A.depends onB.cares for C.looked throughD.cheers up( )33.Jenny has gone to Shanghai on business,but shell be back in 3 days.I will call you . A.as soon as she returns B.when she will return C.after she returned D.if she will return ( )34.I dont like horror films.Theyre terrible. . A.Either I do B.Neither I do C.Either do ID.Neither do I( )35.Julia,you look unhappy.?I lost my English book yesterday. A.Can you help me B.What should I do C.Can I help you D.Whats wrong with you三、完形填空(10分) Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities.It is good to the 36 development of the big cities.A 37 by a company found that shared bikes started the nations 38 for bikes again.Now more and more Chinese people are 39 bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of the company says that since the 40 of shared bikes,people have made fewer trips by car.The love for shared bikes is not only among 41 people,who were born in the 1980s and the 1990s,but also among people over sixty.At weekends,the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the 42 of all cities.On weekdays,the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to work is 43 in Shanghai.It is said that bike-sharing will help 44 the cities environment.It not only helps solve the traffic problems,but also will help to make more use of 45 in cities.Take Beijing as an example,if more people choose shared bikes,an area of five Birds Nest stadium (体育场)will be saved.( )36.A.slowB.healthy C.harmfulD.sudden( )37.A.ruleB.plan C.reportD.suggestion( )38.A.stressB.worry C.preparationD.love( )39.A.choosingB.pushing C.repairingD.locking( )40.A.endB.start C.controlD.fall( )41.A.strongB.weak C.oldD.young( )42.A.topB.side C.relationD.deal( )43.A.coming overB.putting off C.going upD.giving away( )44.A.provide B.drop C.experienceD.improve( )45.A.airB.time C.spaceD.money四、阅读理解(30分)A Helping others is a great thing to do.You can learn new things and have fun.There are many ways of helping others in your community.You can help people,animals or the environment.It can make you feel good too! How can you help?Charities(慈善机构)are organizations that help others,for example,UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund.You can help charities by giving your time,giving money or giving things that you own.You can also help people or places you know.VolunteeringVolunteering is when you give your time to help others.Its something that you do not have to do or for which you will not be paid.Some ways of volunteering are:visiting old people to talk to them or help themwalking dogs at an animal shelter(避难所)cleaning up a park.FundraisingFundraising is when you collect money to help others.Some ways of fundraising are:making cakes or biscuits to selldoing a sponsored(赞助)activity.For example,family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.DonatingDonating is when you give your things or money to help others.Some ways of donating are:giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor peoplegiving your old books to a librarygiving your money to a charity.So,what can you do to help others?( )46.Youll when you help other people.A.feel uncomfortable B.have a great job C.feel good D.have a hard time( )47.How many ways of volunteering are mentioned in the article?A.Two.B.Three. C.Four.D.Five.( )48.The underlined word“fundraising” means “” in Chinese.A.募款活动B.慰问活动 C.志愿活动D.捐物活动( )49.Which of the following is a way of donating?A.Cleaning up a park. B.Giving your old computer to a charity.C.Taking care of sick people in hospital. D.Making pancakes or sandwiches to sell.( )50.What is the best title for the passage?A.Charities B.Ways of Volunteering C.A Great Thing to Do D.Helping OthersB Im not the kind of mother who often brushes her daughters hair,and my daughter has never liked sitting quietly long enough for me to do it.But today,I took a chair outside and let my daughter Kitty sit on it.She was sitting high with her eyes closed,skin still wet from the shower and her messy hair behind her back.I realized she was taking in every touch from my hands.Today we would send Kitty away for a week of a summer camp.This was all my idea.Shes nearly 12,and I notice that Im with my child nearly 24 hours a day.Living on the farm without neighbours,Kitty has become increasingly dependent(依赖的)on me.After lunch,we drove to the camp place.After we got out of the car,we were introduced to the other children.Kitty followed me closely,holding my hand all the time.“I need you for a few more minutes,”she said to me,horror in her eyes.I pulled away and walked up to a camp worker.“Excuse me,”I said loudly,“Id like to introduce you to my daughter.Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids.”He came over to talk to Kitty and I kissed on her face.Then we all disappeared before Kitty realized we had left.On my way home,I felt a piece of my soul(灵魂)had been taken away from my body.I began to shake.Tears came down my face.When I arrived home,I calmed down and reminded myself why I chose this path.“I want Kitty to have a chance to find herself,out of my shadow(影子).If I dont set her free,Im afraid she wont be independent(独立的)forever.”I said to myself.( )51.How long would the camp last?A.5 days.B.7 days. C.12 days. D.24 days.( )52.What does the underlined phrase “taking in” mean in Paragraph (段落)2?A.感受B.拒绝 C.索要D.感谢( )53.How did Kitty feel when she arrived at the camp?A.Cool.B.Excited. C.Scared.D.Tired.( )54.Which of the following about the writer is NOT true according to the passage?A.She thought it good for her girl to go camping.B.She was willing to do everything for her girl.C.She knew she made the right decision at last.D.She felt sad on her way back from the camp.( )55.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Kids should not stay with their parents.B.Kids should often go out for summer camps.C.Parents should not give their children any help.D.Parents should help their children to be independent.C 阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。每空不超过三个单词Maciek Czastka was born in Lodz,Poland.He came to China several years ago.So far,he has been working in Chengdu for three years.“The Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路的倡议)is meaningful,”he said.“Thanks to it,we are offered more chances.”The most powerful support for Chengdu to thrive(兴盛)along the Belt and Road is the Chengdu-Europe express railway(高速铁路).It provides direct train services between Chengdu and the city of Lodz.Because of the express railway,trains can bring things from China to Europe.At the same time,they can bring back European food,wine,meat and so on.In xx,a total of 460 trains ran between Chengdu and Europe.The number is expected to grow to 1,000 this year.Since the Chengdu-Lodz express railway was opened,Chengdu,together with other cities in west China,has developed close trade ties with the European country.Poland is one of the largest apple producers in Europe.Czastkas company helps farmers in Poland sell their apples to China.More and more European products will be sent to China in the future.AboutMaciek CzastkaBorn:56. Workplace:In ChengduWorking in Chengdu:Since 57. ago.续表The most powerful support for Chengdu Its the Chengdu-Europe express railway.In xx, a total of 58. trains ran between Chengdu and Europe.This year the number will grow to 1,000.The advantages of “the Chengdu-Europe express railway”1.The Chengdu-Europe express railway provides 59. between Chengdu and the city of Lodz.2.By the Chengdu-Lodz express railway,Chengdu, together with other cities in west China, has developed 60. with the European country.五、词汇运用(5分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61.We made an important (decide)in the end. 62.Now many children dont know the (important)of learning English.63.There are some (difficult)in doing our homework. 64.She shouted to me (angry). 65.Theyre happy because their sales (rise)by 5% last month. 六、句子运用(5分)66.琳达总是恪守诺言。你可以依赖她。 Linda always keeps her promises.You can her.67.孩子们已有来自学校的足够大的压力。 Kids already have from school.68.那个男孩像他父亲,他们两个都善良、外向。The boy his father.They are both kind and outgoing.69.现在父母应该多花一些时间和孩子交流。These days,parents should spend more time their kids.70.昨天我路过的时候工人们正在拆除那些旧建筑物。The workers the old buildings when I passed by yesterday.七、短文填空(10分)根据短文内容,将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。A.taking risksB.gotC.beatD.careE.myselfF.forHave you seen the movie Soul Surfer(灵魂冲浪)?This movie was made according to a true personBethany Hamilton?No?Lets read her story together.Hello!Im a surfer from Hawaii,America.From a young age,I had a lot of interest in surfing.At the age of eight,I took part in my first surf competition and won.This started a love 71. surf competition in me.As a surfer,Im used to 72. .I think this is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports.But once I almost lost my life.On October 31,2003,I was surfing with my friends when a shark(鲨鱼)came close to me.Just then,I found 73. in a very dangerous situation.Before I prepared to run away,the shark 74. my left arm.Then I tried my best to swim back and I didnt 75. how much it hurt at all.The only thing in my head was “getting to the beach” and I did!But I lost my left arm.A.ThoughB.keep on gettingC.returnedD.troubleE.ButF.bloodI lost over 60% of my 76. and was taken to hospital.The doctors saved my life.77. I lost my arm.I loved surfing very much.I didnt want to give up my dream of becoming a professional(职业的)surfer.To everyones surprise,some time later,I 78. to the water and of course I had to practice harder than before.The next year,I got the first place in an important surf competition.After all these years,I 79. better than I used to be.I hope my story can tell people “Never give up our dreams when we get into 80. .”As time went by,people all over the world began to know about Bethany and her story.She is a brave girl with strong mind and hope,one of many good examples to teenagers.八、补全对话(5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A:Hi,Ann!81. B:Oh,I was busy yesterday.In the morning,I got up early and cooked breakfast for my family.A:Do you cook every day?B:No.My mother cooks every day.But yesterday she was ill.A:82. Did she go to see the doctor?B:Yes.My father drove us to the hospital after breakfast.A:83. B:He said there was nothing serious.84. A:I see.What did you do in the afternoon?B:I helped my cousin with his science.He did badly in the science test last week.A:What about yesterday evening?B:I did my homework and went to bed at about 11:00 p.m.A:Oh,I think you were very tired.85. B:Yes,I think so.A.He told my mother to drink lots of water and have a good rest.B.What does the doctor say?C.Today you should go to bed early.D.I didnt see you at the school party yesterday.E.Whats wrong with you?F.What did the doctor say?G.Im sorry to hear that.九、书面表达(20分) 暑假即将来临,许多学生喜欢下河游泳。为预防游泳溺水事故的发生,你们班将举行以“珍爱生命,预防溺水”为主题的班会。请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈谈你对安全游泳的建议,建议内容包括:不要到陌生的河流湖泊游泳;不允许擅自结伴游泳;不会游泳,不要下水救人要求:1.语言通顺,意思连贯,符合逻辑;2.内容可适当发挥;3.文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;4.词数:70词左右。参考词汇:alone without permission(未经许可) ask for helpcherish(珍爱)Going Swimming Safely_ 期中评价卷答案听力材料.听句子,选择恰当的应答语。句子读两遍。(5分)1.Mario fell down while he was running and hurt one of his legs.2.Watching TV for too long is not good for our health.3.Lets play basketball after school.4.Could I borrow your dictionary?5.Did you go to Shanghai by plane or by train last week?.听小对话,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(5分)6.M:Could you please sweep the floor, Betty?W:Yes, I can.But I must fold my clothes first.7.M:What were you doing when the rainstorm came?W:I was riding home.8.W:Hello, Tony.Long time no see.M:Yes.I had a bad cold last week and had to stay at home.9.M:When do you often go to school?W:I often leave home at 7:30 and walk for 20 minutes.10.M:Why does Lily feel tired today?W:Because she did her homework late last night and didnt get enough sleep.听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,完成第1112小题。W:Hello, Li Lei.You are at school early.What were you doing at eight oclock last night?M:I was doing my homework.W:How long did it take you to finish it?M:About two and a half hours.听第二段对话,完成第1315小题。W:Ive got a problem, Jack?M:Im sorry to hear that.What is it?W:I have a lot of homework every day.I cant find any time for my hobbies.M:But homework is more important than hobbies.Youd better choose only one favorite hobby.W:Maybe youre right.I must achieve a balance between homework and hobby.Do you have any problems?M:Of course.In fact, most students are having problems.W:Are they worried?M:Sure, but we need to learn how to deal with them.W:Im feeling better now.Thank you.M:My pleasure.听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。(5分)Hello, everyone.Tomorrow is Saturday.We have decided to go to Meijiang, a very good place in Lianyuan.Its a long journey about two hours from our city to Meijiang by bus.So we have to start early.The bus has to leave at half past seven.That means well have breakfast at seven.When you finish breakfast, go to the bus station to get on the bus.Remember to bring your water bottles.Well spend about 3 hours seeing some good places there.Then well have lunch on a ship in Meijiang Lake at half past 12.After lunch well visit Meijiang Nature Museum.And then well come back by bus.Oh, one more thing,it can rain in the mountains, so bring an umbrella with you.OK!See you tomorrow morning. 一、1-5BABCC 6-10BABCA 11-15CACCB 16. Saturday 17. seven 18.By bus 19.lunch 20.an umbrella二、21.Dall the time“一直”与take a break“休息一会儿”均为固定搭配, 故选D。22.Dimportance重要性;stress精神压力;joy高兴; risk危险;风险。根据常识可知,酒后开车(drive after drinking)很危险,可能增加交通事故的风险。故选D。23.Anervous紧张的;interested感兴趣的;relaxed放松的;happy开心的。根据“詹妮害怕乘坐飞机旅行”可知,上飞机的时候她总是感到紧张。故选A。24.BWhy not do sth.?意为“为什么不做某事?”,是固定句式。故选B。25.Aalone独自的,表示一个人;lonely孤单的;寂寞的,表示人的情感。根据句意“虽然他一个人在家,但是他并不感到寂寞,因为他有很多事做。”可知,应选A。26.A根据but I am not sure(但是我不确定)可推知,他可能在卧室。故选A。27.B“the+比较级+.,the+比较级+.”表示“越就越”,为固定句型。故选B。28.Aused to do sth.过去曾经;be used to doing sth.习惯于做;be used to do sth.被用来做某事。根据“但是她现在很高”可知,她过去很矮。故选A。29.C以could进行请求的疑问句,肯定回答用can;否定回答用cant;根据Yes和Im coming(我就来)可知是肯定回答,故选C。30.Cborrow sth.借某物;lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人;keep借,与一段时间连用。分析句子结构可知,应选C。31.B由句意:“教室什么时候停电的?今天上午,当时我们正在上物理课”,可知空白处用过去进行时。故选B。32.Adepend on依靠;care for关心;look through浏览;cheer up振奋起来。根据“丹尼太懒,他自己什么都不做。”可推知,他就依靠父母。故选A。33.A主句中用一般将来时,时间状语从句和条件状语从句中应用一般现在时表将来。故选A。34.D表示前者所叙述的否定情况同样适用于后者,用“Neither+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”的倒装结构。故选D。35.D根据空格前的“你看起来不开心”及答语“昨天我丢了我的英语书。”可知,询问对方怎么了。故选D。三、【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。在很多城市,共享单车不仅受到青少年的青睐,也赢得老年人的欢迎。越来越多的人出行时选择用共享单车。这不仅能够帮助改善城市环境,还能帮助我们节约空间。答案及剖析:36.B根据下文描述共享单车的好处及本句中的good可知,使用共享单车对大城市的健康发展有好处。故选B。37.C根据空格后的内容知,共享单车开始受到全国人的青睐,越来越多的中国人用共享单车替代小汽车。由此推知,这是一家公司的报告。故选C。38.D根据下句“越来越多的中国人使用共享单车替代


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