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2019年冀教版小学六年级英语第一单元单词短语答案第一单元单词演员actor 女演员actress 最喜欢的favourite 观看watch旋转turn 电视节目TV show 好的good 较好的better最好的best 也(否定)either 钢琴piano 小提琴violin吉他guitar 二胡erhu 音乐music 一次once两次twice 收音机radio 广播节目radio show 中国的Chinese西方的Western 听listen 听见hear 另一个another不同的different 相同的same 灯light 炉灶stove电脑puter 淋浴shower 台灯lamp 恐龙dinosaur对的right 电影movie / film 电影院the movies/ movie theatre小吃零食snack票ticket 关闭close 打开open 卡拉OK karaoke美妙地beautifully 轻柔地softly 高声地high 预定点餐order瘦的thin 胖的fat 高的tall 矮的short水电接通的状态on 水电关闭的状态off 一些任何any感到害怕的scared 令人害怕的scary 饭店restaurant歌唱家singer 钢琴演奏者piano player第一单元短语打开turn on 关闭turn off 调高声音turn up看电视watch TV 三次three times 调低声音turn down弹钢琴play the piano弹吉他play the guitar 拉小提琴play the violin拉二胡play the erhu 多久一次how often 一天一次once a day一周七次seven times a week 听广播listen to the radio听音乐listen to the music 谢谢某人为自己做某事thanks for doing sth看电影watch a movie 在电影院at the movies 玩得开心have fun感到害怕feel scared 一部恐怖电影a scary movie当心watch out 想做某事want to do sth 加油e on与不同be different from 西方服饰Western clothes西方食品Western food附送:2019年冀教版小学六年级英语第一单元重点句子总结1.今天我没有作业。I dont have any homework today.2.我也没有。 I dont either.3.我可以打开电视机吗? May I turn on the TV?4.你是怎样打开它的? How do you turn it on?5.你是怎样把声音调低的? How do you turn it down?6.你喜欢这个电视节目吗? 不!我认为他是个不受欢迎的演员。Do you like this TV show? No! I think hes a bad actor.7.你最喜欢的节目是什么? What is your favourite show?8.在恐龙时代里你最喜欢哪位演员?What actor do you like best in Dinosaur Days?我喜欢黄颜色演员胜过蓝颜色演员,但我最喜欢绿颜色演员。I like the yellow actor better than the blue actor, but I like the green actor best.9.他认为这位演员是最好的演员。He thinks this actor is the best actor.10.这是一架钢琴。丹尼正在弹钢琴。This is a piano. Danny is playing the piano.11.你会演奏什么? 我会拉二胡。What can you play? I can play the erhu.12.钢琴,吉他,小提琴和二胡演奏音乐。The piano, guitar, violin and erhu make music.13.唱歌也是音乐。 Singing is music, too.14.我喜欢小提琴。但我更喜欢吉他。 我最喜欢钢琴。I like the violin. But I like the guitar better. I like the piano best.15.这就是我弹奏它的原因。 Thats why I play it.16.斯蒂芬弹得比丹尼好。 Steven plays better than Danny.17.斯蒂芬多久弹一次琴? 一周三次。How often does Steven play? Three times a week.18.珍妮弹得最好。她一天弹一次,那就是一周七次。Jenny plays best. She plays once a day_thats seven times a week.19.让我们听听收音机。 Lets listen to the radio.20.我听见歌声了。 I hear singing.21.我认为他是一个不受欢迎的歌手。 I think hes a bad singer.22.让我们换个广播节目吧。 Lets find a different radio show.23.它是由钢琴和小提琴演奏出来的。Its a piano and a violin.24.你喜欢西方音乐吗?是的,我喜欢,但我更喜欢中国音乐。Do you like Western music? Yes, I like it, but I like Chinese music better.25.听听这个。 Listen to this.26.为什么收音机正在播放中国音乐。Why is the radio playing Chinese music?27.有许多中国人在加拿大。There are many Chinese people in Canada.28.谢谢你为我找到这个广播节目。Thanks for finding this radio show.29.为什么恐龙没长耳朵?Why dont dinosaurs have ears?30.恐龙和人类是不同的。Dinosaurs and people are different.31.我认为恐龙和人类是一样的。I think dinosaurs and people are the same.32.收音机太吵了!请把声音调低点!That radio is too loud! Turn it down, please!33.我这就把声音调低。 Im turning it down now.34.让我们关掉收音机。 Lets turn the radio off.35.我要把声音调高。 Im going to turn it up.36.难道你没有耳朵吗? 是的!我没有耳朵。Dont you have ears? No! I dont have ears.37.李明,丹尼和珍妮要去电影院看电影。Li Ming, Danny and Jenny are going to the movie theatre to watch a movie.38.你想看什么电影? 我喜欢看极速飞车。What movie do you want to see? I like Drive a Fast Car.39.你是怎么知道的? 我上周五刚看过。How do you know? I saw it last Friday.40.宝贝上学比极速飞车好看,但是恐龙女儿最好看。Baby Goes to School is better than Drive a Fast Car, but Dinosaur Daughter is the best .41我认为恐龙女儿太恐怖了。I think Dinosaur Daughter is too scary.42.看恐怖电影时你害怕吗? Do you feel scared at a scary movie?43.珍妮,丹尼和李明买电影票。Jenny, Danny and Li Ming buy tickets for the movie.44.现在,她正把一只大白兔作为午餐吃掉。Now she eats a big white rabbit for lunch.45.你最喜欢什么?跟兔子比起来我喜欢恐龙,但我最喜欢零食。What did you like best? I liked the dinosaur better than the rabbit, but liked the snacks best.46.你知道什么是卡拉OK吗?Do you know what karaoke is?47.我想要一个汉堡,一些薯条和牛奶。I would like a hamburger, French fries and milk, please.48.中国服饰和西方服饰是不同的吗?Are Chinese clothes and Western clothes different?49.我们知道西方音乐和中国音乐是不同的。We know that Western music and Chinese music are different.50.你知道一些西方的电视节目吗?Do you know any Western TV shows?51.它们和中国的电视节目是不同的吗?Are they different from Chinese TV shows?52.饭店里有许多人。 There are many people at the restaurant.53.谁第一个唱的? 一个又高又瘦的女人。Who sings first? A tall, thin woman.54.她可以唱得很大声! 但她唱得太轻柔了。She can sing high! But she sings too softly.55.他又矮又胖。 他唱得很大声,但他却不受欢迎。He is short and fat. He sings loudly, but he is a bad singer.56.我认为她唱得很动听。 I think she sings beautifully.

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