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2019年六年级英语下册Unit2GoodHealthtoYou!Lesson7AlwaysHaveBreakfast一课一练冀教版 用英语写出下列单词或短语1.健康的 2.强壮的 3.首先 4.一次 5.对有好处 6.多久一次 7. 六次 翻译句子 1. Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. 2. How can we be healthy and strong? 3. First, always have breakfast. 4. You should have breakfast every day. 连词组句1. last, Kim, how, did, have, week, breakfast, often ?2. had, once, Danny, last, breakfast, week .3. breakfast, when, he, have, did ?4. how, do, vegetables, often, eat, you ? 按要求完成句子Danny played sports once last week.(对划线部分提问) Li Ming got up at 6oclock.(对划线部分提问) Do you always have breakfast? (做肯定回答) 根据课本20页的图片判断正误l. ( ) Danny had breakfast once last week.2. ( ) Kim didnt have breakfast last Friday.3. ( ) Danny had breakfast at 6:15 on Tuesday morning.4. () Li Ming has breakfast every day.参考答案 用英语写出下列单词或短语1. healthy 2. strong 3.first 4. once 5. be good for 6. how often 7.six times 翻译句子1. 每个人都想健康强壮。2. 我们怎么能健康强壮呢?3. 首先,总是吃早餐。4. 你应该每天吃早餐。 连词组句1. How often did Kim have breakfast last week?2. Danny had breakfast once last week. 3. When did he have breakfast?4. How often do you eat vegetables? 按要求完成句子1. How often did Danny play sports last week?2. When did Li Ming get up?3. Yes, I do. 根据课本20页的图片判断正误T F F T附送:2019年六年级英语下册Unit2GoodHealthtoYou!Lesson8AlwaysBrushYourTeeth一课一练冀教版 用英语写出下列单词或短语1.在之前 2.在之后 3.下一个 4.洗手 5.对有坏处 6.刷牙 7. 从周一到周五 8.努力学习 翻译句子 1. Jenny goes to school five times a week. 2. Saturday and Sunday are different. 3. Jenny doesnt go to school on those days. 4. Danny never brushes his teeth after dinner. 连词组句1. his, thats, for, teeth, bad .2. do, what, breakfast, do, before, you ?3. works, she, at, hard, school .4. she, to, then, goes, school . 写出下列各词的第三人称单数形式1.wash 2.get 3.have 4.go 5.brush 6.work 7.eat 8. need 9.study 10.take 选词填空1. different 2. At 7:15 3. go to school 4. five times 5. works hard 6. at 7:00 7. brushes her teeth 8. puts onJenny goes to school a week, from Monday to Friday. She gets up in the morning. She washes her hands and face. , She has breakfast. After breakfast, she .Then she her clothes and goes to school. She at school. Saturday and Sunday are . Jenny doesnt on those days.参考答案 用英语写出下列单词或短语1. before 2. after 3.next 4. Wash hands 5. be bad for 6. brush teeth 7.work hard 8. From Monday to Friday 翻译句子1. Jenny每周上学五次。2. 周六和周日是不同的。3. 在那几天,Jenny不上学。4. 晚饭后Danny从来不刷牙。 连词组句1. Thats bad for his teeth.2. What do you do before breakfast?3. She works hard at school.4. Then she goes to school. 写出下列各词的第三人称单数形式1.washes 2.gets 3.has 4.goes 5.brushes6.works 7.eats 8. needs 9.studies 10.takes 选词填空4 6 2 7 8 5 1 3

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