2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about教学案 外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2 Whats it about教学案 外研版学习目标:1.took 带着, sent 发送, spaceship 宇宙飞船, even 甚至, space 宇宙, Russia 俄罗斯, bicycle 自行车, American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船, took into带进入 send into把发送进入 looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开2.1)Whats it about? 2)Russia sent the first animal into space. 3)I bought her a bicycle.3.能够运用所学知识谈论有关礼物的情况。4.知道在赠送礼物和接受礼物的时候该怎么说教学用具: tape .pictures .some books (一些新书)预习学案:1.Find the past tense: go buy give eat is am see watch win ride 2. Listen and read the text1) Find out the main sentence patternsI bought a book for you .This book looks interesting .Whats it about ?Its about animals.2) Try to introduce your gift导学案:Step l Warm up and revision 1. Sing a song “What do you want to eat?”2. Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8.(及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)Step 2 Presentation1) Write the new words on the blackboard and read2) Read and write down the main sentence patterns Russia sent the first animal into space I bought her a bicycle Whats it about? Its about animals: (Read together)4) Do a “ gift show “ one by one3. Explain the knowledge. 1)句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia China 2)bought 是买的过去式 took 是take的过去式 sent 是 send 的过去式4. Look and listen for “bought, took, and sent” Listen and read four times. Then act out the dialogues in pairs 5.Talk about the books on page 24. (也可用实物练习) For example: A. This book looks interesting. B. Whats it about? C. Its about animals.6. Listen, say and chant.Step 3 Practice1 Chant and act out.2. Match and say.课堂检测:一、Translate the sentences:1.We ate hot dogs and (喝可乐)2.This (美国宇宙飞船)took a man into space。3. (俄罗斯)sent (第一只动物)into space。4.I bought some (棒球帽)yesterday。二连词成句:1.a ,I ,too,bought ,book, you,for 2.book ,about,is ,the,animals 3.a,here,Chinese,is,spaceship, 4.took,into,it,space,man,aHomework:Read and write:Thursday1)get up at half past six()2)clean the room()3)buy some food for dinner()4)call Daming()5)watch TV()On Thursday.1)She got up at half past six in the morning.2) 3) 4) 5) 板书设计一、New words:baseball棒球 team 队,组 spaceship宇宙飞船 space太空America美国 American 美国的Russia俄罗斯 Russian俄国的China中国 Chinese中国的二、.Sentence pattens:I bought a book for you .This book looks interesting .Whats it about ?Its about animals.教学反思:附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2She visited the Tianchi Lake教案 外研版课题:Module 6 Unit 2 She visited the Tianchi Lake.教 学 目 标1、掌握单词:eaat, best, north, rest, have a rest.2、掌握句型:She visited the Tianchi Lake. Its in the west west of China.描述过去的事情和位置。 3、感知“or”与“oor” “our”的读音,“ou”与“ow”的读音,“our”与“ur”的读音。学情分析该单元内容主要涉及学生对过去事情的表达,描述城市所处位置。对于Where提问学生也有了一定的基础。学习重点Aim1、2、3学习难点Aim 2、3教法与学法情景教学法 ,任务教学法,小组合作教学法学习准备图片,多媒体课件,卡片板书设计Module 6 Unit 2 She the visited Tianchi Lake.She had a lovely time there.When Who Where What Last July Lingling Xinjiang rode a horse her parents west of China climbed the Tianshan Mountains visited the Tianchi Lake学案过程设计意图多元建议一、 复习导入复习west and south等词汇;句型:its in the of China.二、 学习新知Part I Lingling and Amy are playing game. What do they do ? Lets have a look.Read and show.Part II1)听录音,感知全文。 2)带着问题看课文视频。We know Lingling went to Xinjiang last July. What did she do? Lets watch the video3)在回答问题的过程中学习she rode a horse.学习ride a horse,然后做动作ride a horse,由此过渡到rode的学习,引导学生做动作学习rode a horse.接着学习she climbed the Tianshan Mountains. She visited the Tianchi Lake.指出天山和天池这种固有名词开头字母要大写。理解have a lovely time 的意思。4).巩固单词Magic eye(幻灯片快闪,学生抢读)5)回归课文A听、指、跟读。 B自读、分角色读。三、拓展完成任务。1. Play a game: 句子接龙I went to and I bought.2. 完成调查表。Where did you go?Where is it?When did you go?Who did you go with?What did you do ? 上课伊始, 用前一单元学过的内容和学生交谈,既复习了旧知识,又为本节课知识的拓展埋下了伏笔。 通过west引出east, rest , best的读音,进而学习have a rest.由south推出north的读音。先让学生整体感知课文,让学生带着任务有目的地听录音学课文,对所学句型有一个初步的认识.根据课文内容回答问题,从而调动学生的眼、耳、脑等多种感官参与学习过程,深入理解课文内容,并为后面的练习做好铺垫。通过各种游戏活动,让学生明确过去式的表达和方位的描述,创新学习方式。作业导航:Listen to the tape and read the text 3 times.多元反思:参考文献:

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