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2019年小学英语六年级第六模块练习题广州版小学英语六年级第六模块练习题广州市教研室 赵淑红1. 根据所听到的问题选择正确的答语,并把问题的字母编号写在答语后面的括号中。(5%)1) Happy birthday! ()2) Happy New Year! ()3) Merry Christmas! ()4) Trick or treat? ()5) Help yourself to some moon-cakes.()2. 听对话,根据对话内容选择问题的答案。 (5%)1) What festival is it?A. It is Christmas.B. It is Halloween.C. It is Spring Festival.2) Why cant they see the moon tonight?A. Because they are in the house.B. Because it is cloudy.C. Because it is rainy.3) Which Dragon Boat will win the race?A. Dragon Boat 1.B. Dragon Boat 2. C. Dragon Boat 3.4) What will Ben do tomorrow?A. Go to the Flower Fair.B. Stay at home and watch TV. C. Stay at home and play video games.5) Whats the best time to be in Guangzhou?A. Spring.B. Summer. C. Autumn.3. 听句子填空。(10%)1) This is _ to be in Britain.2) The _ festival in China is the Mid-autumn Festival3) The _ is Christmas.4) Please _ some dumpling.5) At Halloween children go _ to say trick or treat.6) Children like Spring Festival very much because they can _.7) I went to the _ last Spring Festival.8) People prefer _ at Spring Festival.9) Children think that there is really _ in the world.10) There is _ in Christmas.4. 根据听到的对话内容,圈出问题的答案。(10%)1) Is it Amys first time in London?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt. C. Not mentioned (没提及).2) Who lives in London?A. JanetB. Sammy C. Amy3) What festival is ing?A. Spring FestivalB. Christmas C. Halloween4) Is it going to snow?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt. C. They dont know.5) What can they do before Christmas?A. They can go shoppingB. They can go fishing. C. They can go skating.5. 阅读句子,并判断句子的对错。(10%)1) Chinese people usually clean and decorate their house after Spring Festival.()2) During Spring Festival, there are famous Flower Fairs in Guangzhou. ()3) Chinese people usually have dumplings at Spring Festival.()4) Adults usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival.()5) Children usually get presents from parents at Christmas.()6) We can see dragons at Dragon Boat Festival.()7) There is no school at Mid-autumn Festival.()8) In western countries, children get lots of presents at Halloween.()9) Children get stockings for(作为) presents at Christmas. ()10) Christmas is the best time to be in Britain.()6. 完成句子。(8分)1) Today is May 1st. The day after tomorrow is _.2) During Spring Festival, adults usually put _ in a red envelop and give them to children.3) At a Flower Fair people can buy lots of _, like lilies or peach flowers.4) Chinese people _ and decorate their houses before Spring Festival.5) There are four most important festivals in China. They are the New Years Day, Spring Festival, _ and the National Day.6) At Christmas parents usually put _ in their childrens stockings after they go to bed.7) Jiamin will go to London this summer holiday. He has never been to Britain before, so this will be his _ time in London.8) We usually visit our _ and relatives during Spring Festival.7选择问题的正确答案。(10%)( ) 1) Is this _ first time in China? A. he B. him C. his( ) 2) This is the best time _ in Beijing. A. be B. to be C. 不填( ) 3) All the people love the fried rice. It is the most _ food in this restaurant. A. popular B. wele C. like ( ) 4) There are _ on the tree, but no one picks any. A. lot of apples B. lots of apple C. lots of apples ( ) 5) My father often goes to his office _ night. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 6) Do you know _? A. we B. our C. us( ) 7) Lets go to the park and _ some photos of the peach flowers. A. take B. make C. took( ) 8) I did not go out for a trip, I stayed in Guangzhou and _ three films. A. see B. seeing C. saw ( ) 9) Yesterday afternoon, Xiaoming _ puter games for three hours. A. play B. plays C. played( ) 10) Mum prepared so _ food on grandpas birthday. A. many B. much C. lot 8. 用方框中所给的单词填空,将对话补充完整。(12%)cleaning children taking afternoon yesterday decorate helped free A: What are you doing, darling?B: Im _ the Christmas tree downstairs. Id like to decorate it this afternoon. A: Youd better not. The children want to _ the tree. They will not be happy if they cant. B: But Im _ this afternoon. A: Why dont we clean the house first?B: But you said you would do the _. A: But our house is too big. B: But _ you said our house was too small for a family with two children. A: Well, I _ you do shopping yesterday. Why cant you help me do cleaning today?B: Well, fine. Ill leave the tree to the _. Ill help you clean the house this _. A: Thank you, darling. 9. 阅读对话,根据内容选择最佳答案。(5分)Judy: Christmas is ing. Lets have a Christmas Party!Ben: Lets have the party at my house!Yongxian: Good idea. What do we need to prepare?Xiaoling: Do you have a Christmas tree at home?Ben: Yes, my dad will buy one, and my mum will decorate it before Christmas.Yongxian: I have some fantastic Christmas music. I can take the CD to your home.Ben: Super!Xiaoling: I can bring balloons. They are colourful, and it will be very beautiful to put them on the wall.Judy: I think so. My mums cookies are wonderful. I can take some cookies to the party.Yongxian: Why not invite Miss White and our class friends to the party? That will be exciting!Judy: Fantastic! Ill call them.Ben: I cant wait.Xiaoling: Me too.Judy: But you should ask your parents first, Ben.Ben: Thats right!1)The children are talking about a Christmas _.A. trip B. partyC. song2)They are going to put some _ on the wall.A. pictures B. postcardsC. balloons3)_ will bring some cookies to the party.A. Xiaoling B.JudyC. Judys mum4)They are going to _ in the party.A. sing Christmas songs B. listen to Christmas musicC. see a Christmas movie5)They are going to invite _ to the party.A. Miss White B. their classmatesC. Miss White and their classmates10. 请在计划表中写出你去年做了什么,今年打算做什么。(10分)What did you do last Spring Festival()?What will you do this Spring Festival()?I went to visit my aunt last Spring Festival.I will go to Hong Kong this Spring Festival.1)2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 11. 请用英语写一段话描述你最喜欢的一个节日。注意不能少于五句话。(5分)听力材料1 根据所听到的问题选择正确的答语,并把问题的字母编号写在答语后面的括号中。9) What do we say at Spring Festival?10) What do we say at Christmas?11) What do we say at birthday parties?12) What do children say at Halloween?13) What do we say at Mid-autumn festival?2 听对话,根据对话的内容选择问题的答案。 (5分)a) - Put the tree here, against the wall.- Are we going to decorate the tree?-Yes. And we are going to put presents in the childrens stockings.- Tomorrow morning, they will see the presents from Father Christmas.b) - Great! Mooncakes! I like mooncakes!- Wheres the moon?- I dont know. Its cloudy tonight.c) - Hurry up! Lets run to the see he Dragon Boat race.- Boat 2 is very fast.- Yes, but Boat 1 is faster.- No, look! Boat 3 is catching up. It is the fastest of the three boats now.d) - - What are you going to do tomorrow, Ben?- Nothing much. Why?- I want to go to the Flower Fair.- e on! There are two many people. I prefer to stay at home and play video games.e) - Whats the weather like in Guangzhou?- Its very rainy in spring. Sometimes it rains for weeks. Its very hot in summer. The highest temperature can be 39C. In autumn, its not so hot and not so cold, and there are a lot of fruits in autumn.3 听句子填空。(10分)a) This is the best time to be in Britain.b) The most interesting festival in China is the Mid-autumn Festivalc) The day after tomorrow is Christmas.d) Please help yourself to some dumpling.e) At Halloween children go from door to door to say trick or treat.f) Children like the Spring Festival very much because they can get lots of lucky money.g) I went to the Flower Fair last Spring Festival.h) People prefer dumplings to rice in Spring Festival.i) Children think that there is really a Father Christmas in the world.j) There is no school in Christmas.4 听对话选择填空。(10分)Janet: Hi, Sammy. Its so nice to see you again.Sammy:Nice to see you too, Janet. And this is my friend Amy. Its her first time in London.Janet: Oh, hi, Amy. Wele to London.Amy: Thank you, Janet.Janet: You know, this is the best time to be in London.Sammy: Thats right. Christmas is ing!Amy: Are we going to have a white Christmas?Janet: Not this year . It is not going to snow.Amy: Really? We cant play snowman then.Sammy: But we can go shopping. There are a lot of things to buy, and things are cheaper at Christmas. We can buy a lot of Christmas presents.Amy: Hooray! I cant wait!答案:1. CABDE2. TFFTT3. ABCBC4. 1) the best, 2) most interesting 3) day after tomorrow 4) help yourself to 5) from door to door 6) get lots of lucky money 7) flower fair8) dumplings to rice 9) Father Christmas 10) no school 5. AABBAA6. FTTTT FFFFT7. 1) May 3rd 2) lucky money 3) flowers 4) clean 5) Mid-Autumn Festival 6) presents 7) first 8) friends 8. TFFFT FFTTF9. rice, dumplings, chicken, fish, pork, vegetable, soup10. BBCBBC11. 略12. 略13.14. 附送:2019年小学英语六年级英语期末质量检测分析报告六年级英语期末质量检测分析报告一、试题质量分析:(1)题型比例分析:题型句型选择题词汇阅读分值20304010比例20%30%40%10%(2)试题的难易程度分析:本套试题内容丰富,侧重对语言基础知识的考查,同时也充分考查了学生运用语言的能力,题目所占比例搭配合理,层次性较好,适合小学六年级学生的特点。(3)知识点涵盖与课程标准的对应分析:词汇部分共40分占40%共有四部分考查,主要是考查了学生的词汇掌握能力和书写习惯,有单项选择,词性变换,拼写单词,内容比较全面,以各种形式考查了学生的抄写能力与书写习惯。句型和选择共50分,主要考察的是句子结构和语法的综合运用。阅读部分共10分。本试题紧扣新课程标准,以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。(4)试题与新课改的对应分析本套试题注重语言运用能力的培养,培养学生的书写习惯,语言交际能力,词汇的运用能力。突出学生的兴趣的发展,重视双向交流,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立起学习英语的自信心。二、考试情况检测成绩统计:参考人数总分平均分及格人数及格率优良率683468511826.51.5%三、试题分析。1、看图拼写单词。考的都是课本上的词,图很清楚一看就明白应写那个单词,失分的原因是学生多单词记得不够清楚。2、单词分类。此题主要考查学生对词性的掌握和对单词的运用。单词分类部分完成情况较好,说明学生已经掌握了单词的词性。但是对单词的运用不够灵活,对词性的把握不够准确。还有一些学生做题不认真,单词的抄写也存在错误。3、变换词性。此题完成情况很不理想,学生的学习习惯不好,在抄写的过程中,单词抄错或漏抄。书写的坏习惯再次暴露无遗,看来教师应该加大书写规范的力度,和培养学生认真检查的习惯。所以不仅要夯实基础,还要培养学生的良好学习习惯。4、选择正确字母补全单词。主要考查学生对单词的记忆情况,此题学生完成的较好。5、用单词的适当形式填空。主要考察句子的时态和语态,学生十分的原因主要是对句子的时态把握的不够准确。6、选择。主要考察句子的时态,如现在进行时态、一般现在时、感叹句等,学生失分主要是对语法的掌握不够熟练。7、情景会话。此题的完成情况较好。此题考查的都是重点句子。大部分学生能够区分各句子的不同含义,并进行正确选择。但还有少部分学生基础不扎实,根本不理解句子的意思,以至乱选。所以加大监督力度,使学生的基础知识更扎实、牢固。8、根据所给词语补全句子。此题考察的是时态和词组的综合运用,学生得分不理想,应加大对语法的讲解。9、阅读理解。此题完成情况一般。此题主要考查学生的阅读理解能力和辨别能力。在复习的过程中,教师讲解了一定的做题技巧,但一部分学生还是没有经过自己的理解去掌握,运用不够灵活。教师在组织学生复习时不够全面,以后应该以教材为主,全面细致的复习。三、改进措施:1、在今后的教学中还是从基础单词及单词的书写抓起,平时教学注意单词的拼写,力争让学生突破拼读关,学单词时讲一讲拼读规律,减轻学生死记硬背的压力。2、对于重点、难点句型应该在课堂上举一反三,反复操练,争取让大部分学生掌握重点、突破难点,不至于在卷上乱写。3、还要引导学生阅读理解和综合运用所学知识方面狠下功夫,从小养成认真审题的好习惯。4、对基础差的学生采取有实效性的帮助,如“一帮一”,老师也要多关心他们的学习,及时解决他们的学习困难,多鼓励他们,并和家长多沟通,取得家长的支持,同时,在平时的教学中要及时地帮助学生梳理知识,进行专项训练,并鼓励学生自己复习整理知识点,提高自我学习的能力。


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