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2019年六年级上学期第4周教案:第三课时教学目标: Language focus and difficult points :1. The simple present tense.2. Words and expressions (from the text and the reading)Sentence patterns : 1. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice meeting you, too.2. Where do you live ? ( I live at 18 Garden Street)3. What nationality are you ? ( I m British / American / Australian.)4. Are you American ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 5. Could you help me with my Chinese ?6. May I have your telephone number / e-mail address ? Function :1. Asking for personal information2. Making a request Third PeriodTuning in Key point:l Make the students know the Different between the name of Chinese and the name of the people in theEnglish-speaking countries.1) What is your family name ?= What is your last name?=Whats your surname?2) What is your given name?= What is your first name?l Let the students know what people can ask and talk about when they meet for the firstr time1)Name, Family Address, Class nmuber, Nationality, School subject, Telephone number, E-mail address.l Teach the nationality, telepone number and e-mail address1) NationalityWhats your nationality? /What nationaliy are you?回答:I am Chinese./American/ Brithish/Australian/ Japanses/ French.2)telephone number-What is your telephone number? -My telephone number is -.(电话号码的读法:65323048 six-five-three-twe-three-oh/zero- four-eight65532208 six-double five-three-double two-O-eight)3)E-mail address-What is your e-mail address? -My e-mail address is lihui163.邮箱的读法:读at,.读dot Textgetting to know each other 逐渐互相了解get to 表示逐渐开始get to like each other.Could you help me with my Chinese?Could you /Can you 都用来表示请求,前者更客气 Reading My home address in Shanghai is 11 Sun Garden.= I live at 11 Sun Garden.询问地址(句型及门牌号码的读法)Whats your address?/ Where do you live?(I live at) 18 Garden Street(门牌号码前面用介词 at )I am very good at maths.be good at = do well in 擅长于。/在。方面干得不错be poor at Kathy is very good at Chinese. = Kathy does well in Chinese.Jane is good at singing and dancing. = .Home work1. Revise the Text2. Finish the Exercise in P 8 附送:2019年六年级上学期第4周教案:第二课时教学目标: Language focus and difficult points :1. The simple present tense.2. Words and expressions (from the text and the reading)Sentence patterns : 1. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice meeting you, too.2. Where do you live ? ( I live at 18 Garden Street)3. What nationality are you ? ( I m British / American / Australian.)4. Are you American ? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 5. Could you help me with my Chinese ?6. May I have your telephone number / e-mail address ? Function :1. Asking for personal information2. Making a request Second Period1. age n. 年龄,时代 Whats your age ? = How old are you ? 你的年龄是多少?/你几岁了?词组: at the age of. 在岁时 the same age 同样的年纪Im twelve years old. Tom is twelve years old, too. We are the same age.2. e-mail n.电子邮件 by e-mail 通过电子邮件 send/ receive e-mail发送/接收电子邮件e-mail address 电子邮件信箱问电子邮箱: -Whats your e-mail address?-Its lynnzhu1983163.读作:at .读作: dot 3.at a wele party在一个欢迎会上4.help sb with sth 帮助某人某事 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事Mary帮助我语文 他帮我回家作业 6. study v. 学习,研究 n. 书房 第三人称单数 studiesI do my homework in the study in the evening.7.favourite a. 特别喜欢的 n.特别喜欢的人(或物) Whats your favourite book/ food/ fruit/ drink.?8.surf the Internet 浏览因特网 go surfing 上网 - How long do you surf the Internet every week ? 你每周上网多长时间? - About three hours. 大约3小时9. act v. 活动,扮演actor 男演员actress女演员active a. 活跃的action n. 行动 activity n. 活动 be active in 积极参加 take action采取行动after-school activities课外活动take part in / join in the after-school activities参加课外活动 10.by sth 通过某物/做某事 by letter/e-mail 通过信件/电子邮件by doing sth 通过做某事 by writing letters 通过写信11.第一次提到某物用a/an,第二次提到某物用theThis is a telephone number. The telephone number is Toms.There is a book on the desk. The book is mine.Homework 1. Read the new words and expressions. 2. Recite the new words and expressions.3. Preview the text and do exercise P13

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