七年级英语上册 Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival导学案外研版.doc

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课题Module 10 Spring FestivalUnit1.Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?主备人 课型Listening &speaking课时1上课时间总课时数学习目标1. 知识目标Key vocabulary: festival, spring Festival, ready, get ready for, cook, meal,dragon, lantern, dragon dance, Lantern Festival, sweep, sweep away, floorKey structures:What is Lingling doing? Shes getting ready for the Spring Festival.2. 能力目标:To understand conversations involving what the people are getting ready for Spring Festival. Improve the students listening ability.3. 情感目标:Help students know the festivals in different countries.语法:了解现在进行时态的构成 be+doing音标:l w r j 教学过程备注课前自学1.根据音标写出下列单词并翻译。 lntn ( ) drgn ( ) dns ( )klin( )swip ( )fl ( ) kk ( ) mil( ) spik ( ) hpn ( ) red ( ) festvl ( ) bjutflwe ( ) hd ( ) dn ( ) hr ( )Think about questions. 1) What is the biggest festival in China? 2) What do the people usually do to get ready for the festival?课堂导学Step 1 Warming up PPtWhat do you know about Spring Festival?A1Step 2 Listening PracticeListen and number the pictures(P60.2).Listen and fill.NameThings to doauntsweeping the floorBetty and DaminggrandmaPair work in groups.Step3 Reading Practice.Listen and repeat.Scan reading: answer the questions:1).What are they doing? 2).Are they busy?3.Again, choose the correct answers.(P61.3)4.Careful reading:1) Answer the questions(P61.4)2)Read loudly,go over the language points.Step4After reading Group workWork in groups, talk about what you and your family are doing. 课堂检测找出下面短语。 为.做准备_春节_ 打扫地板_ 做饭_ 发生了什么事_ 此刻_ 在工作_ 收拾好_ 加入到他们的行列_ 我是托尼(打电话)_ 快点_学舞龙_ 做灯笼_完成句子:1. 他在为聚会作准备吗? _ he _ the party?2. Tom在做灯笼吗? 是的。 _ Tom _? Yes, he _.3. 你们会舞龙吗? 不会。 _ you _? No, we _.4. 孩子们在干什么?_ the children _? 课堂小结Retell the dialogueLinglings family are 1. _. Lingling is making big red 2. _ at the moment. But her father isnt helping her, because he is 3._ _. Linglings mother is 4._ and putting things away. She is working so hard. 5. _is sweeping the floor and her grandma is 6._in the kitchen. Daming and Betty are learning a dragon dance with 7. _. Tony wants to join them and get ready for Spring Festival.

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