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2019年四年级英语下册Unit6TodayIsHerBirthday单元测试卷陕旅版一、看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _二、英汉互译。1. 聚会 2. gift_ _3. 制作 4. thirty_ _5. idea 6. 父母亲_ _三、读句子,选出正确的单词。1. Today is _ (my/ me) birthday.2. Happy birthday _ (give/ to) you.3. He is _ (forty-one/ four-one).4. You can _ (made/ make) a wish.5. How _ (many/much) birds can you see?四、单项选择。( ) 1. Today is her _.A. birthday B. birthdays C. birthday( ) 2. Where are you _?A. doing B. going C. do( ) 3. How about _?A. flower B. flower C. flowers( ) 4. Im ten _ old.A. years B. year C. ( ) 5. There _ so many birds in the tree.A. is B. are C. have五、用英文表示下列算式的结果。1.thirty + thirty = _ 2. _ five = ten3. hundred - _ = thirty 4. five eight = _六、读一读,根据要求选出相应的句子。A. How old are you? B. What about you? C. Where is Li Shan going? D. Thanks. E. Are you going to have a birthday party?( ) (1) Thank you. (写出同义句)( ) (2) Im going to have birthday party. (写出一般疑问句)( ) (3) How about you? (写出同义句)( ) (4) I am twenty-five. (对画线部分提问)( ) (5) Li Shan is going to the flower shop. (对画线部分提问)七、连词成句。1. about How parents your (?)_ 2. old you are How (?)_3. are singing They happily (.)_4. is thirty ninety what and (?)_5. going I am to a buy gift (.)_参考答案、gifts; card; forty; eighty; flowers; hundred二、l. party 2. 礼物 3. make 4. 三十 5. 主意 6. parent三、l. my2. to 3. forty-one 4. make 5. many四、l - 5 ABCAB五、sixty; fifty; seventy; forty六、1-5 DEBAC七、1. How about your parents?2. How old are you?3. They are singing happily.4. What is thirty and ninety?5. I am going to buy a gift.附送:2019年四年级英语下册Unit8WhatCanYouDo单元测试卷陕旅版一、根据图片写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _二、英汉互译。1. listen - _2. _ - 尝试3. well - _4. can - _5. _ - 有帮助的三、选词填空。1. Look! I can _. (swim/ swimming)2. What can you _? (does/ do)3. She is _. (helpful/ help) 4. I can take _ (photo/ photos) for you.5. There _ (are/ is) many apples.6. The dog _ (isnt/ cant) jump.四、单项选择。( ) 1. What can the pig _?A. do B. did C. does( ) 2. I can _ the woman. A. helpful B. help C. helps( ) 3. We are going to have _ party.A. aB. an C. one( ) 4. I like folk _.A. musics B. masic C. music( ) 5. The cat _ jump.A. canB. is C. be( ) 6. There are many _ on the trees.A. bananaB. orange C. bananas( ) 7. Can you play the music at the party? _. But I can sing.A. No, I canB. No, I cant C. Yes, I can.五、根据括号里的词语提示回答问题。1. What can he do? (jump long)_2. What can she do? (play the flute)_3. When is your birthday? (December 12th)_4. What can your mother play? (the drum)_六、连词成句。1. do can you What (?)_2. tree can the climb They (.) _3. can It help man the (.) _4. can I a Chinese sing song (.)_5. cross river I can you the help (.)_七、读一读,配对。(1) Can you play the piano? A. On November 7th.(2) What can your uncle do? B. Yes, I want to join the music club.(3) Would you please do it for me? C. He can play the drum.(4) Where do you live? D. Yes, I can.(5) Can I help you? E. I live in a flat with my parents.(6) When is your fathers birthday?F. All right. Let me have a try.(1) _ (2) _ (3) _(4) _ (5) _ (6) _参考答案一、speak listen open close see help 二、l. 听 2. try 3. 好地 4. 能 5. helpful三、1. swim 2. do 3. helpful 4. photos5. are6. cant四、1-7 A BACACB五、1. He can jump long.2. She can play the flute.3. My birthday is on December 12th.4. My mother can play the drum.六、1. What can you do?2. They can climb the tree.3. It can help the man.4. I can sing a Chinese song.5. I can help you cross the river.七、(1)-(6) DCFEBA


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