2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 2 What’s that教案1 湘少版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 2 Whats that教案1 湘少版教学目标:1、能掌握新单词flag,听懂、会说单词triangle, square;2、能辨别含三角形的物体及数量;3、能听懂、会说本课对话。教学重点及难点重点:描述含三角形的物体形状及其数量。难点:理解名词的复数形式。教学准备:不同形状的几何图形剪纸若干、单词图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss A.T: Nice to see you again.2、唱英语歌曲“I can Say My ABC”。Step 2 Presentation and drill游戏-Magic eyes教师将卡片快速闪过,学生说出卡片上的单词,卡片闪过的速度逐渐加快。分组进行比赛。T: Whats that?T: Whats that?S: Its flag.T: Whats that?S: Its a .1、在游戏的过程中板书句型“Whats that? Its a .”以及新单词flag,并带读。然后让学得快的同学当“小老师”,展示图片,并用“Whats that?”提问。2、 出示一些形状的卡片,让学生们快速辨认。T:Whats that?S:Its a triangle.T: Whats that?S: It a square.T: Whats that?S: Its a circle.T: Whats that?S: Its a rectangle.帮助学生回答。板书单词,并带读。让学生集体,分组、单个练读单词。3、把各种形状的彩色纸板放入一个纸盒中。然后从中拿出一张。T:Whats that?S: Its triangle.T: Guess, how many triangles are there?S1: .S2: .T: Lets count together?跟着学生们一块数数,着重复习11以后的数字。4、听课文A部分录音,跟读。5、听录音,复述所听内容。Step 3 Practice分组练习课文A部分,然后分角色表演。游戏-Making friends教师板书单词flag, triangle, rectangle, square,学生在单词下贴上相应的图片。Step 4 Consolidation1、创设情景自由会话。情景:启发学生从周边熟悉的环境中寻找含有三角形的物体,并说出它们的数量。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。1)找找家里含有三角形的物品,描述给父母听。2)听磁带,读课文。Period 2教学目标:1、能认读单词square, circle, rectangle, teapot;2、能运用“There are.”描述的数量;3、能听懂、会说本课对话;4、能描述由各种不同的形状构成的物体。教学重点及难点:重点:熟练运用“Whats that? Its a .”描述物体的形状。难点:理解名词的复数及现在进行时态。教学准备:若干形状各异的白纸、教学磁带等。教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、复习已学的形状和数量。游戏-Lets count!教师将形状各异的白纸摆放在讲台上,学生数出每种形状的数量。数得又快又准的为胜。T:How many triangles are there? Lets count.Step 2 Presentation and drill1、用课文A部分的句型呈现并操练rectangle, square, circle.出示一个square。T:What shape is it? Is it a triangle?S: No, it isnt.T: You are right. Its not a triangle. Its a square. 板书单词square,带读。2、用同样的方法教rectangle, circle3、听课文B、C部分录音,跟读。 Step 3 Practice1、分组进行课文C部分活动。请完成得好的一组上台表演。2、课文D部分。1)阅读故事,回答问题。T: Whats Dino doing?S1: He is drawing?T: Whats he drawing?S2: Triangles and circles.T: whats that in Picture 4?S3: .2)进一步理解故事内容。3)分角色有感情地朗读。Step 4 Consolidation1、创设情景自由会话。情景:让学生简单地画出自己的房间,然后与同伴谈论各种不同形状及其数量。2、评价。3、练习。4、家庭作业。附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 2 Whats that教案2 湘少版Teach aims and demands1. Learn the new words about shapes, such as: circle, triangle, rectangle, square, shape.2. Learn the pronunciation of “br”, such as in: brick, bridge, bride, bread, broom, brush.3. Students can read the simple story by themselves.4. Learn the conversation in Part A. And find the shapes around themselves.5. Draw pictures using the shapes they have learned, and can introduce their own pictures in English.Teach difficulties and importanceThe new words about shapes. And introduce their pictures.Teach aidsPictures of the new words.Teach steps and contents( two periods)Period 1Warmer1. Sing the song learned in the last lesson together.2. Greet to each others. First the teacher greets all the students, then the students greet their friends or classmates by themselves.3. Ask some pairs of students to act the story learned in the last lesson.Presentation1. First, teacher draws a triangle on the blackboard, ask students, “ What shape is this?” Teacher helps them to answer, Its a triangle. Then write the word triangle beside it. And lead to read this new word, ask students to read it one by one or two by two.2. Then teacher draws a rectangle on the blackboard, ask the same question, and at the same time teacher answer it and write the word beside it, and lead to read. Use this same way to teach another two new words, circle and square.3. Have a match between the two groups, the left group and the right group, to see who remember these words quickly. 4. Play a game. Find the shapes around yourselves. Show us the circles around our classroom. Such as: My watch is a circle. There is a circle in the fan. My bottom is a circle, etc. Then find the triangles around our classroom. Such as: My red scarf is a triangle. My ruler is a triangle. Then find the rectangles and squares. 5. Play another game. How many triangles can you see in the picture? Ask students to open their books in Page 6, Part B. Look at Picture 1, lets count how many triangles there are in this picture. The right answer is: Seven. Then count how many squares there are in Picture 2. The right answer is: Elven.6. Learn the conversation in Part A. First, listen to the tape once, let students translate it into Chinese, then read after the tape and read after the teacher. Consolidation1. Give students three minutes to draw a pictures, using the shapes they have learned. Then ask students questions, such as: What shape can you see? How many triangles/ rectangles/ squares / circles can you see in my picture?2 Read the story in Part D. There are two difficult words: busy and land. Let students guess its meaning or check it in their dictionaries. Period 2Warmer1. Sing the English song “Your left hand says” together.2. Say hello to your friends and introduce your friends to the class.Presentation 1. Revise the words of colours, such as: red, green, blue, brown, grey, yellow, black, white, pink, orange, indigo. Then sing the song I can sing a rainbow.2. When revise the word blue, black, ask students to recall the words learned in the last lesson which pronounce “br”, such as: blade, blanket, blouse, blow, block. Then ask students to recall which words have the letter “br”. Just like the words brick, bridge, bride, broom, brush, bread. Play the tape, let students read after the tape Then learn to say the sentences in this part. 3. Show your pictures. And introduce the shapes in your pictures. Just like Part F. First, ask students to read the sentences in Part F by themselves. Then ask one student to read it aloud. And at the same time, ask another student to translate it into Chinese. At last, read after the tape. Ask some students to show their pictures and introduce the shapes in their pictures.4.Ask students to do their exercise book. Teacher should explain the demands of the exercises. And when the students do their exercises, teacher should go around the classroom, help the students who have difficulties. After they finish, teacher should check their answers in the class.Teach notes

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