2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Again, please教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Again, please教案 冀教版教学目的:1、知识与技能:本课要求学生能正确听、说、读、单词bathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,room,shower,sink,stove,toilet,clean,dirty,cook,dry,make,wash,mine,yours。会口头运用句子:“ What time is it ? Its ”。情感态度价值观:1通过复习单词和对话,系统学生的知识体系,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2 通过小组合作学习,强化合作意识。3通过情景对话,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和综合运用语言的能力。教学重点、难点:本课重点句子,会正确使用句子。教具准备:tapes,cards教学过程:Step 1 Class opening and Review 1) Greeting 2) Review Step2:Read the wordsbathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,room,shower,sink,stove,toilet,clean,dirty,cook,dry,make,wash,mine,yoursStep 3Write them.Step4DrillWhat time is it ? Its _ ”。1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten 5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight oclock3)Extend knowledge :2:10 two ten or ten past two4:30 four thirty or half past three 9:00 nine oclock or nine 教学侧记Step 5An exam一.根据汉语意思写出正确的单词。厨房 客厅 干 湿 做饭 干净 盘子二、从B栏中选择A栏相应的答语。A B( )1.What are you going to do? A.Seven.( )2.How many men are there? B.Yes.I do.( )3.Hows the weather today? C.Im going to the park.( )4.Would you play the piano? D.Sure.( )5.Do you always help your mother?E.Its sunny.三.根据课文完成填空。Jenny and Danny are _TV. Jenny is _in a chair and Danny is sitting beside her. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are_ the newspaper. _in the _._is quiet.四、阅读理解(10分)Mr. Green is from England(英国). He and his wife are teachers. They teach English in Beijing. They have a boy and a girl. They are Jack and Mary. Mary is a student, but Jack is not. He is only four. They have two bikes. One is big, but the other(另外)is small. The big one is for Mary. The small one is for Jack.The Greens like China. They have many Chinese friends.根据短文,判断正( )误( )。( ) 1.The Greens are in China now.( ) 2.Mr.Green and his wife are English teachers.( ) 3.Jack and Mary are their son and daughter.( ) 4.Jack had a big bike.( ) 5.The Greens like China very much, but they have no fiends.板书设计:Lesson 8:Again,pleasebathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,room,shower,sink,stove,toilet,clean,dirty,cook,dry,make,wash,mine,yours “ What time is it ? Its _ ”。 教学反思:附送:2019年五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson7 Are you ready for a song习题 冀教版一、读句子,选词填空。 a. an. the. 1. This is_orange. _orange is big.2. That is _apple._apple is red.3. There is_egg in _box.4. There is _book on _desk.二、为下面的问句选择合适的答句。1. Can you look out the window?( )2. Is Danny loud or quiet? ( )3. What are you doing? ( )4. May I play with the doll? ( )5. What is he doing? ( ) A.He is sitting behind me. B. Sure! Lets play with the doll. C. He is loud. D.I am listening to the teachers. E. Yes,I can.参考答案:一、1.an, the 2. an, the 3. an, the 4. a, the二、1.E 2. C 3.D 4.B 5.A


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