2019年五年级英语上册《Lesson 10 The U.K》导学案冀教版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册《Lesson 10 The U.K》导学案冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年五年级英语上册Lesson 10 The U.K导学案冀教版学习目标.New words: the U.K London Big Ben Buckingham Palace king Queen Thats right Thats easy重、难点重点: 熟读课文。了解英国的基本知识我的学习内容温馨提示 一.自主学习: 1.汉译英 美国 白宫 自由女神像 总统 条纹 紧挨的,旁边的2.回答问题 (1)Whats the capital city of China? (2) Whats the capital city of Cananda? (3) Whats the capital city of the U.S? (4) Whats the capital city of the U.K?二合作探究,归纳展示。1. 英译汉 (1)the U.K (2) London (3)Big Ben (4)Buckingham Palace (5)king (6)queen (7) Thats right. (8)Thats easy.2.填空 (1) The capital city of the U.K is_. (2) They speak_in the U.K (3) _ _is a very big clock.It is very famous. (4) Kings and queens live in _ _.三.达标检测 回答问题1.Whats the capital city of the U.K? 2.What colour is the flag of the U.K? 3.Whats on it? 4.Say about the famous places in the U.K.今天我学会的单词有:_重点句子有: _总体表现(优、良、差),愉悦指数(高兴、一般、痛苦)读课文,认读单词,掌握基本知识。 小组讨论,归纳课文重点,并作出正确的笔记。巩固新知测评反馈归纳总结 评价课后反思:附送:2019年五年级英语上册Lesson 11 Australia导学案冀教版学习目标.New words: Australia Canberra kangaroo beach insideLetters and sounds: ee ea e / i : /重、难点重点: 熟读课文。了解澳大利亚的基本知识我的学习内容温馨提示 一.自主学习: 1. 填字母构成单词 L_nd_n k _ng qu _ _n str_ pe n _ xt pr _s _ dent Austr _ li _ 2.汉译英,说说各国的“名胜古迹” (1)天安门 (2)故宫 (3)长城 (4)尼亚加拉瀑布 (5)加拿大电视塔 (6)白宫 (7)自由女神像 (8) 大本钟 (9)白金汉宫 (10)袋鼠二合作探究,归纳展示。回答问题 1.Whats the capital city of Australia? 2.What colour is the flag of Australia? 3.Whats it inside the flag of Australia? 4.Where does the kangaroo live? 5.Does Australia have many beaches?三.达标检测 选择填空 ( )1.There are_yellow stars on the flag of China A. four B.five C.six( )2.The capital city of Cananda is _ A.London B.Canberra C.Ottwa D.New York ( )3.The presidenf of the U.S lives in _ A.the White House B.Buckingham Palace C.the Palace Museum D. at the beautiful beach ( )4.People speak_ in Cananda. A.English and French B. only French C.only English D.English and Chinese今天我学会的单词有:_重点句子有: _总体表现(优、良、差),愉悦指数(高兴、一般、痛苦)读课文,认读单词,掌握基本知识。 小组讨论,归纳课文重点,并作出正确的笔记。巩固新知测评反馈归纳总结 评价课后反思:

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