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2019年四年级下册英语Unit3IsThisYourSkirt教案 Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt?第二课时 一、教学目标: 1能听懂、会说主要句型:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is. Is that your T-shirt? No, its not. Whose is it? Its my T-shirt. 并能在情境中进行运用。 2能分角色标准地朗读对话。 3能跟唱歌曲“My Clothes”,为学习B部分新句型做铺垫。二、教学内容: 句型:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is. Is that your T-shirt? No, its not. Whose is it? Its my T-shirt.三、教学重难点: 1重点:认读、会说主要句型:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is. / Is that your T-shirt? No, its not. Whose is it? Its my T-shirt. 并能结合实际运用。 2难点:感知名词所有格的正确使用。四、教学准备: 教学挂图、磁带、录音机、课文动画、课件,学生课前设计的衣服图片固定在小黑板上,一套婴儿衣服等。五、教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动应用资源建议与说明Warm-up / Revision1Greeting with the Ss. 1Greeting with the T. 用问候将学生的视线转移到英语课堂上来,创造了一个英语听说的环境。 2Sing a song: “My Clothes”.2跟录音唱歌曲。动画: My clothes用歌曲带动课堂气氛,营造良好的学习环境。3进行日常的谈话Whats this? What colour is it? 复习上节课所学知识:I like with . 3根据衣服、文具等等教室里的实物的具体情况进行回答。 复习和巩固所学的句型,并为本课教学作好铺垫。Presentation1在学生汇报时,利用课前布置的学生画的衣服(不署名)的小黑板,适时用Is this your skirt? Is that your T-shirt? 提问,引导学生理解并回答。同时板书该句型。1学生在教师的引导下用下列句型回答:Yes, it【本文由.aaajy.搜集整理,初中资源:.361xxw.】 is. / No, its not. 以旧带新,有助于学生理解新句型。利用学生自己设计的衣服,创设真实的情境,使学生兴趣盎然,更激发他们说的欲望。2 在学生能够充分理解新句型后,教师组织学生开展“找衣服”的活动:I cant find my skirt. Where is my skirt? Help me, please! 在活动开展时,引导学生利用已学的句型,询问有关裙子的信息,如What colour is it?2学生在教师引导下,用新句型猜测:Is this your skirt? Is that your skirt? 在巩固新句型时,培养如何在日常的人际交往中恰当地运用学过的句型解决问题。3继续失物招领游戏:Whose is it? 利用婴儿衣服引出Its my baby sisters / brothers.3观察教师所指的,自己说: Its my . 或者猜测:Its s. 用有趣的图片来吸引同学猜测,加深印象。4教师和学生一起编儿歌。4边打节奏,边吟唱儿歌:Is this your dress?Is this your dress?Yes, it is. Yes, it is.What colour is it? What colour is it?Its red. Its red. 用学生朗朗上口的儿歌来巩固句型,使学生掌握得更扎实。Practise1 播放Lets talk的录音,提出问题:What colour is Amys skirt? 1听录音,回答问题。音频:Lets talk 从有目的的听,提高听的能力。 2呈现课文:Listen and repeat。然后组织学生角色表演。2模仿朗读,角色表演。 从模仿朗读到角色表演,层层递进,有梯度。3提供句型,让学生根据小黑板上的衣服编小对话:Where is my dress? What colour is it? Is this your ?3Pair work创编小对话。 在创编的过程中,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。Consolidation1呈现动画Lets talk,引导学生进行描述。1在教师引导下,学生运用所学对视频内容进行描述。动画:A Lets talk 帮助学生加深理解。2总结本课内容,再次示范提问衣服所属问题。2用英语就衣物所属的问题向家人或同学提问。 将英语课堂延伸至课外,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。Assessment教师对学生在本节课中的表现进行整体评价,并指导学生填写自我评价和同伴评价表。学生填写相应的评价表。 【本文由.aaajy.搜集整理,初中资源:.361xxw.】以鼓励和表扬为主,提高学生的学习积极性。六、板书设计:Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? Lesson 2 Is this / that your dress? Yes, it is. No, its not. Whose is it? Its my shirt.七、Homework: 1听磁带Lets talk的录音,能分角色标准地朗读对话。 2用英语就衣物的所属问题向家人或同学提问。 附送:2019年四年级下册英语尖子生考试试卷一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,并将其前面的字母标号写在题前的括号里。(共10分)( ) 1. A. cold B. cool C. cloud( ) 2. A. eleven B. clean C. clever( ) 3. A. green B. great C. guitar ( ) 4. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday ( ) 5. A. housework B. happen C. homework ( ) 6. A. whose B. close C. who( ) 7. A. ship B. shes C. short( ) 8. A. take B. make C. lake ( ) 9. A. well B. will C. call ( ) 10. A. had B. did C. dad 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分)partA ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) partB ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,用T或F表示(10分)( )1、Hes a nice teacher.( )2、Robot can do our housework.( )3、We re going to have a picnic on Sunday.( )4、Grandma cooked fish and Grandpa cooked noodles.( )5、What did you do last Sunday?四、听录音,补全句子(10分)1、Will you _your kite?2、I_my uncle.3、They were_then.4 、He _help Mum.5、_was a holiday.笔试部分:(60分)五、选出下列选项中不同类单词,把编号写在括号里。(10分)( )1、A 、cute B、 cool C 、curl( )2、 A、sister B 、brother C、 teacher( )3、A 、 book B 、banana C 、desk( )4、 A 、his B 、her C、 he( )5、A 、classroom B 、school C 、 cook六、选择填空。(15分)( )1、I will take my ball _Saturday.A、at B、on C、in( )2、Its a book _London.A、of B、about C、in( )3、-Are we going to have a picnic? _.A、No,they arent B、Yes,we are C、Yes,we going to ( )4、 My sister can _fish.A、cooks B、cooking C、 cook ( )5、 Her hair _very long.A、are B、is C、 were( )6.Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is _A.Friday B .Wednesday C.Sunday( )7.Will it_ in Shenyang?A snow B be snow C snowy( ) 8.Its very big _very beautiful .A and B or C but( )9、 they do our homework ? No ,they wont . A. Will B.Can C.Are( )10.Im six now. I was _then .A.seven B.eight C.five七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(7分)1、-How are you ? -Very_(good).Thank you.2、_(be) you at home yesterday? -Yes,I _(be). 3、 I will go _(swim). 4、My hair _(be ) short then,but now it_(be) long. 5、It will be _(rain) tomorrow.八、为问句选择适当的答语。(6分)( )1、Whats this? A. I am at home.( )2、Was he fat then? B .It is a tree.( )3 、Where are you? C. Yes,he was.( )4、Will you take your ball? D.Yes,I will.( )5、Are you naughty? E.Shell go to the park. ( )6、What will lingling do? F.No,Im not.九、按要求完成各题。(10分)1、They were young then.(改为否定句)_2、She is my teach.(就划线部分提问)3、I will take my kite tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)_4 、want play to I football the sun in .(连词成句)_5、We help mum and wash clothes.(改为一般过去时态)十、阅读下列短文,判断对错。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(共12分)Look at my family. This is my mother. Shes very nice. This tall man is my father. Hes clever. This is my older brother, Peter. Hes very naughty. Im Jack. Im a pupil now. Well have a picnic this Saturday. Well go to Mount Tai. And well take some pictures there. I hope it will be sunny that day.1. Jacks father is tall. ( )2. Jack is older than Peter. ( )3. They are going to Mount Qomolangma this Saturday.( ) 4. They will have a picnic on Saturday. ( ) 5. Peter is very clever. ( )6.There are five people in my family. ( )听力材料一、听音,选出你所听到的单词1cool 2.clever 3.great 4.Tuesday 5.housework 6.close 7.ship 8.take 9.will 10.id二、听录音,给下列图片排序Part A1.It will be sunny tomorrow. 2. It will be windy tomorrow. 新| 课|标| 第| 一|网 3. It will rain tomorrow. 4. It will snow tomorrow. 5. It will be cloudy tomorrow.Part B 1. The robot can write letters.2. The robot can help children learn 3. The robot can make cakes. 4. The robot can sing songs. 5.The robot can take pictures.三、听录音,判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,用T或F表示1、Shes a nice teacher.2、Robot can do our homework.3、We re going to have a picnic on Sunday.4、Grandma cooked noodles and Grandpa cooked fish.5、What did you do last Sunday?四、听录音,补全句子(10分)1、Will you _take_your kite?2、I_phoned_my uncle.3、They were_young_then.4 、He _didnt_help Mum.5、_Yesterday_was a holiday.答案一、 BBBAABAABB二、 PartA: 24513PartB:34251三、 FFTFT四、 take phoned young didnt Yesterday五、 CCBCC六、 BBBCBBAAAC七、 well Were was swimming was is rainy八、 BCADFE九、 1 There werent young then.2 Who is she?3 Will you take your kite tomorrow.4 I want to play football in the sun.5 We helped mum and washed clothes.

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