2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 2 My Family补充练习陕旅版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 2 My Family补充练习陕旅版一、 选择正确的选项,补全单词。( )1、sist A.er B.or C.re ( )2、mo er A.ch B.th C.ht( )3、b ther A.ro B.or C.ra ( )4、gr dma A.na B.an C.cn( )5、fami A.yl B.li C.ly二、 翻译下面的句子。1、 Good afternoon,Wu Chen. 2、Nice to meet you. 3、 This is my mother. 4、This is Miss White. 5、 This is my grandma. 三、 单项选择。( )1、 is my mother. A.She B.He C.It( )2、 is my father. A.She B.He C.It( )3、Who is he?He is my A.mother B.father C.sister( )4、Is this grandma?Yes,she is. A.you B.your C.yours( )5、I Alice. A.am B.is C.are( )6、She Li Shan. A.am B.is C.are( )7、He a cat. A.have B.has C.haves( )8、We a happy family. A .are B.is C.am( )9、 she your mother?Yes,she is. A .Am B.Is C.Are四、 根据问句,找答案。(连一连)1、 Is this my mom? A.Yes,he is.2、 Are you my mom? B.She is my mother.3、 Is this your father? C.Yes,I am.4、 Who is she? D.No,she isnt.五、 连词成句。1、is Who she (?) 2、my is mothers She mother (.) 3、is he Who (?) 4、my fathers is He father (.) 附送:2019年三年级英语下册 Unit 2 同步练习(无答案)人教新版将下面的字母大小写连线。J k Ij h Ki H 将每捆小棍的数量与相应的数字连线。. 每捆=10根小棍一捆加6根小棍一捆加8根小棍一捆加7根小棍 twenty sixteen eighteen nineteen seventeen 一捆加9根小棍2捆小棍Read and draw读一读下面的句子,然后将句中的物品画出来。1. How many kites can you see? Eleven.2. How many eggs? Fourteen eggs.3. How many girls? Fifteen girls.4. How many cakes can you see? Sixteen cakes.

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