2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser导学案陕旅版 .doc

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2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser导学案陕旅版科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第一课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标学习“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom, 并运用句型This is认识这些单词。学习重难点1、能听懂、会写、会读、会说chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom。2、通过学习,培养学生的表达能力。学生自主学习【预习案】1.能听懂、会写、会读、会说有关教室设施及方位的词汇:chair,desk,window,door,floor,classroom。2.能用句型What is this ?询问并用所学单词做回答【探究案】熟读单词,并能用所学单词描述实物。能结合方位词in, on, under, near表达物品所处的方位。【训练案】1.单词拼写Ch ir 椅子 d sk 桌子 w nd w 窗户D r 门 fl r 地板 cl ssr m 教室2.单词连线Chair desk window door floor classroom椅子 桌子 窗户 门 地板 教室3.挑战自我仿照例句,各说三个句子。例句:This is a chair . These are two desks.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第二课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标学习句型Where is my ?询问对方的某物在什么地方,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor.学习重难点1熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。2. 通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are?Its there, on the floor./Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。学生自主学习【预习案】熟读第47页句子,并初步理解含义。【探究案】1.自主模仿例句练习造句。2.理解in和on的用法。【训练案】1.完形填空。A: Excuse _ _, Where is eraser? B: Look. Its , the floor. A: Thank .2.挑战自我A: Lili, where my pencils?B: Look. They in your bag.A: Oh, thanks.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第三课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标1.运用“四会”词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom造句,并用所学单词和句型进行对话。2. 进一步学习句型Where is my ?询问对方自己的东西在哪里,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor。并表示感谢。学习重难点1、掌握本课句型及其回答2、熟练句型,运用已学单词替换,练习对话。学生自主学习【预习案】1. 能认识,能写会chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom2.学习句型A: Where is the(my)?B: Its on/in/under/near the 【探究案】熟读单词,并能用所学单词和句子询问东西在什么地方,并做回答。【训练案】1.单词拼写并说出汉语意思ch i d k w n o d r fl r cl ssr m2.Look and choose.in on near under (1)The cat is _ _ the box.(2)The dog is the floor.(3)The socks are the chair.4. A: Where is the desk? B: Its_ the window.5. A: Where are the balls? B: They are _ the desk.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第四课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标通过游戏、练习等方式巩固本单元知识。学习重难点1巩固练习本单元所学单词和句型。2通过歌曲的学习,达到情感教育。学生自主学习【预习案】自主读故事,了解故事内容。【探究案】通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are?Its there, on the floor. /Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。【训练案】1.听并填写正确的单词。 two (doors) three ( ) four ( )five ( ) ten ( ) and ( )2. Read and tick or cross.(1) The dog is near the windows.( )(2)The cat is on the chair.( )(3)The rabbits are under the box.( )(4)The elephants are in the zoo. ( )附送:2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser导学案陕旅版科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第一课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标学习“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom, 并运用句型This is认识这些单词。学习重难点1、能听懂、会写、会读、会说chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom。2、通过学习,培养学生的表达能力。学生自主学习【预习案】1.能听懂、会写、会读、会说有关教室设施及方位的词汇:chair,desk,window,door,floor,classroom。2.能用句型What is this ?询问并用所学单词做回答【探究案】熟读单词,并能用所学单词描述实物。能结合方位词in, on, under, near表达物品所处的方位。【训练案】1.单词拼写Ch ir 椅子 d sk 桌子 w nd w 窗户D r 门 fl r 地板 cl ssr m 教室2.单词连线Chair desk window door floor classroom椅子 桌子 窗户 门 地板 教室3.挑战自我仿照例句,各说三个句子。例句:This is a chair . These are two desks.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第二课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标学习句型Where is my ?询问对方的某物在什么地方,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor.学习重难点1熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。2. 通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are?Its there, on the floor./Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。学生自主学习【预习案】熟读第47页句子,并初步理解含义。【探究案】1.自主模仿例句练习造句。2.理解in和on的用法。【训练案】1.完形填空。A: Excuse _ _, Where is eraser? B: Look. Its , the floor. A: Thank .2.挑战自我A: Lili, where my pencils?B: Look. They in your bag.A: Oh, thanks.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第三课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标1.运用“四会”词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom造句,并用所学单词和句型进行对话。2. 进一步学习句型Where is my ?询问对方自己的东西在哪里,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor。并表示感谢。学习重难点1、掌握本课句型及其回答2、熟练句型,运用已学单词替换,练习对话。学生自主学习【预习案】1. 能认识,能写会chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom2.学习句型A: Where is the(my)?B: Its on/in/under/near the 【探究案】熟读单词,并能用所学单词和句子询问东西在什么地方,并做回答。【训练案】1.单词拼写并说出汉语意思ch i d k w n o d r fl r cl ssr m2.Look and choose.in on near under (1)The cat is _ _ the box.(2)The dog is the floor.(3)The socks are the chair.4. A: Where is the desk? B: Its_ the window.5. A: Where are the balls? B: They are _ the desk.三年级英语下册第六单元导学单科 目英 语课 题Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?课时第四课时授课人班 级姓名学习目标通过游戏、练习等方式巩固本单元知识。学习重难点1巩固练习本单元所学单词和句型。2通过歌曲的学习,达到情感教育。学生自主学习【预习案】自主读故事,了解故事内容。【探究案】通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are?Its there, on the floor. /Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。【训练案】1.听并填写正确的单词。 two (doors) three ( ) four ( )five ( ) ten ( ) and ( )2. Read and tick or cross.(1) The dog is near the windows.( )(2)The cat is on the chair.( )(3)The rabbits are under the box.( )(4)The elephants are in the zoo. ( )

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