2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 safety(lesson28-29)教案 新人教版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 safety(lesson28-29)教案 新人教版一。教学目标:通过做28和29课的练习,使学生能够听懂并在特定的情景中说出有关安全的单词或句子。初步形成安全防范意识和自我保护意识。二。教学重难点不同类型的练习题能够准确做出来,并且会认读和抄写。三教学过程:1。Read some wordsPlay with fire. Downstairs. Touch. Climb. careful .dangerous. sidewalk. Underpass. Footbridge. Crosswalk. Fence. traffic light. 2.Do some excises(1)Read and circle the incorrect action(2)Lets play(3)Look listen and tick(4)Look and say the safety rulesDont run downstairs Dont climb over the fence Dont play with fires Use the footbridge(5)Read think and write1.Dont play with fires. Its _2.Use the _Its _3.Please_when the traffic light is red.4.Dont _in the street. Its dangerous.5.Be_.Dont touch the broken window.3.Summarise4.Homework1.Write some safety rules on your English book2.Look and write on the page 51板书设计Lesson 28-29Dont run downstairs Dont play with fires. Its _Dont climb over the fence Use the _.Its _ Please_when the traffic light is red.Use the footbridge Be_.Dont touch the broken window.课后小结:Lesson 29一。教学目标1。通过阅读介绍安全知识的短文,初步形成安全防范意识和自我保护意识。2。通过借助故事配图以及图中的人物对话,读懂英语短文。3。能够读出并且区分含有字母组合ou的单词二。教学重难点1。认读并理解短文意思2。能够准确做出练习题。三,教学过程1。教师设计情景引出下列单词并学习Lighting firecrackers thermos call an ambulance2。老师出示短文图片先用英语简单介绍图片内容Look at the pictures. This is a bear, he is bears mother. What is the bear doing? Then what is the matter with him ?Now, lets listen to the tape.3.听短文录音2遍4。老师借助图片和表情让学生试着看图说出图片内容。5。学生跟读短文。6。做短文练习,老师订正答案。7。学生试着读出含有字母ou的单词,总结ou在单词中的发音Double bubble the young boys in trouble.The mouse hears a loud sound. Its runs to its house.8.说和选择Mouse young cloudy mouth double trouble loud soundHouse_Touch_9.总结 订正上节课作业10。作业(1)预习 Unit6 的内容(2)完成活动手册上的语音练习题板书设计:House: mouse cloudy loud sound mouthtouch: young double trouble.课后小结:Starting Ling Book seven附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Im tall(Lesson 31-32)教案 人教精通版一、教学目标本课主要学习用 It has . 这个句型来简要描述大象的外形,初步学习描述物体的外貌特征二、教学重难点 1. 学习形容词:big和small2. 熟练运用句型It has三、教具准备1准备一些可拆分的动物图片(pig, dog, bear, cat)等。2准备一些大小相差较大的物品。3不同动物叫声的录音。4学生带自己喜欢的动物玩具。四、教学步骤Step1. Warm-up (1)Lets sing: Fruit song(2)根据录音里的声音猜出是哪种动物,复习有关动物的词汇。(3)根据老师的指令做出动作,(Touch your earsTouch your eyes)复习器官名称。Step2Presentation(1)学习 big 和 small。A)T:教师拿出大小形成对比的实物 .This T-shirt is bigThat one is smallB)做游戏练习 big 与 small。(Touch the big cake) 学生分组进行比赛。(2)出示图片T:指着图片对学生说:Look at the elephantWow, Its so big并借助动作帮助学生理解句意。T:出示其它动物图片进行练习,( Look at the pigWow! Its so big)使学生逐渐从模仿过渡到运用。教师继续指着大象图片说:Look, it has big earsAnd small eyes借助手势帮助学生理句意。请同学边做动作边重复老师的句子。Stpe3Practice(1)教师鼓励学生学习The opposite song,使他们在快乐的歌曲表演中再次熟悉 big, small 这两个单词。(2)要求学生观察所出示图片的特征,迅速说出如:Look, the elephant has big earsAnd small eyes的句子,(3)根据实际情况进行描述。Look, it has big eyesAnd small earsLook, it has small earsAnd big eyes练习描述人物:She has big eyesPeter has a small nose等句子,(3)让学生根据动物的特征找出相应的器官图片,培养学生的观察力。(4)学生通过传小球方式练习 I like ., It has . 学生手拿自己喜欢的动物玩具,音乐响起开始传小球,音乐停止时,拿小球的生站起来介绍:I like my cat, it has big eyes Stpe4Homework1)完成练习册作业 Lesson 32一、教学目标本课主要是继续学习用 It has . 这个句型来描述动物的外形,并能结合上节课知识使描述更全面.二、教学重难点1、学习形容词:long和short2、更能全面运用句型It has三、教具准备1准备一些学过单词的图片和玩具。2让学生准备一个自己喜欢的动物玩具。四、教学步骤Step1. Warm-up (1) Lets sing:The opposite song。(2)根据教师的指令指出相应的图片或部位,(a big elephant, a small apple, small ears, big nose)。(3)根据出示的图片,用 It has . 或 She has . 描述外形。Step2Presentation(1)教师拿出一只玩具大象,请同学表演上节课对话。(2)漂亮玩具,对同学说:Look, LisaI have a rabbitIt has long ears and a short tail并借助手势帮助学生理解句意。特别要强调 long ears 和 a short tail。学生拿出自己的玩具试着说出:Look, I have a rabbitIt has long ears and a short tail。(3)教师再拿出玩具小猴,对同学们说:Look at the monkeyIt has a big mouth and a long tail边说边做手势。请同学边做动作边重复教师的句子。请学生继续观察这只小猴,想一想还可以说什么?教师可以先示范:It has short ears and a long tailAnd it has small . It has small eyesIt has a big mouthIt has a small nose (4)借助图片,熟悉词汇 long 和 short。利用学生在课下搜集的长着长耳朵、短尾巴的动物,做按词意归类的小游戏,了解并熟悉单词的“形”和“意”(5)出示玩具并指出部位,学生描述。(It has small ears由此过渡到直接用动物的名称说句子,如:A cat has small ears)Stpe3Practice(1)表演对话。(2)教师把大象、小猫、猴子和小兔四种玩具(图片)放在桌子上,并请同学根据教师的手势说出句子,如:教师指着大象的耳朵,同学应说出 An elephant has big ears (3)Lets chant.Look! Look! Big, big eyes! Look! Look! A cat / panda! Look! Look! A long long tail! Look! Look! A monkey! Step4Assessment1) 完成练习册内容Step 5Homework1) 熟读课文对话并背诵.


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