2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 My Body(lesson8)教案 新人教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 My Body(lesson8)教案 新人教版课前准备1教学挂图。2教学投影片。3教学录音磁带。4单词卡片。5道具(胳膊受伤时的吊带,手指受伤时的纱布等)。教学内容AChant and number1本部分听学chant, 初步了解某部位受伤的英文表达。2通过听录音标号,初步练习某部位受伤的英文表达。3本部分的重点是:某部位受伤的英文表达。4本部分的难点是:hurts的发音。B Role play1学生利用道具进行角色表演,本部分重点是发挥学生的实践能力。2本部分可以发挥同学表演才能,学生在表演的同时操练语言,同时培养自己语言实践能力。3本部分的难点在于:在学生做动作的同时,用英语表达有关时间单词及句型。C Learn the letters1学习字母Ll, Mm, Ff, Xx, Zz, Ss大小写的书写和认读。2看图练习与字母Ll, Mm, Nn, Ff, Xx, Zz, Ss有关的单词:lion, mouth, nose, fish, box, zoo, school3试着在单词对应的位置上抄写字母l, m, n, f, x, z, s。教学建议1教师可以选择多种方法复习所学过的有关身体部位的单词。如:1)从上到下边指边说身体各部位名称。2)给出分解的人身体的各部位图,以小组为单位贴成完整的人,并用英文简单描述。3)由学生发令请其他组学生按要求简单画出人身体各部位。2教师做好课前准备,用纱布包手指,说:My finger hurts边说边做不小心被刀划破的动作,帮助学生理解句子意思。3教师播放录音,请学生听一听录音中的人物哪里受伤了。4教师再播放录音,请听懂的学生做出此部位受伤的表情动作。5在教师的帮助下试着跟读录音。6请学生打开书,再听录音,根据录音中的顺序给图标号。7在B项活动中可以这样做:1)教师先要有个良好的示范作用,选其中一组与学得较好的同学合作。在表演的过程中呈现新内容:Lets go to the doctor(让我们去看医生)教师处理词句的时候可以出示医生的图片帮助学生理解词句的含义。2)先以小组为单位进行小循环表演,A问B,B回答再问C,C回答再问D。3)以全班为单位做表演,学生任意问学生,边说边表演。8在C项活动中可以参考前一课。注意字母L大小写的区别。9录音材料:A项:CHANTWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My toe hurtsMy toe hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My finger hurtsMy finger hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My neck hurtsMy neck hurtsI feel badWhats the matter? Whats the matter? My arm hurtsMy arm hurtsI feel badNEW WORDS: toe, matter, bad, feelB项:Girl: Whats the matter? Boy: Whats the matter?Boy: My finger hurts Boy: My arm hurtsGirl: Lets go to the doctor Boy: Lets go to the doctorC 项:L, M, N, F, X, Z, Slion, mouth, nose, fish, box, zoo, school课堂学习评价1教师指导学生把本节课的学习和复习内容以及掌握情况用和符号记入学习档案。2教师具体而简要地记录学生当堂的表现: 能够熟练说出某部位受伤的学生有多少? 是否会边说边表演? 是否可以对别人进行提问并听懂回答? 能够发挥想象具有创意的学生有多少人?3本课对学生掌握学习内容情况的评定方法: 通过边听边作出反应,检查学生理解的情况。 通过问答表演活动,检查学生句型掌握情况。 通过字母的认读书写,掌握学生学习字母的情况。附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Nine girls教案 外研版Knowledge aim: How many girls/boys? Nine ten eleven twelveAbility aim: Train them to ask and answer then speak out the numbers from one to twelve .Ideological aim: Improve the students appreciation.Main points: New words, new pattern, the text and a chant , a song.Difficult points: How many boys /girls? Twelve. The song and chant.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector. Teaching process:Step 1 warmer.1. Greetings. 2. Show me your hands and sing a song.Step 2 Revision.1. Look at the word cards, read the new words loudly.2. Look the flash and read together.3. Look and say the numers or telephone number in life.Step 3 presentation.1. 利用手中的玻珠,和学生一起数一数。T: What are these? Ss: 玻珠.T: Yes, how many in my hand? Lets count.Ss: One, two, Eight, 2. Teach “ Nine.” Listen three times, then repeat. 点名读,并纠正语音。 一人或两人开火车读,小组读。 高低音读。3. 同样的方法学习“ten, eleven, twelve.”4. Look at the flash, and repeat (无炸弹跟读,有炸弹不跟读)。5. Listen, point and repeat Activity One.6. New sentences. Ask some to stand up, and ask one student to count.T: How many girls?S1: One, two, .T: Yes, girls. Teach “How many girls?” ( 跟读,齐读,小组读,补充读) 同样的方法学习 “How many boys?”7. Look at the flash and ask and answer.A: How many _?B: _.8. Text study. Activity 2. 听录音,第一遍只是听,第二遍带着“How many girls”, “How many boys?” 的问题听,然后请学生回答。 Open the books, then listen, read and point. Activity 3. Ask Ss to show out their fingers. Then listen and do. Activity 4. Listen and say, then sing.Step 4 Practice.1. Look at the flash, ask and answer.A: How many _?B: _ _.(师生问答,小组问答,同桌间问答, 四人小组问答)2. Activity 5 Play the game. Count and answer.3. Activity 6 Look at the number poster, then ask and answer.


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