2019年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors课件新人教版选修8 .ppt

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2019年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors课件新人教版选修8 .ppt_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors课件新人教版选修8 .ppt_第2页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors课件新人教版选修8 .ppt_第3页
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选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors 选修8Unit5Meetingyourancestors alternative regardless somehow skilful arrest interrupt interruption assume assuming assumption sharpen sharp sharpener messy mess applaud applause starvation starve analysis analyses analyse significance significant division divide accuracy accurate accurately identify identification botany botanical 试探性的 不确定的 有观察力的 敏锐的 严重的 深刻的 足够的 充足的 富裕的 原始的 远古的 简陋的 使 成熟 成熟 吐出 唾液 食物等 吐痰 删 删除 放射性的 有辐射能的 嗥叫 叫喊 吼叫 长嚎 嗥叫 加速 促进 头晕目眩的 眩晕的 使人发晕或困惑的 快乐的 欢快的 种类 类别 范畴 starved starvation sharpener sharpen sharpener sharp accuracy accurately accurate interrupted interruption assumed assumption regardlessof atmost keepout fedupwith lookahead dateback to concentrateon cutup taketurnstodosth can t couldn thelpdoingsth concentrate on fedupwith cut up Regardlessof datebackto musthavemadeamistake Astheoldsayinggoes IfonlyIhadfollowed hadjustgonetobed when onlytobetold alternative 在lie前加to can tdoanythingbut havenochoicebutto cannothelpbut hadinterrupted interruptions wereinterruptedby withoutinterruption Assuming assumption Assuming that out havehad to date dates ThetemplehasalonghistorywhichdatesbacktotheearlyperiodoftheTangDynasty ThetemplehasalonghistorydatingbacktotheearlyperiodoftheTangDynasty hadworked would could mightbe have had onlyifyoulearnEnglishbyusingitcanyou Ifonlywewould could mightlive

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