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2019年六年级(五四学制)9月月考语文试卷(无答案)一、读句子,写词语。(6分) 1.jin mi( )的大千世界,yun han( )着无穷的ao mi( ),有志的孩子去积极tan su( )吧。2.树林里十分热闹,有的小鸟仿佛在yin son( )诗歌,有的小鸟仿佛在yn zuo ( )吉他,有的小鸟仿佛在歌唱春天。二、用“肖”字加偏旁组字填空。(4分)陡 的悬崖 俊 的姑娘 畅 的商品 遥的生活弥漫的 烟 胜利的 息 满地的纸 香甜的元 三、补充成语。(8分)( )高望重 意味( )长 投( )取巧 ( )( )乐道望( )生畏 随心所( ) 不拘一( ) ( )冲( )撞五、择优录取,选词填空。(6分)保护 呵护 爱护1护士阿姨悉心( )每一个刚降临人间的小生命。2我们要注意书写姿势,( )自己的眼睛。3小名很( )自己的书本,给新书都包上了书皮。技术 战术 技艺4张叔叔修理汽车的( )十分熟练,至今没有遇到难题呢。5魔术师的( )高超,表演的魔术神奇无比。6全军将士个个都赞叹朱总司令的( )高明。句子百花园(23分)一、点击名句,补充名言警句。(6分)1 ,化作春泥更护花。(龚自珍)2 ,每于寒尽觉春生。(张维屏)3 ,虫声心透绿窗纱。(刘方平)4此夜曲中闻折柳, 。(李白)5卧看满天云不动, 。(陈与义)6不是花中偏爱菊, 。(元稹)二、选填关联词语,并用落选的一个关联词语造句。(4分)与其不如 无论都 如果就 哪怕也1( )我们放松了对自己的要求,( )会退步不前。2( )是读山还是品水,他( )将受到新的启迪。3( )山再高路再险,他( )能想方设法爬上去。造句:三、句子加工厂。(8分)1.句子模仿秀。2没有大山般的巍峨,没有湖水般的轻柔,但可以有岩石般的坚毅与稳重。 2.句子巧变脸。2(1)我站立的地方成了看雨的好地方,谁能说这不是天地给我的恩泽?改为陈述句: 改为感叹句: (2)改为比喻句。2山雨神奇地从四面八方飘然而起,逐渐清晰、响亮起来。 3.修改病句。2(1)重庆的夏天是全国最炎热的城市。(2)联欢会上,小芳演唱了动听的歌曲和优美的舞蹈。四、我是小裁判,对的打“”,错的打“”。(4分)1“走出门,就与微风撞了个满怀,风中含着露水和栀子花的气息。”这句间接地点明山中访友是在初夏的一个早晨。( )2索溪峪的“野”描写的是海南岛索溪峪独特的美景。( )3山中访友作者访问的是古桥、树林、山泉等自然界的朋友。( )4“花色斑斓的小圆虫好像南国的少女,逗得多少虫子驻足痴望”这句话包含着浪漫而奇异的想象的手法。( )五、按课文填空,体会表达的妙处。(6分)1这清新的绿色仿佛在雨雾中( ),流进我的( ),流进我的( )。这句写出了雨中山林的 美,两个“流进”说明这种美不仅是眼睛看到的,更是 感受到的;朗读这句时语调要 一些,直抒胸臆,表达 之情。2我( )地漫游了一个下午,直至夕阳( )着西山的时候,红鸠鸟的歌声才把我的( )唤回来。这是一个句,从中我体会到了 阅读新世界(16分)泰山观日出现在正值鸟语花香的春季,我终于来到了泰山脚下。凌晨3时许,正是黎明前最黑暗的时刻,伸手不见五指。为了赶到山顶看日出,哪里顾得上旅途的疲劳与黑暗?经过3小时的艰苦跋涉,“南天门”终于近在眼前了。在游人的一片欢呼声中,沉重、劳累之感悄然远去。坐在观景点,放眼望去,我们简直惊呆了。只见远处层峦叠嶂,山腰以上全被晨雾封住了,只剩下顶端半截,如在云端漂浮。近处的青山隐在薄雾之中,一阵山风吹来,犹如轻纱缭绕群山,朦朦胧胧,让人如同在仙境之中一般飘逸。俯身下看,远处山脚下的点点灯光,片片灯海,如天边的繁星点点,又如群星大聚会,真是瑰丽迷人。6时14分,一缕朝霞终于象害羞的新娘,慢慢地从天的尽头升起。起初,似轻纱帷幔飘浮在空中,漫起千万层云霞丽影,一时间满天的绮丽霞光。继而朝霞越来越盛,直至映红了半边天。“太阳就要出来了”这样的叫喊声此起彼伏,让人心中充满期待和豪情。山为之变色,人为之欢心。终于,在朝霞的掩映之中,一道红亮的弧影显露出来。几秒钟的功夫便已露出顶来,太阳终于在人们的翘首企盼中,在霞光的围绕之下,恰似那不胜娇羞的少女,慢慢的露出她通红的脸来,彤红似火,光芒敛射。几分钟的时间,太阳就全部露出云端,那光与景与先前大不相同。火红的圆球慢慢的变成了桔红色,只有最下端还红彤彤的。此时的光芒是更盛了,只见光照之处,彩云自动下沉,似要化成千万缕轻烟随风飘散。早些时候的朝霞此时也有些黯然失色,渐变渐淡,也似要隐去一般。原来隐没的群山,此时都裹着红装展现在眼前。只见崇岩,峭壁,深壑,峻岭,错落有致的呈现在视线之内,任何的妙手丹青,也无法描绘那瞬息万变的瑰丽奇景。远的是山,近的是石,美如丹青,灿若云锦,让人如痴如醉。啊,无与伦比的泰山日出,我爱你!1.写出反义词。(3分)隐没( ) 错落有致( ) 黯然失色( )2.联系上下文解释词语。(2分)鸟语花香:妙手丹青:3.用自己喜欢的符号勾画出一个含有比喻或拟人手法的句子,并体会思想感情。(2分)4.第二自然段的观察顺序是 ,让作者“惊呆”的原因是 。(3分)5.第五节前四句主要写 ,后三句主要写 。(2分)6.这篇文章的表达顺序是什么?全文表达了作者怎样的思想感情?(3分)口语交际吧(3分)去冬今春,我国西南地区遭受了百年不遇的旱灾,庄稼绝收,树木干枯,人畜饮水困难。从人与大自然的关系思考,谈谈自己的看法。 习作PK厅(30分)题目:我尝到了 提示:在生活中,你可能享受过助人的快乐,也可能体验过失败的痛苦;你可能品尝过母爱的甜蜜,也可能经历过劳动的艰辛;你可能请根据自己要写的内容,把题目补充完整(横线上可以填:学习的快乐、劳动的艰辛、成功的甜头、母爱的甜蜜),然后写一篇450字左右的记叙文。 附送:2019年六年级(五四学制)上学期期中质量抽测英语试题考生注意:本卷有8 大题,共84小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening( 第一部分 听力) 共25分I. Listening prehension (听力理解):A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)( 5分) A B CD E F 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)6. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 7.A. By plane. B. By train. C. By ship. D. By sea.8.A. An engineer.B. A doctor.C. A teacher.D. A singer .9. A. On Thursday afternoon. B. On Tuesday afternoon. C. Every Thursday afternoon. D. Every Friday afternoon.10. A. Macao. B. Hong Kong. C. Mexico. D. Taiwan.11. A. 8:45. B. 8:15. C. 7:45. D. 7:15.12. A. Thirty-five. B. Thirty-nine.C. Thirty-seven. D. Forty-one.13. A. They will do some cooking. B. They will do some shopping. C. They will do some cleaning.D. They will do some washing.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用 “T”表示,不符合的用 “F”表示)(6分) 14. I got to Hong Kong with my parents three days ago. 15. We are very busy every day in Hong Kong, but we are having a good time there.16. My parents and I went to Ocean Park and only saw many beautiful fish and sharks.17. Yesterday was a rainy day, so we didnt take photos. 18. I will buy a watch for Susan in Hong Kong.19. My hometown in England is more crowded than Hong Kong.D. Listen to the passage and plete the sentence(听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(6分)20. Sue and Ben are talking about their _ holiday plans.21. Sue will travel to Hainan with her parents by plane.22. Sue will leave here next _.23. Ben will _ his uncle in Beijing this ing Sunday.24. Ben will take a _ there.25. Alice and the other two girls will go to Garden City on 18 _ by bus.Part 2 Phonetic, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法 )(共39分)IILook at the phonetics and plete the blanks (根据所给音标完成句子)(共5分)26. How many _ /membz / are there in your family?27. Miss Li is very kind and _ / frendl / to us.28. Last weekend, my father and I went to visit Shanghai _. /mjzi:m /29. The teacher asked us to _ / dsks / the problem ourselves first.30. What does a _ /sekrtr / usually do?III. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) ( 15分)31. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A. There are many hand crafts in Yu Garden.B. They are planning a school Open Day now.C. Who made him so angry?D. We had an outdoor activity yesterday.32. On Sundays Tom usually plays football and Alice plays _piano.A. aB. / C. the D. an33. Mr White teaches _ maths very well.A. we B. ourC. usD. ours34. We like to watch the moon _ night on the Mid-Autumn Day.A. atB. in C. / D. on35. Alice is my uncles daughter. I call her _.A. sisterB. brotherC. friend D. cousin 36. My parents are very busy. They _ go to the cinema together now.A. always B. usuallyC. never D. sometimes37. My friend Lily likes to _ her food _me.A. sharewithB. sharetoC. havetoD. havefor38. We promise_ our city clean. We want to be friends of the Earth.A. keeping B. to keep C. keep D. will keep39. Jack and his friends _ Ocean Park together tomorrow.A. visitedB. visit C. will visit D. are visiting40. - _ you _ the film Inside out? -No, not yet.A. DidseeB. Haveseen C. Will see D. Dosee41. _ does this ticket cost? 150 yuan.A. How muchB. How C. How manyD. What42. How _is it from your home to the school ?About 15minutes on foot.A. oftenB. manyC. longD. far43. John, what about _ this Saturday?A. going fishing B. to go fishing C. go fishing D. to going fishing44 Taiwan is a beautiful place, but I _ there before.A. havent gone to B. havent goneC. havent been to D. havent been45. Would you like to be a postman? _. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.C. Yes, Id love to. D. Id like to be a postman.IV. plete the passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词语前的序号填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共5分)A. warmer B. picking C. sleep D. September E. shorter and shorter F. have sportsHere es autumn! It is the third season of the year. In China, autumn arrives in 46 . It is still a little warm, but it gets colder and colder. The days also get 47. The leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow and red. Then they fall down from the wind and onto the ground.Autumn is also a harvest(收获) season. Some farmers are busy 48 apples. Some farmers are busy harvesting corn.Some animals get ready for winter in autumn. Birds fly to 49 places. Bears eat more to put on body fat (体脂肪). They 50 through the winter. Squirrels find lots of nuts. Thats their food during the winter.Lets wele it!Vplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) (共6分)51. My cousin, Tom will visit the USA for the _ time. (one)52. Kitty wants to be a _ in the future. (wait) 53. I am very _ to have enough money to go to Australia. (luck)54.A good policeman should make our city a _ place. (save)56.Look! They are waiting at the _ of the cinema. (enter)55. There are many kinds of _ in China. We must keep the environment clean. (pollute)VI. Rewrite the sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共8分) 57. Weve already got our plane tickets. (改为否定句)We _ got our plane tickets _.58. Tim would like to be a fireman. (划线提问)_ _ Tim like to be?59. I want to buy the skirt with red flowers. (划线提问)_ _do you want to buy?60. This project cost us xxyuan. (句意相同)We _ xxyuan _ this project. Part 3 Reading and writing ( 第三部分 读写 )(共36分)VII. Reading prehension (阅读理解):(共20分)A. Choose the best sentence and fill in the blanks.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的句子,用A、B、C或D等表示,填入空格内) (5分) Do you know Mr Bean? He is a popular British funny person. He first came out in a UK film in 1990. This year is his 25th birthday. Here are some fun things about him.l _61_. He makes his sandwich fall down. He loses his swimming trunks(泳裤) at the swimming pool.l _62_. But he makes a lot of strange(奇怪的) sounds.l _63_. He only changes when he goes for run or to the beach.l _64_. Its very cheap and often full of things.l _65_. He calls it Teddy. Teddy is Beans best friend. He plays chess with Teddy.Do you like him?A. Mr Bean drives a bright yellow car.B. Mr Bean has a teddy bear.C. Mr Bean is careful.D. Mr Bean is careless.E. Mr Bean always wears the same clothes.F. Mr Bean almost never talks in the film.B. Choose the words or expressions and plete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文)(5分)Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will 66 a van(房车). A small car can hold four people and a large car can hold six people, but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van holds seven persons easily, so a family with 67 children can ask their grandparents to go on a holiday trip .They could travel together.Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. The sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they 68 their grandparents home, the suitcases are brought into the two seats and then they can carry the grandparents.Americans call 69 motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family is traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, and they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is 70 motor homes have bee very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.66. A. buying B. buyC. sell D. selling67. A. three B. sixC. fiveD. many68. A. live in B. get onC. arrive atD. get into69. A. a van B. a taxi C. buses D. vans70. A. whyB. whenC. how D. what C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每空格限填一词)(5分)The Spring Festival We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a n_71_ for each Chinese year- the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey, the year of the tiger, etc. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival. Chinese people celebrate(庆祝) it every year. Before New Years Day, people are b_72_ cleaning their houses and doing some shopping. On New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family go to bed late to w_73_ the New Year. Children like to play fireworks at night and adults like to talk with each other. On the f_74_ day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their r_75_ and friends. They say “Happy New Year!” and some other words to each other. Children can get red packets from the old. People usually have a very good time during the festival.DRead the passage and answer the question(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(5分) Saying thanks to teachersTeachers help us bee good students and people. So we need to thank them for all their hard work. Chinese students have a Teachers Day on September 10. But how do US students thank their teachers?First of all, US schools have a whole week in May to appreciate(感激) their teachers! Teacher Appreciation Day is on the Tuesday of that week.The school has parties with gifts and snacks that week. There are also signs everywhere to show their love for teachers.US students like to give small gifts to their teachers. US teachers love getting thank-you notes from their students. Teachers also like getting arts and crafts, small treats, or trinkets(小饰品) from students.Dont only say thanks to your teachers on Teachers Day.76. When is Teacher Appreciation Day in US?_77. The school has parties with gifts and snacks that week, doesnt it?_78. What do US students like to give their teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day?_79. Why do we need to thank our teachers according to the passage?_80. What do you usually do on Teachers Day?_VIIIWriting (共16分)1Make up sentences. (连词成句)(6分)81. sick people , is , make, to, better, my job_.82a, businessman, be, would like, I, in, to, future, the_.83. four hours, reading , every day , does, spend, he, books_?2Writing. (写话) (9+1分) 其中1分是书写分。84. Write at least 40 words on the topic My Wish (以“我的理想”为题, 写一篇不少于40个单词的短文要求内容适切,意思连贯,标点符号不占格。): 10分(注意:作文中不得出现考生的中文姓名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)Suggested questions (以下提示仅供参考):l Whats your wish? What would you like to be?l Why do you want to do that job?l What do you plan to do for the job? 第四教育署xx学年度第一学期预备英语期中考试听力材料Part 1 Listening( 第一部分 听力) 共25分I. Listening prehension (听力理解):A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片):( 5分)1. We are going to visit Huangshan this ing holiday.2. Alice likes playing tennis with her friends at weekends.3. My family are having a picnic in Zhongshan Park now.4. My aunt is a teacher. She is now giving a lesson to the students.5. We can reuse things to keep the environment clean.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)6. M: Hello, Lucy. How many people are there in your family? W: Well, let me see. My father, my mother, my grandparents, my baby sister and I. Thats all. Q: How many people are there in Lucys family? 7. W: Is your mother going to Dalian by sea, Tom? M: No, she will fly there and e back by ship. Q: How is Toms mother going to Dalian? 8. M: What would you like to be in the future, Sherry ? W: My parents want me to be a doctor. But Id like to be a teacher. Q. What would Sherry like to be in the future? 9. W: Whats your favourite sport? M: I like swimming best. I go swimming every Tuesday afternoon. Q: When does the man usually go swimming? 10. M: Have you been to Hong Kong? W: No, I havent. But I have been to Macao. Q: Where has the girl been? 11. M: What time is it by your watch? W: Its a quarter to eight. M: Oh, my watch is fast. Its already a quarter past eight. Q: What time is it by the boys wa

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