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2020年三年级英语下册Unit5DoYouLikeCandies第四课时导学案陕旅版学 科:英语年 级:三年级课 时:第四课时主备人:修改人:时 间:导学目标知识与能力1、能听懂、理解Read a story部分情节简单的小故事,并且能流利跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。2、学生能以三人小组为单位,表演故事。3、能运用本单元的句型谈论食物的喜好。过程与方法1、 读并有感情的表演对话。2、 会唱41页的歌。情感与价值 培养学生合理的饮食习惯。 重难点重点能听懂、理解Read a story部分情节简单的小故事,并且能流利跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。难点能运用本单元的句型谈论食物的喜好。学前准备教师 图片学生 导学流程导 案学 案复习引入 课前热身:谁的记忆力好(6分钟) 请几名同学站成一排,第一个学生说自己喜欢的一种食物,如:I like peas.第二个学生重复这种食物,还要另加一种,直到记住为止。记得最多的学生为优胜者。确定重点1、2、听故事。3、完成43页练习。(14分钟)1、 听后学会吟唱,会讲故事。2、 学生分小组做练习。合作探究1、听录音,学生了解歌词大意。2、听故事。(10分钟) 1、听录音并逐句跟读。 2、选择多种形式给学上提供丰富的练习机会。 3、听故事回答问题。.Does the cat like fish?.What does the cat like ?.Whats wrong with the cats teeth?4/表演故事达标检测 学生独立完成 小组互改 及时反馈完成英语课本43、44页内容。板书设计反思附送:2020年三年级英语下册Unit7ThereIsaTVintheClassroom单元测试卷陕旅版一、算一算另类数学题。(在空缺处填上所缺的英文数字)1. seven + four = _ 2. six + six = _3. five + _ = thirteen 4. five + _ = fourteen5. seven + eight = _ 6. seven + _ = seventeen二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. There _ a student in the classroom.A. amB. is C. are( ) 2. I see eight _ in the classroom.A. fanB. TV C. lights( ) 3. How _ teachers are there in your school?A. muchB. many C. more( ) 4. Kevin _ ten books.A. have B. has C. is ( ) 5. Eleven and nine is _.A. nineteen B. twelve C. twenty三、看一看,连一连。(1) teacher A. 灯(2) light B. 风扇(3) fan C. 电视(4) TVD. 黑板(5) blackboard E. 老师四、根据图片回答问题。1. What can you see? _2. What can you see? _3. What can you see? _4. What can you see? _5. What can you see? _6. What can you see? _五、连词成句。1. are sixteen There books (.) _2. pen is This a black (.) _3. rabbits are under The box the (.) _4. your in classroom is What (?) _5. books How you do many have (?) _六、根据问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. How many pens do you have?A. I have three pens. B. Please count the pens.( ) 2. What color is this sweater?A. Its black.B. Its a book.( ) 3. Whats in your desk?A. There is a bag in it.B. Its a ruler.( ) 4. How many students are there in your class?A. There is one.B. There are twenty.( ) 5. Where is my book?A. Its under the desk.B. There is a TV.七、阅读理解。My name is Lucy. Im twelve years old. I study in Hong Xing Primary School. Look, this is my classroom. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs. And there are eight fans in my classroom. And we can see three windows and two doors. We can see two blackboards, too.( ) (1) How old is Lucy? -_. A. elevenB. twelve C. thirteen( ) (2) There are _ desks in the classroom.A. twentyB. twelve C. thirteen( ) (3) There are _ fans in the classroom.A. nineB. ten C. eight( ) (4) We can see _ blackboards.A. one B. two C. three参考答案一、1. eleven 2. twelve 3. eight 4. nine 5. fifteen 6. ten 二、1-5 BCBBC三、(1)-(5) EABCD四、1. I can see two pandas.2. I can see two balls.3. I can see eight cars.4. I can see two cows.5. I can see six eggs.6. I can see two monkeys.五、1. There are sixteen books.2. This is a black pen.3. The rabbits are under the box.4. What is in your classroom?5. How many books do you have?六、1 - 5 AAABA七、(1) - (4) BACB

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