2019年四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第一课时学案 陕旅版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第一课时学案 陕旅版课 题2 What do they have on the farm?课 型讲授型主备教师课 时本课第 1 课时(共 4 课时)有无课件学习目标1学习有关农场动物的单词:farm,pig,duck,cow,horse,sheep,hen.2能灵活运用上述单词。3感知字母组合ow,ee在单词中的发音。学习重点学习有关农场动物的单词:farm,pig,duck,cow,horse,sheep,hen.学习难点1能灵活运用上述单词。2感知字母组合ow,ee在单词中的发音。课前准备动物图片 五只猴子和一只鳄鱼的手偶 动物的的叫声资料学习环节学 案导案NO1.热身复习NO2. 呈现新课NO3.趣味操练能力提升NO4.达标检测1. 热身(Warming up)跟着老师边演边唱。Five monkeys,five Monkeys in the tree.Crocodile ,crocodile ,wang,wang,Wang.(剩四只猴子)Four monkeys,four Monkeys in the tree.crocodile,crocodile,wang,wang。1在老师的带领下完成warming up的第一个活动look and find.2学习单词farm 的读音及拼写f-a-r-m.猜猜录音中动物的声音,跟读pigIts a pig .Its a pig. Pig-pi-gHen -h -e-n .Its a hen.师生对话:T: hi Do you like pigs? S1: Yes. T:Do you have a toy pig at home? S1:Yes/ No. T:Look,I have a toy pig.whatColor is it?Is it a big pig? S1: Its black.Its a small pig跟着老师说duck,duck,duck, Its a duck.Its a duck.跟老师学习单词duck,sheep,cow,horse的正确读音及书写格式。1你来猜我来演:看老师的动作猜猜是什么单词。2what is missing?快速猜出动物名称。3听录音完成Listen and color内容。教师一只手的手指分别带上五只猴子的手偶,另一只手戴上鳄鱼的手偶,边演示边说唱。Five monkeys,five Monkeys in the tree.Crocodile ,crocodile ,wang,wang,Wang.(剩四只猴子)Four monkeys,four Monkeys in the tree.crocodile,crocodile,wang,wang,wang.(剩3只猴子)1引领学生完成warming up的第一个活动look and find.2播放录制的动物声音,通过声音引入新单词T:Listen,boys and Girls.what are These? They are pigs,ducks,horses,sheep,hens and Cows.They are Animals on the farm.领读教学单词farm.字母组合ar的读法。播放录制的猪的声音,让学生猜。引出单词pig.领读教学。再播放母鸡的声音,引入教学hen.指导pig and hen的书写格式。及pig中i 的发音。出示图片引导教学duck指导duck中u 的发音。引用上面的方法指导教学cow, sheep,horse.1教师做出动物的动作。2拿出所学的动物卡片,快速变换卡片,抽出一张,让学生猜。3播放Listen and color内容。板书设计2、 what do they have on the farm? pig duck hen horse farm sheep cow课后作业1读写单词。 2完成资源学案p8页第一题。教后反思附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit2 What do they have on the farm第三课时学案 陕旅版课 题2 what do they have on the farm?课 型讲授型主备教师课 时本课第 3 课时(共 4 课时)有无课件学习目标1能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示动物的词汇和句型。2理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has3理解He doest have和They dont have用法。学习重点1能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示动物的词汇和句型。2理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has3理解He doest have和They dont have用法学习难点1理解运用what does he/ she have?He/She has2理解He doest have和They dont have用法课前准备汽车 飞机 轮船及动物的图片 录音机 自制玩具学习环节学 案导案NO1.热身复习NO2. 呈现新课NO3.趣味操练能力提升NO4.达标检测1热身(Warming up)Guessing game.猜它们是什么动物。Part B:Lets play.上台表演T:Cow.S1: Act like a cow!S1: Moo(并作相应的 动作)学生猜猜老师盒子里的物品。S1: A pen/a bookS2: Some cars. S1: Thank you.T/S: S:She /He has cars.But he/she doest have a kite.No,he doest.He doesnt have ships.He has cars.Ss: planes/trains/buses/ships.反复练习师生对话:T: what does s2 have?Ss: He/she has plans.T:Does he/have cars?Ss: No,he/she doesnt.He/she doesnt have cars.T:what do they have?Ss; They have cars and planes.T;Do they have a kite?Ss: No,they dont.T: They have cars and planes.But they dontHave a kite.1听第一段录音,回答Does Colin have a kite?2画出Colin 拥有的物品。3选出对话中的人物所拥有的物品。4跟读对话。1举例区别have和has的用法。2完成资源学案P3页的仿照例子写一写。P9页第三题。联系have 和has.3 P10页看图写话。出示图片。 教师请一位同学面对全班同学,出示单词卡片,其他学生发出指令。T:Hello!boys and Girls.Today I haveTwo boxes.Can you Guess what is in eachBos?If you are rightI can give them to you as gift.教学对话Part B:Lets learn more.教师将装有一些玩具的汽车的盒子展示给学生。T: Look.I have a bigBox.Do you knlowWhat is in it?老师请一位学生打开盒子well,open it.T: Yes .I have some Cars. But I dont have a kite.Now theCars are for you,S1.T: what does s1 haveNow?引导学生一起说She /He has cars.But he/she doest have a kite.Does he Have ships?引导学生再说一说。No,he doest.He doesnt have ships.He has cars.T:guess .whats in this box?引出复数句型。教师指着s1和S2两位同学与全班同学问答。教师播放录音。板书设计2 what do they have on the farm?What does he/she have?He/She hasWhat do they have?They have课后作业完成资源学案与练习册部分习题。教后反思

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