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2019年六年级英语下册Recycle2教案主备人:复备人:教学内容:第一课时:read aloud教学目标: 1、复习46单元的语言和词汇,要求学生做到听、说、认读,并能在实际情景中表达。2、培养学生想象、推理的能力。3,听懂对话,表演对话。教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学重点:Read aloud中出现的新语言点。教学难点:理解本节课的课文,给故事加结尾。同桌之间表演对话。教学过程:一、复习引题 Game 1: Weather report,复习有关天气的语句和词汇。Game 2: Guessing game,复习What are these/those? 及相关的蔬菜、水果和动物的名称。二、教学新课 1、教师问学生:Whats the weather like today? 学生回答后,教师接着说:What about tomorrow? I think tomorrow will be warm and sunny. Lets have a picnic. Ok.2、学生回答Ok后,教师说:We must bring some fruit , food and drink to our party. I want to bring bread and eggs.问一个学生:What do you want to bring?当这名学生回答后继续问其他的学生。让大部分学生能够会问和答。3、教师按画面内容依次让学生观看课件,给学生逐一展示故事内容。三、巩固练习 1、以小组为单位,把整个故事加上所创编的结尾表演给大家看。最后,全班评选出最佳表演小组。四、布置作业 1、四人小组演一演第66页的对话。五、板书设计 recyle 2Tomorrow,will,in totalWhose is it?Thats expensive!They look hungry。六、课堂检测1,走进英语小屋练习。 第二课时教学内容:第二课时:listen and tick。Read,write and say。教学目标: 1、能听懂Listen and tick并完成相应的练习,复习46单元的知识。 2、能完成Read, write and say的练习,复习语音知识。教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学重点:语音归纳教学难点:46单元的语音知识。教学过程:一、复习引题 1、教师播放第单六元的歌曲,学生进一步熟悉所学过的有关衣物的单词,为下一步的学习做好铺垫。二、教学新课 1、教师播放Listen and tick部分的录音。第一遍整体听,让学生感知整体内容,锻炼学生的听力能力;第二遍让学生听录音并打勾,;第三遍听音并核对答案。 2、完成Read, write and say:先让学生读单词,然后再做题并核对答案,教师给出及时的评价。三、巩固练习1、完成作业本上的Recycle 2的练习。2,放一段听力,锻炼学生的听力能力。四、布置作业1、完成课本第68页的练习。2,大声读出本节课单词。五、板书设计Listen and tick.Read, write and say六、课堂检测1,老师问,你来答。Whats the weather like today?When do you go to school?Is your father a teacher?2,补全单词。f_ther, gl_ves, f_rst, h_t , w_ter , b_rd , dinn_r hamb_rger3,走进英语小屋练习。 第三课时教学内容:第三课时: Read,write and say。Read and number。教学目标: 1、能用英语完成课文中的对话。 2、复习46单元要求掌握的词和句子,并能回答相应的问题。教具准备:教学光盘、单词卡片。教学重点:能读懂Read and tick or cross的短文并做出正确判断。教学难点:能完成对话排序。教学过程:一、复习引题1、教师出示后三单元中应掌握的四会卡片,可采取依次朗读的方式,看看哪组的同学最也可采取让学生抽签的方式,看看抽到的是什么词,马上读出来。在读单词的过程中,教师也可进一步提高要求,让学生将用所读到的单词造句。 2、复习46单元的四会单词。 3、核对上一节课的回家作业。二、教学新课 1、教师提问:Can you use a puter? Can you send an e-mail to your friends? Now, Wang Kes grandma received an E-mail from Wang Ke. Can you understand it? Lets read together.2、让学生打开课本,阅读短文。3、给学生时间完成判断练习。4、教师和学生一起核对答案,如果句子本身是错的,要让学生说出错的原因及正确的句子。三、巩固练习 1、完成作业本上Recycle 2的练习。 2,让学生到前面根据自己和同桌的学习用品进行对话练习。注意使用物主代词。四、布置作业1、读46单元的课文给家长听。2,走进英语小屋练习。五、板书设计 Recyle 2Are these yours?Yes,they are my shoes.thanks.Can I help you?Yes. do you have?How much is/are?六、课堂检测1,走进英语小屋练习。附送:2019年六年级英语下册unit1mayispeaktokitty单元测试卷陕旅版一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. read B. play C. phone( ) 2. A. friend B. learn C. speak( ) 3. A. friends B. photos C. music( ) 4. A. on B. are C. out( ) 5. A. useful B. learn C. think二、将图片与对应短语连接起来。(1) A. watch news (2) B. send an e-mail(3) C. go on Internet(4) D. make a phone call(5) E. mobile phone三、翻译下列短语。1. 与交谈 _ 2. 手机 _3. 打电话 _ 4. 上网 _5. 发短信 _四、单项选择。( ) 1. -Could you please ask Kitty to call me? -_. A. Oh B. Great C. Sure( ) 2. Hello! This is Cathy _. A. speaking B. speaks C. speak( ) 3. You can play games _ the mobile phone. A. in B. on C. at( ) 4. I hope _ have mobile phone, too. A. / B. for C. to( ) 5. It takes too much _ and its bad _ their eyes. A. time; to B. time; for C. times; for五、连词成句。1. you, will, tomorrow, what, do (?)_2. are, on, phone, talking, little, two, girls, the (.)_3. to, may, Colin, I, speak (?) _4. cant, to, he, school, go, today (.)_5. in, park, Id, the, like, play (.)_六、情景交际。( ) 1. 当你给Kitty打电话时,你应该说:_ A. Hello, are you Kitty? B. Hello, may I speak to Kitty?( ) 2. 在电话中问对方是谁时,应说:_ A. Who is that? B. Who is this?( ) 3. “我妈妈给我买了一部手机”,用英语应说:_ A. My mom buy a mobile phone to me. B. My mom bought me a mobile phone.( ) 4. “手机很有用”,用英语应说:_ A. Mobile phones are very useful. B. Mobile phones are not useful.( ) 5. “我明天将会去野餐”,用英语应说:_ A. I will go on a picnic tomorrow. B. I will see a film tomorrow.七、给下列问句选择对应答语。 ( ) (1) Whos that? A. OK.( ) (2) Could you please ask Kitty to call me? B. Sorry, hes out.( ) (3) My mom bought me a new mobile phone. C. I wet shopping with my mom.( ) (4) May I speak to John? D. Great!( ) (5) What did you do this morning? E. This is Alice.八、阅读理解。Colin: Mom, could I have a puter?Mom: Im afraid you cant.Colin: Why? puter are useful. My friends use them to study and send e-mails.Mom: But they also use puters to play games. It takes too much time and its bad for their eyes. Colin: I wont use it to play games. Ill only use it to study.Mom: OK, Ill buy you one.根据对话内容判断正()误()。( ) (1) Colin wants a mobile phone.( ) (2) Colin wants to use the puter to study.( ) (3) Colins friends play games on puters.( ) (4) Colin will play games on the puter.( ) (5) puters are not useful.参考答案一、1-5 CACBA二、(1)-(5) CDEBA三、1. speak to 2. mobile phone 3. make a phone call 4. go on Internet 5. send a message四、1-5 CABCB五、1. What will you do tomorrow?2. Two little girls are talking on the phone.3. May I speak to Colin?4. He cant go to school today.5. Id like to play in the park.六、1-5 BABAA七、(1)-(5) EADBC八、(1)-(5)


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