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2019年五年级英语下册unit7ihaveaheadache第6课时导学案无答案陕旅版主备人执教人组名学习小主人班级五( )班时间年 月 日学习目标学生能熟练识记所学词汇,并能灵活运用独立完成练习。课内达标I. 选出每组画线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. think B. other C. the ( ) 2. A. third B. thirsty C. brother ( ) 3. A. then B. earth C. thoseII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 你经常去看医生吗? Do you often go to ?2. 我今天感到非常不舒服。 I today.3. 你看起来病了。 You .4. 他今天不能去上学。 He cant today.5. 请告诉他不要担心他的课程。Please tell him his lessons.III、按要求完成下列各题。1. Colin feels well this morning. (改为否定句) 2. Im sorry to hear that. (英译汉) 3. Whats the matter with you? (写出同义句) 4. Does he have a cough? (作肯定回答) 5. take youd him better see to doctor a ( . ) (连词成句) IV、连词成句。1. call will I doctor the ( . ) 2. about my what lessons ( ? ) 课外达标3. morning Colin well doesnt feel this ( . ) 4. mother his him takes see to a doctor ( . ) 5. Peter wrong whats with ( ? ) V、补全对话。A: 1. You look sad today.B: My friends are going to the sea without me.A: 2. But why?B: Because I am not well today.A: 3. B: I have a heaache and my nose hurts.A: You may have a cold 4. If you are ill, see the doctor.You will feel better soon.A. Whats wrong? B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Dont worry. D. How are you?VI、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。It is Sunday. John goes swimming and plays very happily with Kevin. The weather is very hot. He has a big icecream and drinks a lot of juice. In the evening, he has a fever. His father has to take him to see a doctor.( ) 1. It is in winter.( ) 2. John has a bad cough.( ) 3. Tomorrow is Saturday.( ) 4. His mother takes him to see a doctor.Listening听Speaking说Reading读Writing写个人评价小组评价附送:2019年五年级英语下册unit8haveagoodhabit单元综合测试卷陕旅版一、按要求写单词。1. loud (副词) _ 2. noisy (反义词) _3. far (反义词) _ 4. careful (副词) _5. should (否定词) _ 6. good (反义词) _7. health (形容词) _ 8. read (现在分词) _二、英汉互译。1. keep quiet _ 2. have a rest _3. 排队等候 _ 4. 照料;照顾 _5. 卧床看书 _三、单项选择。( ) 1. Wed better _ quiet.A. keep B. keeping C. keeps( ) 2. The boy shouldnt write _ the tree.A. in B. on C. of( ) 3. We should take care _ trees.A. to B. and C. of( ) 4. Dont read in bed. Its bad _ your eyes.A. for B. to C. of( ) 5. Youd better not make a big noise _ night.A. in B. on C. at四、根据首字母提示完成句子。1. We should have a good h _.2. We shouldnt talk l _in the library.3. Wed better not talk with mouth f _.4. We shouldnt make a big n _ at night.5. Please keep q _ in the library.五、按要求写句子。1. Im reading. (对画线部分提问)_2. You shouldnt tell lies. (改为同义句) _3. Youd better go to school today. (改为否定句)_4. Dont litter on the floor. (作出回答)_5. Do you often listen to your parents? (根据实际情况回答)_六、给下列句子重新排序,使其成为一个完整的对话。( ) You shouldnt read in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.( ) Im reading in the sun.( 5 ) OK! Thank you.( ) What are you doing?( ) Read at the table and you should have a good habit.七、阅读理解。Its easier to downhill than to climb uphill, so its easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones. Bad habits do not e suddenly. They e little by little without ones being aware of their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. When they cannot write their lessons, they copy from their classmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling, they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits bee stronger and stronger, so that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying, they learn to steal; from gambling, they learn to cheat. At last they bee distrusted by everyone. How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits at the beginning! Or they should overe us in the end! ( ) (1) -Bad habits dont e suddenly, do they?-_.A. Yes, they do B. No, they dont C. Yes, they dont ( ) (2) Some boy students fall into bad habits _.A. in schoolB. on the streetC. A and B( ) (3) The boys may steal from _.A. copyingB. gamblingC. writing( ) (4) Its _ to fall into bad habits, but _ to get rid of them.A. easy; hardB. hard; easyC. easy; easy( ) (5) The writer wants to tell us _.A. to steal for moneyB. to get rid of bad habits at the beginningC. to go uphill参考答案一、1. loudly 2. quiet 3. close 4. carefully 5. shouldnt 6. bad 7. healthy 8. reading二、1. 保持安静 2. 休息一下 3. wait in line 4. take care of 5. read in bed三、15ABCAC四、1. habit 2. loudly 3. full 4. noise 5. quiet五、1. What are you doing?2. Youd better not tell lies.3. Youd better not go to school today.4. Im sorry. I wont.5. 略六、32514七、(1)(5)BCAAB

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