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2019年PEP六年级英语下册Unit4单元练习题 Part A Lets learn & Let talk 一、 预习要求:(早读课代表要指挥同学多读)(1)读出一下短语:learn Chinese sing and dance take pictures climb mountains go skating go skiing eat good food see elephants make a snowman have a good time have great fun / have a lot of fun (2)写出上面动词短语的过去式:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(3)不规则动词过去式小结:sing and dance - sang and danced take pictures- took pictures eat good food- ate good food see elephants- saw elephant make a snowman- made a snowman have a good time- had a good time have great fun - had great fun (4)多读P38的lets chant 及P41的lets chant 并理解其中的意思。(5)读句型:1 Where did you go on your holiday ?- I went to Xinjiang . 2 What did you do there ? - I ate good food . 3 How did you go there ?-I went by plane . 4 Who did you go with ? - I went with my friends . 5 When did you go there ?- I went on May 1st . 6 Did you have a good time / have great fun there ? - Yes , I did . 7 How was your holiday ? - It was fun / great ! 你的假期过得怎样? 很有趣 / 很棒 !练习:一、 写出下面动词短语的过去式:1. learn Chinese- 2. sing and dance-3. take pictures - 4. climb mountains-5. eat good food- 6. see elephants -7. make a snowman- 8. have great fun-二、根据中文提示填空。1 你“五一”去了哪里?我去了海南。 _ did you _ on your Labor Day ? - I _ to Hainan . 你怎样去海南的?我乘飞机去的。 _ did you _ to Hainan ? - I _ _ _ . 你和谁去的?我和我父母去的。 _ did you go _ ? - I _ _ my parents . 你什么时候去的?四月30日去的。 _ did you go there ? I went on April 30th . 你在那里玩的开心吗?是的,我们玩得很开心。 _ you _ _ _ _ there ? - Yes , I _ _ _ .三、选择正确的答案。( ) 1 When was your last holiday ? A It was May 1st . B I went on May 1st . C I climbed mountains .( ) 2 we ate good food in Xinjiang _ . A last holiday B next holiday C this holiday ( ) 3 we didnt _ pictures last holiday . A take B took C takes D taking( ) 4 I had a good time last trip , it means _ . A I had a happy last trip B I had great fun last trip C Both A and B ( ) 5 What did you do last trip ? - I _ a snowman . A make B making C made D makes 四、补充对话。Tom : Hello , Sarah ! The Labor Day is gone , _?Sarah : I went to Hainan .Tom : _?Sarah : I went on April 30th .Tom: _?Sarah : I went by train . Tom : _?Sarah : I went with my friends . Tom : _?Sarah : I sang and danced there , and I went swimming , too .Tom : _?Sarah : Yes , I did , I had a lot of fun there .五、回答问题。1 When was your last holiday ? 2 How did you go on your last holiday ?3 Where did you go on your last holiday ? 4 When did you go on your last holiday5 What did you do on your last holiday ? 6 Who did you go with on your last holiday Part A Lets read Name一、 预习要求:(1)读两遍P42短文并完成短文后的练习。画出你不理解的句子和单词 附:restaurant : 餐馆 miss 怀念,想念 (2)完成下面的预习题: I had fun with my cousins on my Labor Day . On May 1st , I t_ the No.7 bus to QiangDeng Park . There is a big grass in it , so we f_ kites on the grass . we _ (are) very excited . My cousin Mary t_ pictures for us . Kate and Susan s_ and d_ . At noon , we went to a restaurant , we a_ good food there . In the afternoon , we didnt s_ animals , we c_ a mountain . we all h_ a good time .(3)复习Part A Lets learn & Let talk的内容,并读2 遍。练习:(阅读短文选择正确的答案)Tom and his father are walking in the street . Suddenly they see a big black dog . The dog begins to bark(吠) . Tom is afraid(害怕) of the dog . He wants to run home . his father says , “ Dont be afraid , Tom . Dont you know the proverb(谚语) “ A barking(吠) dog doesnt bite(咬) ”?” “ Oh , yes ,” says Tom , “ I know the proverb , and you know the proverb , but does the dog know the proverb , too ? ”( ) 1 Tom and his father are having a _ in the street . A swim B game C walk D good time ( ) 2 The dog is _ . A black and white B big and black C small and black D Toms ( ) 3 The dog _ the proverb . A knows B doesnt know C want to know ( ) 4 Which is true ? A The dog bites(咬) Tom B The dog will not bite Tom C The dog may (可能) bite Tom , or it may not bite Tom ( )5 From the passage(短文) , we can say _ . A Toms father is smart B Tom is smart C Tom and his father are smart Part A 部分复习题一、 选择正确的答案。( ) 1 What did you eat for dinner last evening ?- I _ green beans and tofu . A eated B eat C ate D eats ( ) 2 What did you do on you holiday in Xinjiang ? - I _. A sing and dance B singed and danced C sang and danced ( ) 3 Did you _ a mountain on your last trip ? - Yes , I_ many pictures too . A climbed , took B climb , take C climb , took ( ) 4 We _ and _ snowman on my last winter holiday . A ski , make B skied , maked C skied , made ( ) 5 I read many story books _ . A this holiday B next holiday C on last winter holiday ( ) 6 Didnt you _ some tigers at the zoo ? A see B seeing C saw D seen( ) 7 Why did you go to the library yesterday ? - I went there _ . A read books B reading books C to read books D reads books( ) 8 Why didnt you _ your mom _ the housework last evening ? A helped , did B help , did C helped , do D help , do ( ) 9 Where did you go on you last trip ? A I saw some tigers B I went to the cinema C I went to Australia ( ) 10 How did you go to the theme park ? A I took a bus to get there . B I by bus there C I go by bus 二、根据提示填空。1 我去年学习了语文。 I _ _ last year .2 你昨天吃了好吃的吗?不我吃了冰激凌。 Did you _ _ _ yesterday ? - No , I _ ice-cream .3 冬天我喜欢滑雪和堆雪人,过去的寒假你我经常滑雪和堆雪人。 I like_ and _ snowmans, I _ and _ snowmans on my last winter holiday .4 你上个假期过得开心吗? (1) _ you _ _ on your last holiday ?(2) _ you _ _ _ _ on your last holiday ?三、回答问题。1 When was your last trip ? 2 Where did you go on your last trip ?3 How did you go there ? 4 What did you do there ?5 Who did you go with ? 6 How was your holiday ?四、阅读理解,判断正误,用 P 或 O 表示。Dear Sarah, Last Monday was a school holiday. My friends and I had a great day at theZhongshan Park. The park is very big. We can do many things there. I flew kites withJohn and Zhang Peng. Liu Yun, Amy and Chen Jie sang and danced. We were all veryhappy.At 12 oclock, we had lunch. We had some fruit, some juice and hamburgers. Inthe afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park. On Tuesdaywe put the pictures on the wall in our classroom. Do you like going to the park?LoveWu Yifan( ) 1. Wu Yifan flew kites with John and Zhang Peng.( ) 2. The boys sang some songs.( ) 3. In the afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in park.( ) 4. We put the pictures on the wall near our school gate.( ) 5. We had a good time.五、以“my last happy Labor Day ”为题,写一篇短文,字数在60只左右。 _ Part B 讲学稿 Name: Lets learn & Let talk 一、 预习要求:(早读课代表要指挥同学多读这部分的内容)1 本课的不规则动词过去式: buy presentsbought presents see elephants- saw elephants go skiing- went skiing go ice-skating- went skating2 句型: (1) When was your holiday ? - It was May 1st . (2) Where did you go on your holiday ?- I went to Canada . (3) How did you go there ?- I went by plane . (4) When did you get(到达) there ?- I got there on May 2nd . (got 是get的过去式) (5) What did you do there ?- I bought many presents . (6) Who did you go with ?- I went with my uncle . (7) How was your holiday ?- It was great ! 或:Did you have a lot of fun there ?- Yes , I did .练习:一、 写出下面动词短语的过去式。1 take the No.7 bus- 2 row a boat -3 buy some presents- 4 see animals-5 go ice-skating- 6 go skiing-7 make kites- 8 sing songs-9 eat dinner- 10 have great fun-二、根据提示完成句子。1 上次旅行我们去超市买了很多好吃的。 I _ some _ _ in a supermarket last trip .2 上周末我们在公园划船,然后我们有看了大象。 We _ _ _ in a park last weekend , then we _ _ .3 去年冬天你滑雪了吗?不,我滑冰了。 _ you _ _ last winter ? No , I _ _ .三、读懂短文,然后根据提示补充短文。 I had a long holiday last National Day(国庆节). On October 1st , we left(离开) Foshan in the early morning and got to Hainan in the afternoon . We went to a restaurant , we _ _ _ there . Then we went to a hotel(宾馆) , we had a good rest(休息). In the evening we went to a supermarket , we _ some _ for our friends . On October 2nd , we went to a park , the park is very beautiful , there is a lake in it , so we _ a _ in the lake . We were e_ . Then we went to a zoo in the park , we _ many animals there , they are so cute . On October 3rd , we went to a beach(海滩) in the morning , we _ _ in the sea . In the afternoon , we went to a village , there are some mountains around it , so we _ _ , we t_ many p_ on the mountains . we were very t_ at that time . On October 4th , we v_ our pen pals in Sanya(三亚) , we s_ and d_ with our pen pal . On October 5th , we went to Haikou(海口) . On October 6th , we went back to Foshan by train . we had a lot of fun last National Day .四、回答问题。1 When was your last trip ? 2 Where did you go on your last trip?3 How did you go there ? 4 What did you do there ?5 Who did you go with ? 6 How was your last trip ?Part B Lets read一、 预习要求:1 本课不规则动词: leave(离开)- left get to(到达) - got to 2 预习中的难词难句:(1) on the first day 第一天 on the second day 第二天 on the third day 第三天(2) for the last day 最后一天(3) relax(休息)relaxed prepare(准备)- prepared go back to work(回来上班)练习:一、 写出下面的动词的过去式。1 see - 2 read - 3 fly- 4 swim- 5 get to-6 buy- 7 row- 8 go- 9 sing- 10 eat11 take- 12 put- 13 study- 14is/am- 15 are-16 make- 17 have/ has- 18 leave- 19 do- 二、根据提示填空。1 五月一日我们离开佛山去北京。二号我们到达了北京。 We _ Foshan to Beijng on May 1st . and we _ _ Beijing on May 2nd .2 我们在商场买了很多礼物送给朋友。 We _ many _ for our friends .三、选词填空。(flew homework cleaned visited was cooked had swam birthday saw went )I often do _ and _ my room on Saturday. But last Saturday I _ my grandparents. Because last Saturday _ my grandmas _. Then we _ fishing near the river. We _ kites . In the evening we_ in the river. We went back home . My mother _ big meals for us. I _ a good time last Saturday.四、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。It was a sunny day last Sunday. Liu Mei went shopping with her mother. On her way to the shop, they met(遇见) an old woman. The old woman wanted to see her husband(丈夫). He had a flu and was ill in the hospital. But she did not know the way to the hospital. Liu Mei asked a policeman. He told(告诉) her to take a No. 11 bus. Liu Mei went with the old woman to the hospital and Liu Meis mother went shopping by herself. Forty minutes later, the old woman saw her husband. Liu Mei left the hospital and went to the bookshop. She did not wait for their thanks.( ) 1 What was the weather like last Sunday ? A It was Sunday. B It was fine. C It was rainy.( ) 2 Where did the old woman want to go? A She wanted to go to the hospital. B She wanted to go to the cinema. C She wanted to go to the science museum.( ) 3 What is the matter with the womans husband? A He had a headache. B He had a fever. C He was sick. He had a flu.( ) 4 How did Liu Mei and the old woman go to the hospital? A They went by bus. B They went on foot. C They went by bike.( ) 5 Where did Liu Mei go at last? A She went to the hospital. B She went to the supermarket. C She went to the bookstore.Unit 4 单元综合复习一、 应掌握的知识点:1、六年级下册动词不规则过去式总结:(认真记熟)1 see -saw 2 read - read 3 fly-flew 4 swim-swam 5 get to-got to 6 buy-bought 7 row-rowed 8 gowent 9 sing-sang 10 eatate11 take-took 12 put-put 13 do- did 14is/am-was 15 are-were16 make-made 17 leave-left 18 have/ has-had 19 study-studied2、句型:(多读)(1) When was your holiday ? - It was May 1st . (2) Where did you go on your holiday ?- I went to Canada . (3) How did you go there ?- I went by plane . (4) When did you get(到达) there ?- I got there on May 2nd . (got 是get的过去式) (5) What did you do there ?- I bought many presents . (6) Who did you go with ?- I went with my uncle . (7) How was your holiday ?- It was great ! 或:Did you have a lot of fun there ?- Yes , I did .练习:应注意的典型题型:( ) 1 I put away the clothes _ . A this evening B next evening C last evening ( ) 2 Tom didnt_ dinner yesterday evening , because he cant _ dinner . A cooked , cook B cook , cooked C cook , cook D cooked , cooked( ) 3 We went to a supermarket _ . A bought presents B buy presents C to buy presents ( ) 4 Did you _ your mother _ the clothes ? A helped , washed B help , washed C help , wash D helped , wash( ) 5 _ was your last trip ? - October 1st . A What B Where C When D How ( ) 6 How was your Labor Day ? A I was happy B I was excited C It was great ( ) 7 Tim and Tom went to _ some animals at a zoo . A see B saw C seen 时态复习综合练习题一、 选择正确的答案。1 Did you _ a big meal last night ? A eat B eating C was eating D ate 2 I _ Luocun last Sunday and _ to Shanghai on Monday . A leave , get B leaves , got C left , got D leaving , get 3 Mike can _ well , he _ every weekend . A sing , sing B sang , sang C sing , sings 4 Mike _ pictures there , lets ask him to take some pictures for us . A took B takes C is taking 5 Did you _ some presents ? No , I didnt , but I _some this evening . A bought , bought B buy , bought C buy , am buying D buy , am going to buy 6 What is your brothers hobby ? - He _ playing the violin . A liked B is going to like C like D likes 7 John _ English now , He _ English at 6:30 every morning . A read , read B reads , reads C is reading , reads D is going to read , is reading 8 Can you _ a kite? - Yes , I can . Look ! I _ a kite for my sister . A fly , flew B flew , fly C fly , am flying D flying , am going to fly 9 Last night , Sarah _ to a bookstore to _ some books . A went , bought B went , buy C goes , buys D is going , buying 10 A: What did you do last night ? - I _ some books . B : Are you _ puter games tonight ? Yes , I am . A readed , playing B readed , going to play C am reading ,played D read , going to play 11 Be quiet ! The baby _. A sleeps B sleeping C is sleeping D slept 12 My father _a trip to Beijing next week . A takes B is taking C is going to take D took二、回答问题。1 Where did you go last winter holiday ? 2 What does your dad often do at night?3 What are you going to do next holiday ? 4 When did you get up this morning ?5 What are your uncle doing now ? 6 Who are you going to the park with ?附送:2019年PEP六年级英语下册单元测试题一、找出不同类的单词。(5分)1、A、waterB、jumpC、runD、climb()2、A、longerB、tallerC、tiredD、stronger()3、A、teethB、lengthC、feetD、arm()4、A、headB、handC、tallerD、leg()5、A、bigB、oldC、tallD、how()二、按要求写单词。(14分)1、写出下列词的比较级。big_short_heavy_fat_happy_late_strong_fine_2、meter(复数)_foot(复数)_dive(现在分词)_do(第三人称单数)_by(同音词)_konw(同音词)_三、连线。(13分)milimeter t/tnHowheavyareyou?Im47kg.foot gHowbigareyourfeet?Iwearsize17.kilometerkgHowlongareyourlegs?Im165cm.kilogramkmHowoldareyou?Mylegsare76cmton m Howtallareyou?Im13yearsold.gramcmcentimetermmmeterft四、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1、Imtwoyears_thanyou.A、youngB、shorterC、younger()2、Lineup_youngertoolder.A、fromB、atC、of()3、Howbig_yourfeet?A、isB、areC、it()4、_?-80cmA、Howtallareyou?B、Howlongareyourlegs?C、Howoldareyou?()5、Whichmonkeydoyoulike?A、Iliketheyellowone.B、Itsyounger.C、Itsnice.()6、How_isyourbestfriend?-Thirteenyearsold.A、oldB、tallC、heavy()7、HowtallisChenJie?A、Heis12yearsold.B、Im147cm.C、Sheis150cm.()8、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:_A、Howlongareyou?B、Howtallareyou?C、Howlargeareyou?()9、当你想表达“你的床有多长”?时,你应该说:_A、Howlongisyourbed?B、Howbigisyourbed?C、Howlargeisyourbed?()10、当你想知道你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:_A、Howtallareyou?B、Howoldareyou?C、Howheavyareyou?六、找出不同类的单词,将标号填入提前括号。(5分) ( ) 1. A. tall B. shark C. short( ) 2. A. fish B. whale C. jump( ) 3. A. running B. diving C. bigger( ) 4. A. older B. young C. strong( ) 5. A. lobster

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