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2019年五年级英语易错题一圈出发音不同的单词1 pen beg be 2. head bread wear 3 hear near ear earth 4 weather heat peach meat 5 when who what where 二用正确的形式填空1.Mike (like) cooking .2.She (go) to school from Monday to Firday .3.Lin Tao (do) not like P.E.4.The child often (watch)TV in the evening .5/There are (many) students than teachers in our school .6.Will you go for a picnic with (we) tomorrow?7.They will go (boat) this Sunday .8.The winter vacation (e) next week.9.The science teacher told us that the sun (give) us light and heat .10.I would like (have) some bread when I am hungry .三单项选择1. We( )to get up early every day .A has B have C must 2.Does your mother like ( )?A go shopping B going shopping 3.The guests give some presents ( )me .A for B of C.to 4.Mike hasnt a pet ,( )?A had he B has he C hasnt he 5.Yao Ming( )playing basketball.He ( ) hight enough .Awas interested in jump B is interesting jumps C is interested in jumps 6.x u Beihong drew horses very well. ( ) he was ( )great.A so .a B because an C as a7.There are ( ) students in our school.A hundreds B hundred C hundreds of 8.Do you enjoy ( )cartoons ( )TV?A watching with B to watch on C watching on9 At the ( ) of the new term we ( ) a new plan .A begin make B beginning made C beginning make 10.The boys of Class Five play football well ,( )?A do they B arent they Cdont play11.If I ( ) free,I will go cycling this weekend.A will be B are C.am12.we ( ) a birthday party next weekend.A shall have B have C are having 13.Id like to play ( ) piano and Alice like to play ( ) tabletennis.A the the B / the C the /14.The boy seems ( ) fortable in her mums arms.A to B to do C to be15.Can we see ( ) from ( ) ?Yes.A an earth a moon B earth moom C. the earth ,the moon四根据实际情况回答问题1-What are you going to do in the ing summer holidays?-I am going to go my grandpas home .2.What do your parents want you to do in the future . -They want me to be an engineer .3.Itll be rainy tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)4.The children must brush teeth before going to bed . 对划线部分提问)5.Mr White doesnt wash his car every day .(改成肯定句) 答案一1.-5. be wear earth weathe who二 1-5 likes goes does watches more 6-10 us boating will e / is ing gives to have三 1-5 B B C B C 6-10 C C C C C 11-15 C A C C C 四 1-2背一背 记住答案 3、3.What will the weather be like tomorrow?4.What must the children do before going to bed .5.Mr White washes his car everyday.附送:2019年五年级英语期中检测卷面分析一、基本情况平均77.5分,优秀率40.63%,及格率84.38%。二、试卷情况分析:本次小学英语五年级期中检测卷,是区教研室统一提供。试卷共七大题,本次试题注重了基础知识的考查,试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容,因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。三、答卷情况分析(一)学生得分较好的方面1、第二大题英汉互译,学生对英语单词掌握熟练,错误比较少。2、第三大题读句子选择图片,本题考察了学生对重点词汇 take a dancing class、do morning exercises 、flowers、eat dinner、zongzi、the Great Wall在句子中的运用,学生完成较好。3、第四大题读问句选答语,题目给出的几个问句都是学生比较傲熟悉的句子,学生完成较好。4、第六大题将节日按季节归类,学生完成较好。(二)学生得分较低方面1、第一大题选择单词,这一题学生的失分较多,学生对已学的单词的意思掌握不扎实,第3小题pink pick roll和第5小题废物autumn fall错误比较多。2、第五大题选择填空,第一小题How many months are there in summer?错误比较多,第五小题 is the second minth of the year错误多,本题失分较多。3、第七大题阅读选择,学生没有认真读题,对内容不理解,错误比较多。四、从试卷中得知教与学中存在的问题 1、基础知识掌握不牢,单词及短语的认读还是有出入。 2、思维不够灵活,独立解决问题的能力较弱。如连词成句,其实这道题平时也有练习,应变能力还应加强。 3、学生对所学知识掌握得太死,运用不灵活。 五、今后的打算 1、抓基础,培养能力,打好扎实的语言基础,特别是最基本的词汇、语法和常用句型,要反复训练,做到举一反三。适当增加语言的输入量,拓展学生的知识面。在教学中,不仅要学好书本知识,还要适当增加一些语言材料,加强阅读训练。 2、改变课堂教学模式,注重培养学生语言实践能力。在课堂教学中,教师要引导学生进行观察、比较、分析、讨论和归纳总结等,把更多的时间给学生进行听、说、读、写的语言实践。 3、要加强自我完善,更新教育理念,提高专业水平,充分利用好课堂教学时间,利用好一切可以利用的校本资源,想方设法提高课堂教学的效率。 4、更新语言教学观念。要进一步学习英语课程标准中的教学理念,突出语言的实践性,在教学中应少一些机械记忆,多一些灵活运用。


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