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2019年新起点三年级上Unit1重点知识点、例题讲解、课后习题知识点梳理1.单词myself 我自己 new 新的 name 名字class 班级;班 Ms. 女士 Mr. 男士old .的 school 学校 phone 电话number 号码 primary school 小学Lesson11. MynameisTomBrown. 我的名字是汤姆布朗。 Mynameis 用于自我介绍,我的名字是或使用与别人询问自己姓名时的回答。2.IminClass2. 我在2班。在某个班级中用in,班级Class这个单词首字母要大写。3.MyteacherisMr.Wang. 我的老师是王老师。英语Mr在姓的前面,译为先生,如MrLiu刘先生,MrGreen格林先生;在指某位老师时也常用Mr来称呼,如这句话中的MrWang我们就可以翻译成“王老师”。Miss用法与Mr相同,译为“小姐”,如MissWang王小姐。在学校中,也可译为王老师”。Miss大写是小姐的意思, miss小写的意思有:想念;丢失;错过。Lesson21.ImZhangHua. 我是张华。用于自我介绍,其中Im是Iam的缩写形式,中间用连接起来,省去了am中的a。同样的所写形式还有很多,常见的有lets(letus),youre(youare)等。2.Im9yearsold.我九岁了。要用复数years。3.Howoldareyou?你多大了?用于询问对方年龄。4. IgotoDongfangPrimarySchool.我去东方小学。 goto后加某地表示去地方。Lesson31. Mytelephonenumberis7658341. 我的电话号码是7658341。 telephonenumber电话号码,也可以用phonenumber表示。2. Myfavouritetoyisthemini-car. 我最喜欢的玩具是微型小汽车。 toy玩具,是可数名词,它的复数形式是toys.Lesson41.MyfamilynameisWhite.我姓怀特。 familyname姓在英语中,名在前,姓在后, 如:AndyWhite安迪怀特White是姓,white的意思是白色2.ImfromAmerica.我来自美国。 Imfrom=Iamfrom 我来自 还可以说Iefrom3.CanIbeafriendwithyou? 我能和你成为朋友吗? beafriendwithsb(somebody)和成为朋友, makefriendswithsb和交朋友Lesson51.PingistallerthanPong.平比朋高。Ais+比较级+thanBA比B2.PingandPongsbirthdayisAugust12th.平和朋的生日是8月12日。 AandBs 表示A与B共有 As 表示A的3.CanIbeafriendwithyou?我能和你成为朋友吗?beafriendwithsb(somebody)和成为朋友,makefriendswithsb和交朋友4.PingandPongaretwins.平和朋是双胞胎。 twin双胞胎之一,是可数名词,它的复数形式是twins双胞胎Lesson61.Myfavouritecolourisred.我最喜欢的颜色是红色。常见颜色表示:red红色;orange橙色(或橘子);yellow黄色;green绿色;blue蓝色;purple紫色;pink粉色;black黑色;white白色;grey(灰色)。例题讲解1.将问句与合适的答语连起来Whats your phone number? Im in Class 2.How old are you? Im 10 years old.What class are you in? My phone number is 27288.Whats the matter? I want bread.What do you want for supper? My leg hurts.读一读,填空1My name is Chen Li, my family name is . 2My name is Li Jian, my family name is . 3My name is Bill Gates, my family name is . 4My name is Andy White, my family name is . 5My name is Joy Black, my family name is . 当堂练习1.写出下面大写字母对应的小写字母A_ D_ F_ G_ H_ J_ L_ N_ O_ Q_ S _U_ V_ W_ Y_ Z_2.写出下面小写字母对应的大写字母b_ c_ e_ i_ k_m_ p_ r_ t_ x_选择正确答案want phone matter hurts Ms.1. My teacher is _ Zhao.2. My _ number is 5689256.3. I _ an apple, a pear, a tomato and some bananas.4. Whats the _? My finger _. 课后练习 1翻译单词 我自己_ 新的_ 名字_ 班级;班_ 女士_ 男士_ .的_ 学校_ 电话_号码_ 小学_ 2.选择 1.同学之间相互打招呼可以说( )A.Hello!B.Goodbye! 2.早上见到老师应该说( )A.GoodMorning!B.GoodAfternoon! 3.Howareyou?( )A.Fine,thankyou.B.Imnine.4.你想知道新同学的名字,可以问他( )A.Whatsyourname?B.Wele!5.别人帮你忙时,你应该说( )A.Thankyou!B.Yourewele.6.别人向你道歉你应该说( )A.Yourewele!B.Thatsallright.7.你想知道对方的年龄,可以问( )A.Howareyou?B.Howoldareyou?3.背写我是张华_我的电话号码是7658341_我最喜欢的玩具是微型小汽车。_我姓怀特_我来自美国_我能和你成为朋友吗?_和交朋友_我最喜欢的颜色是红色_附送:2019年新起点三年级英语第二次月考试卷 (I)Yy Ll Hh Qq Nn Bb Gg Zz Tt Xx一、 把下列字母按同音素分类。1. Aa _ Jj Kk 2. Ee _ Cc Dd _ Pp _ Vv3. Ii _ 4. Uu _ Ww 5. Ff _ Mm _ Ss _ _ 二、 补充单词并选出正确的汉语。1. ( )br_ _ n (A. 棕色 B. 黑色)2. ( )cl_m_ (A. 抓 B. 爬)3. ( )sh_ _ t (A. 衬衫 B. 短裙)4. ( )spr_ _ _ (A. 春天 B. 夏天)5. ( ) _ _ ess (A. 女服 B. 毛衣)三、 看图写单词。 四、 分类。(写序号)1. red 2. shorts 3. summer 4. run 5. pants 6. winter6. white 8. walk 9. fall 10. sweaterColour(颜色):_、_Clothes(服装):_、_、_Season(季节):_、_、_Action(动作):_、_五、 选择填空。( )1. What do you wear _ winterA. on B. in C. of( )2. A _ can help the policeman.A. turtle B. dog C. cat( )3. What _ do you have? I have a cute cat.A. pet B. cat C. dog( )4. I _ a brown dog.A. has B. is C. have( )5. The sweater is made _ wool.A. on B. in C. of( )6. _ is your birthday?A. Where B. What C. When( )7. I wear my _ on sunny days.A. raincoat B. sunglasses C. scarf( )8. What _ you?A. about B. for C. of( )9. Made _ China.A. In B. in C. of( )10. What is it? _ a parrot.A. Its B. Its C. It六、 问答连线。1. Do you have a skirt? Yes.2. What colour is it? Its white.3. What pet do you have? Coco.4. Whats its name? In March.5. When is your birthday? A goldfish.七、 看表格判断正误。正确的写T, 错误的写F。SpringSummerFallWinterBillsweatersneakers vest shortsjacketglovesLilyjeansskirt coatscarf 1. ( ) Lily wears skirt and dress in fall.2. ( ) Bill wears sweaters in winter.3. ( ) Bill wears sneakers, vest and shorts in summer.4. ( ) Lily wears scarf in spring.5. ( ) Bill wears gloves in summer.八、 仿照例子抄写。1. cap gloves monkey rabbit 2. JANUARY APRIL JUNE九、 选择正确的单词写在横线上。I like my pet. Its a rabbit. It has two_ (red, yellow) eyes. Its _ (white, brown). It has _ (short, long) ears. It can _ (run, swim). It likes _ (parrots, carrots)四年级英语第一次月考试卷一、 选出划线部分发音不同的选项。1. ( ) A. mouse B. young C. mouth2. ( ) A. trouble B. loud C. sound3. ( ) A. hurry B. turn C. nurse4. ( ) A. stick B. hiking C. write5. ( ) A. hockey B. also C. often二、 判断下列每组单词发音是否相同,相同打“”,不同打“”。touch house doyoung mouse nottree nurse dirtygreen hurry sirme toy girlhelp boy shirtturnburn三、 根据汉语写单词。火 小心的 传递 橡皮 安全的四、 连线。sidewalk 地下通道 dictionary 难题underpass 人行道 rule 规则crosswalk 人行桥 problem 字典footbridge 护栏 downstairs 数学fence 人行横道 math 在楼下五、 选择填空。( )1. Its _ to climb the window.A. safe B. happy C. dangerous( )2. Dont _ it.A. touch B. touches C. touching( )3. Dont play _ fire. A. on B. with C. and( )4. What _ you do for fun?A. do B. are C. am( )5. We _ play football in the street. A. can B. may C. cant( )6. Can you help me _ English.A. on B. with C. about( )7. _ means (意思是) someone need help.A. OSS B. SOS C. SSO( )8. Whats the weather like today? Please call _.A. 114 B. 120 C. 121( )9.Can I _ your dictionary.A. use B. uses C. using( )10. My father _ in a hospital.A. work B. works C. are work六、 连词成句。1. use I can your book (?)2. climb the over fence dont (.)3. it Im using (.)4. crosswalk use please the (.)5. can pass you me the English book (?)七、 把下列句子排列成一段通顺的话。( ) Im sorry, I wont do it again.( ) Hi, Xiaowen. Happy to see you.( ) Dont go. Its red.( ) Nancy, its happy to see you, too.( ) Thats all right.八、 根据实际情况填空。Dear Jack,Im glad to get your letter. My name is _ . There are _ people in my family. My father is a _. He works in a _. My mom is a _. She works in a _. She likes her job very much. I am a _ in _ School. Im good at _ and I want to be a _. I love my family.Yours,_五年级英语第一次月考试卷一、 选出划线部分发音不同的选项。1. ( ) A. smart B. warm C. farmer2. ( ) A. use B. funny C. but3. ( ) A. active B. what C. Canada4. ( ) A. Friday B. kind C. strict5. ( ) A. very B. Wednesday C. we二、 选出不属于同一类的词。1. ( ) A. who B. what C. where D. white 2. ( ) A. homework B. do C. read D. watch3. ( )A. Monday B. today C. Friday D. Tuesday4. ( ) A. smart B. she C. active D. kind5. ( ) A. tofu B. cabbage D. lunch D. eggplant三、 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. _ ct _ ve 2. s _ _ ict 3. y _ _ ng 4. W _ _nd _day _ _ _ _5. Th _ rsd _ y 6. sh _ _ t 7. str _ _ g 8. k _ _ d _ _ _ _四、 按要求完成下列各题。1. Sun. (完全形式)_ 2. do homework (汉语)_ 3. tall (反义词)_ 4. what is (缩写形式)_ 5. hes (完全形式) _ 五、 选择填空。( )1._ is your art teacher? Mr. Wang. A. What B. Who C. Where( )2. What do we have _ Mondays?A. in B. on C. at( )3. I often do _ homework. A. I B. my C. her( )4. She is _ university student.A. an B. a C. the( )5. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is _. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. Friday六、 问答连线。1.Whos your teacher? No. She is short.2. Is she tall? Miss Yang.3. Whats he like? We have music.4. What do you do on Monday? I have P.E.5. What do you have on Monday? He is thin.七、 改错。( )1. Whats day is it today? _ A B C( )2. Its monday? _ A B( )3. What do we have at Fridays? _ A B C( )4. I have three new teacher? _ A B C( )5. Whos you math teacher? _ A B C八、 句型转换。1. Today is Monday. (就划线部分提问)_2. She is quiet. (变一般疑问句)_3. My math teacher is Miss Liu. (就划线部分提问)_4. Is she young? (做出否定回答)_5. He is short and thin.(就划线部分提问)_九、 阅读理解,判断正误。My name is Peter. Im an English boy. Im a student. I have English and Chinese on Mondays. I like English so I like Mondays best. I have math, art and P.E. on Fridays. I often do homework on Saturdays. I often play ping-pong on Sundays. 1. ( )Peter is a Chinese boy.2. ( )I like English best.3. ( )Peter isnt a student.4. ( )I often do homework on Saturdays.5. ( )I often play basketball on Sundays.十、 作文。以“My teacher.”为题写一篇小作文。要求:1. 用准确的语言描述清楚相貌、身材以及性格。 2. 语句通顺,语法准确,标点使用正确。 3. 字数在40个词左右。_ _

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