2019年小升初英语 阅读理解基础训练3.doc

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2019年小升初英语 阅读理解基础训练3AMy name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries, but Ray doesnt. I dont like eggs for breakfast, but Bob and Ray do. I like fruit for breakfast. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. (C)1. _ doesnt like French fries. 【详解】从Bob and I like French fries, but Ray doesnt.一句获取明示信息。 A) Dan B) Bob C) Ray D) Dan and Bob (C)2. _ like hamburgers. 【详解】从We like hamburgers for lunch.可知他们三个人都爱吃汉堡。 A) Dan and Bob B) Bob and Ray C) Dan, Bob and Ray D) Dan and Ray (B)3. _ doesnt like eggs for breakfast. 【详解】从I dont like eggs for breakfast.一句获取明示信息。 A) Bob and Ray B) Dan C) Bob D) Ray (B)4. _ likes fruit for breakfast. 【详解】从I like fruit for breakfast.一句获取明示信息。 A) Bob and Ray B) Dan C) Bob D) Ray (D)5. _ like chicken. 【详解】从We really like chicken and salad for dinner.一句获取明示信息。 A) Dan and Bob B) Bob and Ray C) Dan and Ray D) Dan, Bob and RayB Jane is my sister. She is four. She is a nice girl and my family all like her very much. She likes eating eggs, French fries and chicken, but she doesnt like eating vegetables. Thats not good for her. One day, my mother cooks many vegetables for dinner. We eat happily. But Jane doesnt have any at all. She says, I am not hungry. I dont eat. My mother says, OK. Dont eat. After a while, Jane runs to the table and eats the vegetables. She says, They are good today. Great, dear! we say. (A)1. Who is Jane? 【详解】根据文中 Jane is my sister. 可知 “Jane 是我的妹妹”。 A) She is my sister. B) She is my mother. C) She is my friend. (A)2. Which of the following is TRUE? 【详解】根据文中 she doesnt like eating vegetables. 可知Jane喜欢吃蔬菜。 A) She doesnt like eating vegetables. B) She doesnt like eating eggs. C) She doesnt like eating French fries and chicken. (C)3. What does my mother cook for us? 【详解】根据文中 my mother cooks many vegetables for dinner. 可知 “妈妈晚饭准备了蔬菜”。 A) French fries. B) Hamburgers. C) Vegetables. (A)4. Jane says she is not _, so she doesnt eat. 【详解】根据文中 She says, I am not hungry. I dont eat.可知 “妹妹说她不饿”。 A) hungry B) happy C) good (A)5. Does Jane eat vegetables at last? 【详解】根据文中“Jane runs to the table and eats the vegetables.”,可知Jane最后还是吃了蔬菜。 A) Yes, she does. B) No, she doesnt. C) We dont know.附送:2019年小升初英语 阅读理解基础训练4AIm Peter. Im an American student. I study in Beijing. I like Beijing very much. I often go to the Great Wall. I also like Chinese food. For breakfast, I like eggs and apples. For lunch, I like rice and chicken. For dinner, I have some steamed bread and soup. Chinese food is very good! But I dont like to use chopsticks because it is difficult. (B)1. Is Peter an English student? 【详解】根据文中Im an American student. 可知“彼得是个美国学生”。 A) Yes, he is. B) No, he isnt. C) No, she isnt. (A)2. Does Peter study in China? 【详解】根据文中I study in Beijing. 可知答案。 A) Yes, he does. B) Yes, he do. C) No, he doesnt. (C)3. Does Peter like American food? 【详解】文章中没有提到相关信息。 A) Yes, he does. B) No, he doesnt. C) Sorry, we dont know. (B)4. What does Peter have for supper? 【详解】根据文中For dinner, I have some steamed bread and soup. 可知“彼得晚饭吃馒头喝汤”。 A) Eggs and apples. B) Steamed bread and soup. C) Rice and chicken. (C)5. What is chopsticks in Chinese? 【详解】根据常识可知,中西方用餐时所用的餐具不同。在中国,人们习惯的用餐工具是“筷子”(chopsticks). A) 汤匙 B) 餐叉 C) 筷子 B Mum: Dinner is ready, Tom. Tom: Do we have chicken today, Mum? Mum: No, we eat fish and carrots, dear. Tom: Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken. Mum: But we need more vegetables, not only meat. Its not healthy to eat chicken every day. Tom: OK. But Dad likes chicken, too. Mum: Well, lets have chicken and broccoli tomorrow (明天). Tom: That sounds great. (C)1. The conversation happens (发生) _. 【详解】dinner .n.晚餐. 通过Dinner is ready推断时间是傍晚。 A) in the morning B) at noon C) in the evening D) at night (A)2. Tom wants to have _ for dinner. 【详解】通过Tom: Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken.得出答案。 A) chicken B) fish C) carrots D) broccoli (B)3. _ like chicken. 【详解】通过Tom: OK. But Dad likes chicken, too.得出答案。 A) Tom and his mother B) Tom and his father C) Tom and his parents D) Toms parents (D)4. Its not healthy to eat _ every day. 【详解】通过Mum: But we need more vegetables, not only meat. Its not healthy to eat chicken every day.得出答案。 A) vegetables B) rice C) fruits D) chicken (C)5. They will have _ tomorrow. 【详解】通过Mum: Well, lets have chicken and broccoli tomorrow (明天).得出答案。 A) chicken and carrots B) fish and carrots C) chicken and broccoli D) fish and broccoli

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