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2019年小学英语pep三年级下册第一单元教案(改编版)教学目标:能力与知识目标:1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2. 能够在语境中理解We have two new friends today. Im from 的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用Im from 自我介绍国籍和家乡,进行初步的交流。3. 能够朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。文化目标:通过图片和教师讲解,能知道中西方主要国家的国旗。重点难点分析:词汇:boy, girl, new friend, today, UK句型:Im from Wele!教学准备:1.教材相关的国旗图片。2.教材相配套的录音带。教学过程预设:Step 1 Preparation1.Main Scene(1)新学期开始了,老师和学生们打招呼T:Wele back to school!Nice to see you again.引导回答Ss:Nice to see you,too!来表示彼此的欢迎和想念。(2)教师创设几个不同的情景帮住学生理解这句话的不同使用环境:远方的亲人顺利归来,家人表示欢迎Wele back;生病的同学,病愈后返校,同学们表示欢迎Wele back。(3)教师介绍Main Scene图片,John想Wu Yifan介绍他们的新同学Amy,让学生分角色扮演。2教师让几个学生向全班介绍自己在新学期中准备了什么样的心学习用品。教师先示范:I have a new. What about you? 指导学生完成这个句型的对话接龙。Step 2 Presentation 1.Lets talk(1)教师出示图片并介绍:I have two new friends. They are Amy and Zhang Peng. Do you want to know them?教师播放录音反复数次,让学生认真听。(2)在学生确定听懂录音内容后,再次播放,学生跟读并翻译。(3)教师手拿中国红旗说:Im from China. Im from Shandong. Where are you from?示意学生正确回答。(4)教师给学生出示地图,点出不同的城市,让学生快速做出反应:Im from(5)放Lets talk,让学生给人物配音,并复述。Step 3 Practice Look and say(1)拿出中国和英国的国旗,对学生说:Im from China. Youre from China, too. But Amy is from the UK. Where is the UK?让学生通过国旗说出the UK所指的国家。(2)教师拿出美国国旗,用同样的方式教学生学习the USA.(3)教师利用加拿大的国旗带领学生学习单词Canada。(4)让学生学说新单词后,教师快速出示国旗图片,让学生根据看到的图片用新学的句式造句:Im from the UK/the USA/Canada.2. listen and answer.Where is zhang peng from ?Where is Amy from?3.T:Amy is from UK.Zhang peng is from Shandong ,China.They are two new friend today.引导生说:Wele.并领读句子We have two new friend today.4.listen and repeat.5.Role-play.分角色表演。Step 4Production1卡通人物大联盟教师准备美国,加拿大,中国等国家的明星或运动员照片图片,做练习。Hello,Im Im from 句型做自我介绍。 2. 以小组为单位上台练习。Step 5Progress1 完成活动手册中的连线2 小结。3 .Homework:Read the text制作四个国家的国旗。板书设计:Unit 1 Wel back to school Hi, ImIm from课题Unit 1 Wele back to school (Unit 1 Park A 2)教学目标:能力与知识目标1. 能够听、说、认读UK, Canada, USA, China四个国家名称。2. 能够在教师提供的语境中运用这四个国名来交流信息。3. 能够在图片的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣。文化目标: 通过图片和教师的讲解能够知道中西方主要国家的标志性建筑。重点难点分析:本部分主要是巩固句型Im from介绍自己来自什么地方。教学难点:词汇:UK, Canada, USA, China教学准备:本课相应的课件教学过程:Step 1 Preparation1. Sing the song: boy and girl2教师出示Lets talk的教学图片,要求学生4人一组表演对话。教师出示不同城市和国家的图片,让学生利用已学过的句型快速说出:Im Im from3.教师出示上课时中出现过的国家过去或者标志性事物。让学生看图说出相应的国家名称。Step 2 Presentation 1. Lets learn(1)教师出示有关加拿大的图片,图片中分别为国旗、电视塔、枫叶、海狸,最后出现单词Canada, 教师板书领读单词,并造句,操练单词。(2)教师利用同样的方法带领学生学习单词China, 并用同样的方式操练。(3)教师出示美国的国旗及标志性建筑自由女神像,分别出示美国国名的三种写法,讲清其来历和常用的场合。(4)教师出示英国的国旗,讲清英国的版图构成以及其王国的特征,引出英国全称的来历。出示英国标志性建筑物的图片,帮助学生认读单词。2. Lets chant(1) 教师出示Im Amy .Im from China.(2) 教师继续介绍Amy:Amy. Im Amy .Im from the UK. Chenjie chenjie ,Im chenjie Im from China.(3)用同样的方式说出Canada和USA. (4)教师播放Lets chant部分的录音三遍。第一遍要求学生静听,第二遍要求学生找出学过的句子,第三遍带领学生尝试学说和模仿吟唱。Step 3 Practice1.头脑风暴 教师快速出示不同国家的国旗,配以男孩或女孩的图片,让学生看图片用最快的速度说句子:Im from2.大家来改编(1)教师带领学生将chant中部分单词进行替换改编(2)改编后让学生按照节奏大声吟唱。(3)教师鼓励学生按照自己的想法改编并表演chant。3.住句型练习,带上头饰做自我介绍。Step 4Production1.角色扮演教师将准备好的带有英文名字、性别和国旗的卡片发给几个学生,再准备几张写有不同国家名称的卡片,让其他学生抽取,学生抽到卡片后根据卡片内容说句子:A boy/girl from持相应卡片的学生马上起立,按照卡片内容进行自我介绍,如:Im John. Im a boy. Im from the USA.2.Have a test(1) Think and match(2) Look, read and write play , we , to , like(.) from , the , UK , A , girl (.) 3.完成活动手册中的相关练习Step 5Progress1. 出示本节课所学的Canada, China, UK, USA, boy, girl, friend等单词卡片,让学生读单词并造句。2. 让学生跟随录音吟唱chant。3.Homework:和父母说四个国家名字,并和他们做自我介绍。板书设计: Unit 1 Wele back to school Canada Chinathe UK the USA 课题Unit 1 Wele back to school (Unit 1 Park A 3) 教学目标:能力与知识目标1. 能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的字母,知道字母a在单词中发音。2. 能够在教师的引导下说出例词由哪些音构成。3. 能够在之前练习的基础上根据给出的几个独立的音试着拼出单词。4. 能够在四线三格中正确书写单词,注意到字母间距。情感目标:培养学生认真书写、做事严谨的良好习惯。重点难点分析:能够四会掌握单词cat, bag, hand, dad.教学难点:掌握字母a在闭音节单词中的发音规律。教学准备:本课时所用的课件,单词卡片等教学过程:Step1 Preparation1. 1. Sing the song:ABC song 2. 看图说单词教师出示不同国家的国旗,让学生快速说出单词,并造句。3. 对话接龙教师把课前准备的带有不同地点的卡片分别发给学生,先带头作示范,介绍游戏:Im fromI have a new friend. She is A. A起立,按照卡片上的地名介绍自己说:Hi, Im A. I m fromI have a new friend. He is B. B起立后用同样的方式自我介绍,以此类推。4. 教师出示多种不同国家具有代表性的动物的图片,让学生快速说出动物的名称并说说来自哪个国家。Step2 Presention 1. Lets spell(1)教师拿着cat的图片对学生说:I have a new friend. Its from China. Its a cat.教师边读边将单词写在黑板上,写的同时说出每个字母的发音,让学生跟着教师重复拼读c-a-t, cat.(2)教师在黑板上写出字母a,之后在字母前后分别加上字母b和g,分解发音b-a-g,bag. Its a bag.让学生说,教师为学生正音。(3)教师用同样的方法教授单词hand和dad。2. Listen, point and repeat(1)教师发给学生每人一套cat. bag, hand., dad的单词卡片。播放录音,让学生根据录音内容说出单词,并大声拼读单词。(2)教师将学生分成若干个小组,每个小组中一个人拼读单词,其他人按照听到的内容指出单词,出示单词卡片,并大声重复单词。(3)把学生分为三人一组,让一名学生随意抽取一张卡片,快速读出卡片上的 ,第二个同学快速拼出单词,第三名学生用这个单词快速造句。 Step 3 Practice1. Read, listen and cirle(1) 教师带了学生大声拼读课本P6中Read, listen and cirle中的单词。(2)教师播放录音,让学生在书上圈出所听到的单词。(3)教师引导学生自己总结字母a在单词中的发音,提出学生注意重读闭音节单词的构成。2. 我们来造句教师带领学生用含字母a,的单词造句3.listen and write.播放录音,让学生跟着录音描红单词。Step 4Production1,.完成相关练习。出示一些没有学过的含有本节课学习的字母a的单词,试着读一读。Step 5Progress1. 教师随意读出一个今天学过的单词,让学生快速翻译并拼读单词。2. 教师帮追学生回忆更多的带有a的单词3. Homework听音模仿所学内容。将所学单词进行描红。板书设计:Unit 1 Wele back to school cat, bag, hand, dad.课题 Unit 1 Wele back to school (Unit 1 Park B 1)教学目标:能力与知识目标1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2. 能够在语境中理解Where are you from? Im from 的语用功能,并在图片或动作等帮助下,使用它们完成和他人自我介绍和询问的简单交际。3. 能够分清he和 she的区别。4. 能够朗读对话并能进行角色表演。情感文化意识目标: 通过图片和教师讲解能够知道中西方主要国家的国旗和代表动物。重点难点分析:词汇:student句型: Where are you from ? Im This is . Shes a new student.教学准备:教师应准备课件。教学过程:Step1 Preparation1. 让学生跟录音吟唱chant2.让学生看教师出示的卡片,快速说国名,并造句。3.让学生利用教师提供的国家英文名称和人民进行自我介绍Step2 Presentation 1. Lets talk(1)教师准备一个Amy的头饰,向学生介绍Amy的有关情况,并邀请一名学生和自己对话T:Hello, Amy. Where are you from? (教师提问的同时向学生出示一幅英国的国旗图片,提示学生用这个词来回答问题)S:Im from the UK.教师板书后领读几遍教师和学生互换角色,再次进行对话。T:Im Amy. Who wants to make a dialogue with me?S:Hello, Amy. Where are you from?T:Im from the UK.(在与学生对话的过程中,教师要注意对学生发音的调整)教师用同样的方式和几名学生逐一对话,从而确保学生都能作出准确的回答。(2)教师带上头饰与学生交流说:Mr jones ,this is Amy .Shes a new student.两个学生互相打招呼,教师对所有学生介绍,Shes a new student.引导学生用英语介绍朋友,练习,巩固运用句型。This is .Shes a new student.3播放Lets talk录音三遍。要求:一听,二跟,三单独模仿。2. 让学生分别扮演对话中的人物,按照课文内容进行对话练习。教师准备好三个头饰,把学生分成小组,到台前扮演角色表演对话。可以根据自己的喜好,对名字、国家进行替换和改编。Step 3 Practice1. 听音正音。2. 小组合作分角色读对话。3. 学生分角色表演对话。 4. Play a game(1)教师把学生分,分给每组的每名学生一张纸片,纸片上写着名字和国家,其中会有若干个相同的名字的人但是来自不同的国家。(2)教师给每组学生一个要寻找的人物作为目标,每组派一名同学到另外组去寻找目标人物,如:寻找来自美国的Alice(3)看哪组学生最先找到目标人物Step 4Production1. Look and say(1)教师出示若干幅不同的动物图片,帮助学生了解它们分别来自哪些国家,是哪些国家的标志。(2)出示美国国旗,向学生讲解eagle; 出示澳大利亚的国旗,讲解单词Australia和kangaroo。(3)让学生两人一组,分别扮演不同的小动物完成对话:S1: Hello, MR Panda. Where are you from?S2: Hello, MR Beaver. Im from China. Where are you from?S3: Im from Canada.2. Have a test. Think and matchNew , a, She, student, is(.) from, Where, you, are(?) . Write out the words according to the pictures.3. 完成活动手册中相关练习Step 5Progress教师将教学挂图挂在黑板前,让学生根据图片表演对话让学生以chant的形式输出Look and say部分内容:Im a Panda. I am fat. Im from China.Im a Beaver. I am cool. Im from Canada.Im an eagle. I can fly. Im from the USA.Im a kangaroo. I can jump. Im from Australia.3. Homework(1)尝试找到更多国家的代表动物,并学会说出它们的英文名字。(2)听Lets talk录音,大声朗读所学对话。板书设计: Unit 1 Wele back to school Where are you from?Im from This is . Shes a new student.课题Unit 1 Wele back to school (Unit 1 Park B 2) 教学目标:能力与知识目标1. 能够听、说、认读she, student, pupil, he, teacher等单词。注意告知学生student和pupil是同义词。2. 能够在语境中运用这些单词询问和回答个人信息。3. 能够在图片的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣。情感目标:鼓励学生与同学用英语进行沟通和交流。重点难点:重点:掌握三会单词和句子难点:能够在具体的语境中灵活运用句型:This is 教学准备:录音机,卡纸,照片等教学过程:Step 1 Preparation1、 让学生跟录音吟唱Part A 中的Lets chant.2、 让学生快速读出老师出示的关于国家,动物的英语单词卡片,并造句。Step 2 Presentation1. Lets learn学习新单词 student,teacher,pupil,he she1) 教师指着自己说:Hello,boys and girls,Im Mr zhang.Im a teacher.重复teacher,教读板书领读。找学生读。出示Mrs jones图片教学生认识he is a teacher.认识he.板书跟读 2) 老师拿出Amy的图片,进行介绍说:this is Amy. She is a student.老师边重复student一词边将单词写在黑板上,教读单词。引导学生来造句。老师引导学生用Nice to meet you.和两个新朋友打招呼。并指着女孩说she,领读3) 请一男生一女生到台前来配合表演对话。4) 老师分别请几名学生用同样的方式介绍自己身边的两名同学。老师提示学生student pupil的区别。让学生跟读学说单词。5) 教学teacher6) 老师利用语言创设情景来学习新单词:Look at me .Im a teacher. Im from China.老师将teacher一词写在黑板上,让学生跟读学说。7) 老师出示一些外国老师的照片:I have many friends. They are all teacher.But they are from diffenrent countries.Look!This is Mary. She is a teacher,too. She is from Australia.8) 老师引导学生用同样的方式介绍另外的外国老师。9) 播放Lets learn 部分的录音,让学生跟读单词,老师正音。Step 3 Practice1. 你知道吗?老师出示若干幅图片,表示一些简单的职业,如doctor,driver,policeman等。让学生利用学过的句式和新单词一起说句子:ThisisMrHeisdriver.HeisfromCanada.2、说说画画教师让学生动手画一画自己的爸爸妈妈,让后利用学过的知识为同学们介绍一下自己的爸爸妈妈的职业:Thisismyfather.Heisapoliceman.3.Letschant(1)教师用录音机播放chant三遍。(2)教师解释chant中出现的难点。(3)教师再次播放录音,让学生跟唱。Step 4Production1.让学生带上头饰上台表演做自我介绍:Im .Im a teacher.student.Im from .This is Hes Shes a teacher student.2. start to read3. story time.听录音了解故事内容。Step 5Progress1. 让学生作配套练习。2. 让学生做小结。3. Homework (1)找到更多的有关职业的单词(2)将本课所学的单词拼给父母听附送:2019年小学英语pep五年级上册第一单元试卷一、 写出下列单词的反义词old tall thin quiet big 二、 完成句子1. _ your new English teacher? Miss Ye.2. _ he like? Hes young and strong.3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? Yes, _.4. Whos that young man? _ is your P.E. teacher.三、 读一读,选出每组中发音不同的单词( )1. A. peach B. tea C. bread( )2. A. black B. lake C. apple( )3. A. strong B. short C. seat( )4. A. blue B. brown C. blow四、 读短文,判断正误Im Sarah. I have three teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. My science teacher is Mr Liu. Hes tall and thin. My art teacher is Miss Zhao. Shes pretty and young. My English teacher is Miss Sun. shes an old woman. Shes kind.( )1. I have two new teachers.( )2. My art teacher is an old woman.( )3. My English teacher is Miss Sun.( )4. My science teacher is tall and thin.( )5. Miss Sun is strict.五年级英语第一单元测试题听力部分(40分)一、根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,把其字母编号填在题前的括号内。1.( ) A. English B. England2.( ) A. do sports B. watch TV 3.( ) A. Tuesday B. Thursday4. ( ) A. smart B. strict5.( ) A. strong and short B. short and funny6. ( ) A. do housework B. do homework7.( ) A. Mr Liu B. Miss Lin 8.( ) A.Mr Zhang is quiet and tall. B. Miss Li is kind and thin.9.( ) A.What do you do on Saturdays? B. What do you have on Thursdays?10( )A.Whats your art teacher like? B. Whos your math teacher?二、根据你听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。1.( )A. Yes, they are. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, she is.2.( )A.She is Mrs Lin. B. He is Miss Zhang. C. He is Mr Su.3.( )A.He is strong. B. She is young. C. They are very tall.4.( ) A.Its Thursday. B. No,he is my English teacher.5.( ) A. I have English and P.E. class.B.I often play ping-ping on Sundays. 三、根据你所听到的句子,填上所缺的单词。1、This is my _ teacher. Shes _ and _. 2、Shes _, but shes very _.3、. _ our _ teacher.4、What _ is it today? Its _.5、What do you _ on Saturdays?四、你将听到一段对话,请判断下列句子的对错。对的打“”,错的打“”。1.( ) I have a new math teacher.2.( ) He is young and tall. 3.( ) Our P.E. teacher is a man.4.( ) I like our P.E. teacher.5. ( ) Our P.E. teacher is very quiet.笔试部分(60分)五、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“ ”,不同的打“ ”。 ( ) 1.how mouth ( ) 2. bread teacher ( ) 3. sheep sleep( ) 4. peach jeans ( ) 5. great seat 六、填入所缺字母,完成单词并写出中文。 1. sm_ rt ( ) 2. s tr_ct ( ) 3. act _ ve ( )4. st_dent ( ) 5. pr_ncipal( ) 七选择正确答案并将字母序号填在括号里。 ( )1This is _ university student. A 、 an B、 a C、 不填( )2_funny? Yes, she is. A 、Is he B、 Whos C、 Is she ( )3. What _ is it today? A、today B. day C、it ( )4. Today _ Friday. C、 A. is B. are C、am ( )5. We _English, math and P.E. A have B has C、are ( )6. What do you do _ Sundays? A. on B. in C、for ( )7 Sunday is fun _ me. A on B for C、to ( )8 Its time _ get up A. to B B for C、in八 根据汉语提示完成句子。1、谁是你的新的语文老师? _ is your _ Chinese teacher ? 2、.她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。_ she like ? Oh, she is tall and thin. 3.、他聪明吗?是的,而且他很严厉。Is he _? Yes, and he is very _ 4、 星期四你上什么课? What _ _ _ on _?5、我经常读书. I _ _ _.九、.阅读,判断(用T表示正确,用F表示错误)My name is Amy. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Every morning I get up at 6:30. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have English, math and science on Monday morning. I like Fridays very much, because I have P.E class and I can watch TV on that day. ( )1. Amy gets up at 6:30. ( )2 Amy has five classes every day. ( )3. Amy likes math very much. ( )4. Amy likes Saturdays. ( )5. Amy has English, math and science on Monday morning听力材料:一、1、English 2、watch TV 3、Thursday 4、strict 5、short and funny6、 do homework 7、Miss Lin 8、Miss Li is kind and thin 9、What do you have on Thursday? 10、Whos your math teacher?二、1、Is she quiet?2、Whos that young man ?3、Whts she like?4、What day is it today?5、What do you do on Sunday?三、1、This is my English teacher, she is young and tall.2、She is strict, but shes very kind.3、 Shes our math teacher.4、 What day is it today? Its Monday.5、What do you do have on Saturday?四、 Look at that young man, he is my new math teacher,he is kind and tall.Oh,look at that old man , he is our P.E teacher, hes active, his class is so much fun, we all like him.小学英语五年级上册第二单元试卷口 语 训 练一、朗读下列具有相同音素的单词。 ow: Brown cowboy down ou: about count blouse二、练习对话。 今天星期几?课程是怎样安排的? Model:Linda:What day is it today? Jack:Its Monday. Linda:What do you have on Mondays?Jack:We have English,science and art. 听 力 训 练三、听读单词,看图,填写图的相应编号。四、听读句子,选出正确的选项,填在题前的括号内。 ( )1. What does she have on ? A. Fridays B. Thursdays C. Sundays ( )2. They have on Fridays. A. English B. music C. art ( )3. They often on Saturdays. A. watch TV B. read books C. do their homework ( )4. John often plays . A. football B. basketball. C. ping -pong五、听读对话,回答下列问题。1. What day is it today? 2. What classes do Chen Jie and Amy have today? 3. What do Chen Jie and Amy do on Saturdays? 4. What about Mike? 笔 试 部 分 六、用所给的字母组成单词并写出中文意思。1. o,d,M,n,a,y ( )2. s, e, c, i, e, n, c ( )3. a,W,e,y,n,d,s,e,d ( )4. u, a, h, y, r, s, d, T ( )5. d, t, a, o, y ( )七、写出下列单词所缺的字母,并与相关的图连线。 1. r b s 2. p f 3. d h 4. w TV八、对话填空。 Uncle:Its seven. Its to go to school. Sarah:Oh,no. Uncle. Saturday today. Uncle:What you on Saturday? Sarah:I often homework in the morning and TV in the afternoon. Uncle:Thats good. Sarah: you,Uncle Li? Uncle:I often puter games and sports. I like Saturday. Sarah:Me too. 九、读句子,根据实际情况回答问题。1. What day is it today? 2. What do you have on Wednesdays? 3. What do you do on Fridays? 4. What do you do on weekends? 十、把下列句子改成一般疑问句。1. I like English and math. 2. We have science class on Monday afternoon. 3. I do my homework and watch TV on weekends. 4. It is Thursday today. 5. She is young and pretty. 6. Its seven oclock now. 十一、补充对话。 A: is it today ? B: Sunday. A:Wow,thats great. B: do you Sunday? A:I often TV, books, shopping and homework. What ? B:I often football, puter games and have a nice sleep. A: you Sunday? B:Yes,I like it very much. A: too. 十二、翻译下列各句。 1. I (看电视)on Sundays. 2. What do you do (在星期六)? 3. I like to (打电脑游戏). 4. (你呢)? 5. I often (做作业)on Sunday evening. 6. (星期几)is it today? 7. My mother and my sister (做家务)at home. 8. She (有)some nice dresses. 9. We (上)English every day. 10. (什么)do they do on (周末)?十三、选词填空。day,do,am,like,often,read,go to school,housework, puter gamesHello. I Peter. What is it today? It is Sunday. I dont . I stay at home at the weekend. I my homework and play . I help my mother ,too。I am happy. I weekends.

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