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2019年四年级英语上册Unit2Therearetwelveboysonthebike教案外研版一、教学目标:1、全体学生能理解词汇fruit、chicken、bear、pig。2、全体学生能运用词汇there are,chicken, pig。3、全体学生能运用There are twelve boys on the bike.这类语句来描述照片或图片图画场景。二、教学重难点: 1、全体学生能运用词汇here are,chicken, pig2、全体学生能运用There are twelve boys on the bike.三、教学准备:录音机、课件四、教学过程:(一)Warming up and lead in1. Greeting2. Lets chant3.播放课件,学生用There isin the photo .Hes / Shes/ Its V-ing.4.教师出示照片,全班学生一起描述照片。5.T: Do you remember our old friends Lingling,Sam, Amy and Daming? What are they doing? 他们正兴高采烈地观看表演呢。What do they see?Lets have a look. T: Now lets begin.T: Now, I will play the tape again. In this time, listen the tape carefully and find the answer with you partner. 教师板书:There is a boy on the bike. There are twelve boys on the bike.T:Now, I play the tape for the last time. Pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.(二)Task presentationT:刚才大家只看见Lingling, Amy and Sam在看台上,咦怎么看不见大明呢。哈哈,大明正在向大家展示他手机的一组动物图片呢? 他把这些图片整理成一份手抄报,正在向大家展示图片的内容呢? 学完今天的课文后,同学们要为班级英语手抄报选择图片,谁的图片会入选呢,让我们拭目以待吧。(三)Text learning 1. T: Lets learn our text.2. T: Please listen to the tape.3. T: Listen to the tape again. During listen, find the questions answer. Q: Whats in Damings photos?4. T: In this time, listen to the tape and imitate the intonation of the tape. 5. Ask some students to answer the questions and teacher writes the answer on the blackboard.6.T: Teacher read the sentences on the blackboard.7. 播放课件,教授单词:fruit, chicken, bear, pig8. Ask the students try to describe the photos by using the sentence There is/are. in the photo. Its. 9.T:Play the tape again and ask students to imitate .Two people a group to practice describing the photos.(四) Practice1.T :播放课件,point and say the pictures with your partner2. T: Lets have relax and sing a song3. Lets play a memory game.(五)Summary(六)Homework1.向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况2.给家人或同伴演唱本模块所学歌曲3.完成AB Unit2 练习3板书设计:Module 7 Unit2There are twelve boys on the bike. There is a boy on the bike. There are twelve boys on the bike. There is a pander in the photo. There are chickens on the bike. There is a bear in the photo. There are eleven pigs in the photo. 附送:2019年四年级英语上册Unit2WhatsyournumberLesson10教案人教精通版一、Teaching aims:1. Knowledge: To learn the new words and sentences.2. Ability: Can use the words and sentences.3. Emotion: To cultivate students interest in learning English.二、Important points:New words and sentences.三、Difficult points:Can use English to municate.四、Preparation:recorder courseware五、Teaching Steps:1、Warm-upRevision1) Lets chant.2) Fast Motion.2、Presentation1) Lets count from one to sixteen.2) Ask and answer. (Whats and ? )3) To learn the new words. ( seventeen eighteen )4) Listen and repeat the dialogue.5) Lets act.3、Practice1) Listen, tick and say.2) Listen, write and say.4. Knowledge extensionEveryday English5. AssessmentGroup evaluation6. Homework1) Listen and read the dialogue after class.2) Copy the new words.7.Writing design:Unit 2 Whats your number?Lesson 10Whats eight and nine? seventeen eighteenIts seventeen. seven eightAfter-class summary:

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