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2019年二年级英语上学期复习试卷(2)Vocabulary (5 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks)( ) 1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battling a/an _. A. ear B. lips C. eyelid D. nostril ( ) 2. The _ of elephants are stacking heavy logs. A. bevy B. herd C. flock D. shoal ( ) 3. Despite her many successes, Tenzin remains _. A. humble B. beautiful C. proud D. silly ( ) 4. We were struck by the _ of his character. A. shame B. beauty C. model D. attraction ( ) 5. People on the street are staring at that ladys _. A. neat B. sutiable C. clean D. strange Grammar (35 marks)Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, into, on ) a tourist attraction.7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later.8. Of all the children, only three ( wear, wears, wearing ) spectacles.9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables.10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar?11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body.12. The coconut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ).13. My friends ( like, likes, liking ) my stickers.14. The bottle of mineral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty.15. Mingmei returned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ).16. There isnt ( enough, few, some ) flour to bake cookies.17. Weiling does not ( like, likes, liking ) to eat meat.18. Brush your teeth ( before, during, after ) sleeping.19. We ( give, gave, giving ) David the gift yesterday.20. Wax ( is, are, am ) used to make candles.Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (10*2 = 10marks)21. make being I my parents by happy good boy a _ _22. sense of lost The campers their and direction are lost the forest in _ _23. never should matches Children play with they are as dangerous _ _24. in front of does friends like My sister not to her sing _ _25. brother jogging My prefers to swimming _ _26. smoke given out A lot of is a volcano when erupts _ _27. the climbed the thief window through bedroom into the _ _28. a we a day ourselves of hard work rest gave after _ _29. all the time cousins with my each other quarrel _ _30. beatuiful rainbow looks the like a the sky bridge across _ _Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.organisedharmfulprizeclassroompersonalcleanlinessimportanceexcitedwinningpleasedLast week, we attended a health talk on hygienic habits. Mr Yeo, our headmaster, spoke about the (31) _ of keeping our body and (32) _ belongings clean. He said that (33) _ is the key to healthy living. He warned us of (34) _ germs taht cause disease. A contest was (35) _ to select the cleanest (36) _. Mr Yeo was (37) _ with the efforts that we had put in for the past one week. We were all (38) _ about the results of the petition as a (39) _ would be awarded to the (40) _ class.prehension MCQ (14 marks)Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.It was raining cats and dogs. Jane was waiting at the shelter for the rain to stop. She did not have an umbrella with her. Jane was worried as she was late for work.Do you want to cross over to the other side? a lady asked. Turning around, Jane came face to face with a middle-age lady who was carrying a big bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other.Yes, please. Which way are you going? Jane asked.To the right, the lady answered. Jane declined the offer as she was going towards a different direction. She would be left without a shelter if they crossed over to the other side. You can have my umbrella, the lady said, Ill get my husband to pick me up.Jane accepted the ladys kindness. She was very amazed and touched by such kindness a person can show to a stranger.( ) 41. It was _. A. drizzling B. a sunny day C. windy D. raining heavily( ) 42. Jane was going _. A. home B. to school C. to work D. to play( ) 43. A middle-age lady is _. A. a teenager B. an old lady C. a youth D. a lady in her forties( ) 44. Jane _. A. did not take the ladys umbrella B. threw the umbrella away C. shared the umbrella with the lady D. took the ladys umbrella( ) 45. The word declined means _. A. said no B. said yes C. felt happy D. felt disappointed( ) 46. The ladys husband was going to _. A. pick her up in a car B. bring an umbrella to her C. give her money for the taxi fare D. leave her alone at the bus-stop( ) 47. Jane was _ what the lady had done for her. A. angry with B. disappointed with C. surprised and touched by D. sorry forprehension OE (16 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.We had our puter lesson yesterday. The teacher taught us how to use the software Powerpoint to create multimedia presentation slides. A multimedia slide consists of text, graphics, animation, video and sound. Texts are simply words. Graphics are drawings or pictures. After we had created the text and put in the graphics, we were taught how to animate or to move them around. All of us were happy to be able to create our own slide shows. It was certainly better to have a multimedia presentation slide than a plain text slide which consisted only of words.A multimedia presentation slide is more interesting and gives more information.48. What lesson did the children have? _49. Which software did they use to create multimedia presentation slides? _50. What are texts? _51. What does a multimedia presentation contain? _52. What are graphics? _53. Give a word in the passage which means to move something around on a screen. _54. How did the children feel about creating their own slide shows? _55. Why is it better to have a multimedia presentation slide than a plain text slide? _Guided Writing (20 marks)Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words and phrases in the box.A Puppyinjuredpitifulveterinarianexamineddeserted roadparked the carrecovered _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ANSWERSPrimary 2 EnglishPractice 51. C2. B3. A4. B5. D6. into7. are8. wear9. is10. any11. are12. us13. like14. is15. mine16. enough17. like18. before19. gave20. is21. I make my parents happy by being a good boy.22. The campers lost their sense of direction and are lost in the forest.23. Children should never play with matches as they are dangerous.24. My sister does not like to sing in front of her friends.25. My brother prefers jogging to swimming.26. A lot of smoke is given out when a volcano erupts.27. The thief climbed into the bedroom through the window.28. We gave ourselves a rest after a day of hard work.29. My cousins quarrel with each other all the time.30. The rainbow looks like a beautiful bridge across the sky.31. importance 32. personal33. cleanliness34. harmful35. organised36. classroom37. pleased38. excited39. prize40. winning 41. D42. C43. D44. D45. A46. A47. C 48. They had a puter lesson. 49. They used the software Powerpoint to create a multimedia presentation slide. 50. They are words. 51. It contains texts, graphics, animation, video and sound. 52. They are drawings or pictures. 53. The word is animate. 54. They felt happy. 55. A multimedia presentation slide is more interesting and gives more information. 附送:2019年二年级英语上学期复习试卷(I)Vocabulary (15 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks)( ) 1. When the canoe _, the boys swam a shore. A. leaked B. turned C. capsized D. flipped ( ) 2. The fairy has a magic _ that can turn naughty children into lizards. A. stick B. rod C. rope D. wand ( ) 3. Mr Lee gave a _ to the child who returned his wallet. A. reward B. money C. change D. receipt ( ) 4. Edmond has to get his parents _ to go to Australia. A. permission B. request C. ask D. instruction ( ) 5. We ran for _ when it started to drizzle. A. protection B. shelter C. safety D. closure ( ) 6. Father was so sleepy that he _ off as mother was talking to him. A. dozed B. slipped C. seeped D. gushed ( ) 7. Brandon groaned in _ when he fell down. A. pain B. glee C. joy D. jealousy ( ) 8. Natalie records her dreams in her _. A. newspapers B. calendar C. journal D. register ( ) 9. Kenny owns a _ of ship. A. flock B. fleet C. troupe D. box ( ) 10. Mother wears _ to the market. A. heels B. pumps C. slippers D. boots ( ) 11. Most swimmers wear _ when they are in the water. A. goggles B. spectacles C. clips D. ribbons ( ) 12. We take dinner in the/at _. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midnight ( ) 13. Elephants can be trained easily as they have good _. A. hearing B. memory C. eyesight D. sense ( ) 14. The _ at the soccer match cheered loudly when their team scored a goal. A. audience B. people C. students D. spectators ( ) 15. Jenny has been _ of the crime she was accused of. A. quit B. acquitted C. released D. relieved Grammar (38 marks)Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)16. Tim and Joe are ( go, goes, going ) to the library together.17. I cannot decide ( between, among, along ) buying the blue cap or the black one.18. Josh needs to ( put, puts, putting ) in more effort to do well.19. I can ( smell, smells, smelling ) the fragrance mother is wearing.20. Mr Tan told ( her, its, his ) daughter, Dont forget your umbrella.21. My uncle from Penang ( is, are, am ) visiting us this Friday.22. Jamie is ( look, looks, looking ) forward to the party.23. You have grown so much ( tall, taller, tallest ) within a month!24. ( What, Where, Who ) are you doing, Jack?25. The workers ( is, are, have ) building the house now.26. My brother and sister ( is, are, has ) from this school.27. Mrs Foo baked ( any, many, much ) cookies for her family.28. I heard the baby ( cries, cried, crying ) just now.29. My puppy, Rum, ( is, are, has ) very mischievous.30. I ( is, am, are ) so happy to see you again.Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (5*2 = 10 marks)31.favourite My is a toy aeroplane model _ _32. interesting Father every tells us stories night _ _33. rang and The doorbell the girls to the rushed door _ _34. go for They overseas a year holiday once _ _35. is of The child always a lot asking questions _ _ Vocabulary Cloze (14 marks)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.flooropenfeelingappearedhorriblecreaturearoundlonelinessdreamaimedscreamedholdingrushedinvited Terence felt the (36) _ below him shake as he looked (37) _ the empty room. (38) _ crept into him. Suddenly the door was flung (39) _. A strange looking (40) _, wearing a luminous red outfit, (41) _ at the doorway. It was (42) _ a gun. Instead of (43) _ frightened, Terence was happy that he had pany. He (44) _ towards the alien and (45) _ his new found friend into the room. The creature gave a (46) _ laugh and (47) _ its gun at Terence. Terence (48) _ and woke up from his (49) _.prehension MCQ (12 marks)Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets. Cheetahs are big cats. They are often seen in small groups on the grassy plains that are their home. As they are the fastest runners of all animals, they are able to hunt in the day time. They can achieve 100 kilometers per hour to catch their prey. However, they cannot keep this speed for long. The average chase lasts for less than half a minute. Cheetahs usually hunt small antelopes or the young of some larger species. A cheetahs claws are blunt. Its method of killing is to knock the prey off balance and then strangle it. They are messy eaters and often lick the blood off each others face after feeding. Cheetahs are now being very rare in many places.( ) 50. The Cheetah is often seen _. A. alone B. with other cheetahs C. running very fast D. running very clumsily( ) 51. Cheetahs are able to hunt in the day because _. A. they are often in groups B. their claws are sharp C. they run faster than all the other animals D. they run slowly( ) 52. The cheetahs can keep at their speed for _. A. a long time B. a short time C. as long as they want to D. as long as the prey is running( ) 53. The cheetahs chase their prey for an average length of _. A. one minute B. more than one minute C. less than one minute D. two mintues( ) 54. Cheetahs are messy eaters because _. A. they strangle their prays B. their claws are blunt C. there is often blood on their face after eating D. they always lick each other( ) 55. Cheetahs live _. A. in the desert B. in the countryside C. on the grassy plains D. in the fieldsprehension OE (14 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Some houses were on fire. Several fire-engines raced to the scene. The firemen set up their equipment very quickly and fought the fiercely burning fire. As it was windy, the flames soon spread to the nearby houses. Within a short time, the thick black smoke rose and covered the neighbourhood and darkened the sky. The bright blaze was frightenig. Children screamed. The adults moved them hurriedly to safety. When the fire was put out, the houses had been pletely destroyed. The firemen looked through the remains to ensure that nobody had been killed by the fire. Finally, they sprayed the entire area with water.56. Why were there several fire-engines at the scene? _57. How did the flames spread to the nearby houses? _58. Why was the sky dark? _59. Why did the children scream? _60. What did the adults do? _61. What happened when the fire was put off? _


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