2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 What’s your name教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Whats your name教案 沪教牛津版教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 3A, pictures, tape, tape recorder , 活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectives Module 1 Unit 2P6 P7 Words and phrases: stand up, sit down, open,Patterns: Whats your name? My names Peter. Write your name, please.1. Using the key words and phrases in context. Eg, stand up, sit down, open, book2. Using modelled sentences tofind out a persons name. Eg, Whats your name? My names Peter.3. Using imperatives to give simple instructions. Eg, Write your name, please.活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Say a rhytme: Hello, hello. My names Lucy. My names Lucy. Hello, hello. My names Tommy. My names Tommy.Hello, hello. How are you?Hello, hello. Fine, thank you.Step 2 Have the students to say the rhyme use their own names.While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Introduce the new words and phrases by miming. Have the students to repeat. T: (sitting down) Sit down. S: Sit down. T: (Standing up) Stand up. S: Stand up. Step 2 Play simon says to practise the new phrases. Step 3 Have the students listen to the recording for Look and say on P6 and read after the tape.Step4 Invite individual students to practise the dialogue with teacher. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Mr Zhang. T: Sit down, Please. Whats your name? S1: My names Peter. T: Open your book. Write your name, please.Step5 Encourage the students make a new dialogue using their own names in groups.S1: Good morning, boys and girls. S2&S3&: Good morning, Mr Zhang. S1: Sit down, Please. Whats your name? S2: My names . S1: Open your book. Write your name, please. S1: Whats your name? S3: My names . S1: Open your book. Write your name, please.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Encourage students to make a new dialogue.Eg,S1: Good morning, boys and girls. S2&S3&: Good morning, Mr Zhang. S1: Sit down, Please. Whats your name? S2: My names . S1: How are you? S2: S1: Open your book. Write your name, please.Step 2 Play a game S1: My names Whats your name? (Point to student S2.) S2: My names Whats your name? (Point to student S3)S3: 板书设计Blackboard Writing Whats your name? Sit down. Stand up. My names Peter.课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1. Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Unit 2 Whats your name? Period 2教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 3A,p ictures, tape, tape recorder , 活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 1 Unit 2P7 Words and phrases: colse, open the door. classroom, blackboradPatterns: Open the door, please. OK.1. Using the key words and phrases in context. Eg, 2. Using imperatives to give simple instructions. Eg, Open the door, please.3. Responding to simple instructions.Eg, OK. 活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Play a game: Teacher say the instructions, the students do the actions.and make respond to the instructions.Eg, T: Stand up. S: OK. (Students stand up.)Step 2 Have the students to say the instructions and have the rest of them do the actions.While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Introduce the new words and phrases by miming. Have the students to repeat. T: (opening the door) Open the door. S: Open the door. T: (Closing the door) Close the door. S: Close the door. Step 2 Inrtoduce classroom and blackboradStep 3 Have the students listen to the recording for say and act on P7 for twice and repeat the tape.Step4 Invite individual students to practise the dialogue with teacher. T: Close the door, please. Girls: OK, Miss Fang. T: Thanks. Look at the blackborad, please. Clean the blackboard, please. Ss: OK. T: Open the door, please. Boys: Yes, Miss Fang. T: Thank you, Peter. Have the students practise in pairs.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Encourage students to make a new dialogue to practise the responding to the instructions.Eg, S1: Close the door, please.S2: Ok. S1 S2: Clean the blackboard, please. S3: Yes, S2.板书设计Blackboard WritingOpen the door, please. OK. colse, open, classroom, blackborad课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1. Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Unit 2 Whats your name? Period 3教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 3A ,pictures, tape, tape recorder , 活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 1 Unit 2P8 Patterns: Hello, Whats your name?1. Using modelled sentences to find out a persons name. Eg, Whats your name? My names Peter. 2. Using imperatives to give simple instructions. 3. Responding to simple instructions. Eg, OK. 活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Practise “Whats your name?” “Im ”While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Play the multimedia for Play a game onP8.Have the students repeat the recording.Step 2 Make a name card with students. Step 3 Have the students practise the dialogue of ask and answerPost-task ActivitiesStep 1 Encourage students to make a new dialogue to practise.板书设计Blackboard Writing Make a name card.课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1. Read the words and the sentences after the tape.Unit 2 Whats your name? Period 4教具准备 Teaching AidsCassette 3A ,pictures, tape, tape recorder , 活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesModule 1 Unit 2P9 Learn the rhyme.Learn the sound./ae/1. municate with others, 2. Learn the sound./ae/ 活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Review the rhyme One two three, touch your knee.Play a game with students.T: Pick up your pencil.S: (Do the actions.)While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Play the multimedia for Listen and enjoy onP9.Have the students repeat the recording.Step 2 Make the students say the rhyme in their groups of four. Ask some group to say the rhyme in front of the classroom.Step 3 Listen to the recording for Learn the sound and have students repeat after the tape.Step4: Distinguish the pronounciation of the letter a by playing a game The hens and theeggs.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Encourage students to act out the rhyme.板书设计Blackboard Writing Jam hand课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1. Read the words and the sentences after the tape.附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 Whats your name教案1 外研版教育目标: 1、学习在第一次见面时,用英语向别人问候和询问名字。 2、培养幼儿对英语问候别人的兴趣。 第一课时一、活动前思考 1、教材分析 这是一次以对话练习为主的活动,通过游戏活动的开展,理解句型“Whatsyourname?”,学习用“Iam”的句型回答。让幼儿在玩玩、练练中练习对话。 2、重点难点 重点:理解句型“Whatsyourname?”,学习用“Iam”的句型回答。 难点:Iam的发音。 二、过程实录 (一)活动目标: 1、理解句型“Whatsyourname?”,学习用“Iam”的句型回答。 2、愿意参加游戏,感受游戏的快乐。 (二)活动准备: 小猫、小猪等头饰。 (三)活动过程: 1、复习问候语。 Goodmorning,boysandboys! Hello/hai/goodmorning/howdoyoudo/(用不同的方式帮助幼儿复习问候语)。 评析:师幼间的互相问候,复习问候语,让幼儿融入到英语活动中来。 2、学习用“Whatsyourname?”“Iam”的句式。 Today,manyanimalswillehere,theywanttoplaywithus。 Whoarethey?listen! *教师把动物头饰放在门外,捂住嘴学门铃响。 Ding-dong,ding-dong! Oh!whoareyou?老师对着门口问,示意幼儿跟着一起问。 Wang-wangIamdog。Whatsyourname?Iamdog!(教师将头饰从门外拿进来,出示并回答。 *老师带上头饰。 Iamdog!hello!Whatsyourname?Iamhereyouare!(老师帮助回答的幼儿戴上dog的头饰),用相同的方式引出cat,rabbit,pig! 评析:这一游戏活动,通过教师的示范,让幼儿理解Whatsyourname?并通过师幼互动提高幼儿的活动兴趣,在游戏中鼓励幼儿大胆练习口语,寓教于乐。 3、游戏。 Nowletsplayagame。Iamadriver!走到一个幼儿面前,Whatsyourname? Iam Pleasefollowme!letsgoon! 游戏继续进行,车上不断有乘客上来。 评析:开汽车游戏活动的开展,巩固幼儿对Whatsyourname?的理解,重复练习Iam的发音,在个别对话中纠正发音。 4、结束活动。 Nowletshavearest! 三、小结这节课我们学习了什么?(Whats your name ?)小朋友们学得非常好,能询问别人的名字,希望下次,经过我们的努力,可以学到更多的知识,好不好?四、作业这节课我们就学到这里,老师给你们个任务:今天回到家里,把你今天学到的知识大声正确地朗读给爸爸妈妈听,好不好?我相信,你们是最棒的,一定能做到!T:Class over ,Goodbye class.S:Goodbye teacher.五、活动后反思: 在活动中,我发现幼儿对Iam这个句型的发音不是能够很快准确把握。因此我增加了游戏“开汽车”的次数,车上的乘客越来越多,孩子们在玩玩说说中不断重复纠正Iam的发音。第二课时1、这是一次以对话练习为主的活动,通过游戏活动的开展,理解句型“Nice to meet you!”,学习用“Nice to meet you,too!”的句型回答。让幼儿在玩玩、练练中练习对话。2、重点难点 重点:理解句型“Nice to meet you”,学习用“Nice to meet you,too!”的句型回答。 难点:nice, meet ,too的发音。教学方法:引导法、游戏法活动过程: 一、复习问候语。 Hello/ /goodmorning(用不同的方式帮助幼儿复习问候语)。 评析:师幼间的互相问候,复习问候语,让幼儿融入到英语活动中来。 二、学习用“Nice to meet you!” “Nice to meet you,too!”的句式。 1、先用点读笔示范一次讲故事story time内容 引出句型Nice to meet you! 回答Nice to meet you,too!2、带读几次(幼儿掌握程度) 3、指导个别幼儿学习打招呼三、讲故事story time 1、 用点读笔展示给大家听。2、让大家跟着讲故事。四、唱歌“What is your name?”1、用点读笔展示给大家听 2、讲解单词Hello、 your、 name 、nice 、meet 的意思3、师生一起边拍掌边唱四、小结这节课我们学习了什么?(Nice to meet you !)小朋友们学得非常好,明天继续加油,好不好?五、作业这节课我们就学到这里,老师给你们个任务:今天回到家里,向你爸爸妈妈问好,好不好?我相信,你们是最棒的,一定能做到!T:Class over ,Goodbye class.S:Goodbye teacher.


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