2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit12 lesson68教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit12 lesson68教案 人教新起点一、教学内容: 复习与社区和城市相关的词汇和交际用语。二、教学目标: 1. 能够听懂介绍别人做某事的语段,并将人物和图正确连线。2. 能熟练运用学过的交际用语询问并表达要去什么地方,做什么事情,走什么路线。3. 能够仿照范例写几句话,做到标点符号使用正确,书写规范。4. 通过本课活动逐步培养学生英语的表达能力。三、教学重点难点:综合运用9、10单元所学内容,在本课设计的情境下与他人进行交流。四、教学过程:1. 导入(1)game: 男同学有场所卡片,女同学有活动卡片。BOY: parkGIRL: Im going to the park. I want to go fishing.这两个人成为朋友。(2)做A项练习,学生听录音连线。 教师核对答案:Nancy is going to the zoo this weekend. She wants to see tigers there. Sam is going to the stadium. He wants to watch a soccer match. Julia is going to the bookstore. She wants to buy some books.2. 练习(1) 做B项练习。出示社区图T: What are you going to do this weekend? S: Im going to the post office.T: What do you want to do there?S: I want to buy some postcards. How can I get there? T: Go straight. Turn right. Go forward. Its across from the bookstore on Red Street.(2) 学生小组问答(3) 仿照C项范例,根据B项地图说一说要写的内容,然后将学好的内容读给同学听。3. 作业完成活动手册P20练习4, P21练习5五、小结:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit12 Lesson69-70教案 人教新起点教学目标与要求:1.介绍某场所位置的短文,并能将场所的贴画贴在图中相应的位置上。2.两幅图的不同之处,并用英文较熟练地表达出来。3.熟读短问并给图标号。4.仿照范例写几个关于自己城市的句子,做到标点符号使用正确,书写格式规范。 教学重点:1. 综合运用所学语言进行听、说、读、写。2. 本课的B项活动。教学难点: 本课B项“找不同”的活动。教学过程:Step 1. Greeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?Step 2. Revision: 1. Read and spell these words.( across from, next to, between) 2. Ask and answer about the seat of our classmates.eg. T: Where is Tom? P: He is next to Peter.Step 3. Practice:A Listen and stick 1. T: Please look at part A, who can tell me what you can see in the pictures.2. Listen and try to understand it, then try to stick.3. Listen and repeat rightly.4. Speak in groups.B Look, find and say 1. Say the differences between the two pictures. 2. Try to ask and answer: Is there a in your city?/ How can I get there?C Read and number: 1. Look at the pictures what/who can you see in the picture? What is Lily doing?2. Listen to the tape, try to understand the meaning of them, then number them.3. Read them each other loudlyD Lets write 1. Read this sentences loudly.2.Speak your sentences with your partners. 3. Write down your sentences.Step 4 SummaryWe have reviewed the buildings. How many buildings can you say ? How many buildings can you write?Step5Homework: Listen to the tape and read the book.Unit12 RevisionLesson69 The names of the buildings: Post office Restaurant BookstoreThe design of the writing:Lesson 70教学目标和要求:1.在教师的帮助下借助词典等工具书阅读短文。2.简单介绍自己的生活环境和上学的交通方式。3.根据发音规律正确读出韵律文, 同时辅助记忆单词。教学重点:1.介绍国外小朋友的文章。2.介绍自己的生活环境和上学的交通方式。教学难点:韵律文的朗读教学过程:Step 1 Greeting: How are you boys and girls. / Whats your name?/ Where are you e from?/ Where do you live? What is it famous for?Step 2. Revision: 1. Read and spell new words.2.Call some children to read P35 C.3. Try to introduce yourself: My name is I live in I go to school by Step 3. Practice: A Lets read T: Where do you live? How do you go to school? T: Today were going to meet three children, Theyre Anna, Julian and Kylie. Look at the pictures, They e from different counties. Read the passage one by one to find out. Where do they live? How do they go to school?T: Try to answer my questions: Who lives in Venice, Italy? How does go to school?T: Listen to the tape try to read them rightly.1. Read some words: Venice, Italy, cheap, tube, close , lager, cattle, cattle station, land, far away2. Listen and repeat, then read in groups.C Try to read 1. Look and try to read in your groups. Find some rules of pronunciation. 2. Read and repeat after the tape.D Let sing 1. Listen to the song. 2. Try to say hello in different languages.3. sing after the tape.Step4Summary The short passages introduce the friends. Can you introduce like them? Step5 Homework: 1. Try to recite Part A. 2.Sing the song.The design of the writing:Unit12 RevisionLesson70 (main words and sentences)

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