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2019年二年级英语月考试卷清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方:http:/qinghua.yeryy./ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供xx学年度下学期小学二年级英语第一次月考试卷 班级: 姓名: 座号: 得分:_ 家长签名_ 听力部分(45分,每题2遍)一、听音,连线(10分)1. Sanya hot2. Xiamen raining3. Qingdao cold and windy4. Taiyuan sunny5. Guilin windy二、听音,打或(15分) 三、听音,圈出正确图片(20分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 笔试部分(55分)四、看图,选句子(15分)1. Hes playing football. 2. Shes watching TV. 3. Hes doing homework. 4. Shes listening to music. 5. Hes drawing. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、看图,读句子,打或(15分)1. Is he playing? ( ) 2.she listening to music? ( ) 3. Is she watching TV? ( ) 4. Is he playing football? ( ) 5. Is Amy tidying her room? ( ) 六、选词,填空(15分)drawing playing reading writing listening1. Sam is _ a book.2. Linging is _ to the radio.3 Daming is _ a letter.4 Tom is _ with his train.5 Amy is _ a picture.七、迷宫找单词(10分)watching listening doing writing drawingplaying singing reading tidying dancingx g w a t c h i n g a c r d e h x s y b v l i s t e n i n g m t t h r w q n p w d o i n g y m g z v r w n d a n c i n g a s g f y j l n k m w r e a d i n g h w i v d w r a n q e y n p l a y i n g v g g o w q p z v x y j沪教牛津版一年级上册英语Unit 5 Fruit 第三课时一、教学说明:1. 通过第一、二教时的学习,学生已经学会说八种水果的名称,并能表达自己喜欢吃什么水果,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性明显提高。 2. 本课是继续学习有关水果的单词,如banana, pineapple;学生也可以用一些简单句式,如Smell the Fell the 或Taste the 来表述自己的意愿。或用Is this a/an ? 句式进行提问。二、教学内容:1)认知内容:a)会听说单词banana, pineapple.b)能听懂指令: Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach. 并能做出反应。c)能用Is this a/an? Yes, it is. No, it is not.进行问答。 2)能力要求:a)能用所学水果单词结合句式Smell the, Feel the, Taste the给出指令。 b)在学习和生活中能用所学句型表述自己的意愿。c)能用Is this a/an? 句式对身边的物品进行提问。3)情感态度: 在唱英语歌曲的过程中体验学习英语的快乐,同时养成爱吃水果和与别人分享水果的美好情感。三、教学步骤:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose1.Pre-task preparationWarmer1Sing a song1.Sing the song by actions.“An apple”大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以配上动作让学生更能体会歌曲的含义。2. Greetings2.Greetings. Teacher and students greet each other.3. Review3. Review.1)Students review the words by reading the cards.2)Game: Whats the missing?通过玩“记忆游戏”来复习所学单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。2.While-task procedure1. mands teaching: Smell the melon.Fell the apple.Taste the peach.1. Show some fruit to students.2. Say “ Smell the melon.”“Fell the apple.” “Taste the peach.” and pretend to smell the real melon, fell the apple and taste the peach.3. Teacher repeat several times.4. Have students listen and act according to your mands. “Smell the melon.”“ Fell the apple.”“ Taste the peach.”5. Listen to the tape several times and repeat several times.6. Divide the class into groups of three to practice acting the mands. In each group, one student gives mands and the others do the actions. Then let them change roles.1. Select groups to act the mands to the class.2. Play a game: Who is the quickest student to respond? (Ask every student to act according to your mands.)玩偶教师通过边说口令,边做动作,让学生理解smell, fell, taste 的含义。学生通过听口令,做动作来熟悉这三种口令。通过小组活动,听口令,做动作,进一步熟悉口令,并能发口令。通过游戏活动“谁的反应快?”进一步巩固口令,使学生在游戏活动中巩固所学知识。2.Words teaching: banana, pineapple1. Hold up a toy monkey and ask What fruit do monkeys like?2. To elicit the new word “banana”. Ask do you like bananas?3. Follow and repeat.1. Read the word card.5. Show an apple and ask “Is this an apple?” Yes, it is. Repeat the question and the answer in English.6. Show a lemon/pear and ask “Is this a lemon/pear?”P: Yes , it is.7. Hold up the pineapple and ask “Is this an orange?” “No, it is not. ”8. To elicit the new word “pineapple”.9. Students follow and repeat.10. Read the word card.借助玩具猴,通过提问引出新单词。学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。在跟读之后,出示单词,进行认读。借助实物引出问句和答句,让学生通过听问句回答来熟悉句型。借助实物继续提问,让学生进一步熟悉问句,操练答句。借助实物,引出新单词。3.Teaching:Is this a/an?Yes, it is.No, it is not.1. Hold up a pineapple and ask “ Is this a banana?” “No, It is not.” Repeat several times in English. Students follow and repeat.2.Listen to the tape. Students listen carefully and follow the story.用实物引出否定回答,让学生模仿跟读。 通过听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调,跟读故事。 3.Post-task activity1Pair work 3. Let students act out the story in pairs.(Provide them with some pictures of fruit)通过对子活动表演故事,提高语言表达能力。2. Group work4. Use stationery to let students practice the language. ( Four students make a group)通过小组活动,用学习用品操练句型,进一步提高学生的语言运用能力。3. Game8. Play a game.Use plastic or real fruit to let students practice the language. Get one student e up to the front and ask “Is this a ?” and the whole class is to say “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”.通过游戏活动,进一步巩固操练句型,使群体与个体有机结合,使每个学生都参与活动,让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学习语言。4. SongEnjoy the song “I have an apple”让学生在歌声中体验学习英语的快乐。Assignment1. Listen to the tape on page22-262.Read page 22-26 after the tape.3.Tell the story to their family.四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:单词卡片,图片,录音机,学习用品, 水果等2.教学关注点: 1)关注smell, feel, taste 的正确发音。2)关注Feel the apple. 或Feel the orange. 中的the 的正确发音。3)关注故事的语音语调,特别是Is this a/an ? 的升调的正确处理。让学生学会有声有色地朗读故事。3.资料分享:有一首英语歌曲”I have an apple”,可以让学生欣赏,有条件的可以学唱。不一定让学生唱歌曲的全部,只要了解歌词的大意,会跟着音乐唱即可。4.设计思路:1) 采用游戏和各种活动形式,如对子活动,小组活动等,操练难点,解决难点。让学生始终在轻松、愉快的氛围中学语言。2)面向全体学生,鼓励人人参与,通过群体与个体的有机结合,使每个学生参与实践。5.教学反思: 1)最好的教具和学具是学生周围的实物,在操练句型时要充分利用。 2)对一些学习能力强的学生,可以布置他们自编故事讲给父母听,从而使不同层次的学生均在原有的基础上得到发展,共同提高。xx第一学期五年级英语期中检测题(时间: 60分钟)班级:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_I 听力部分 (50%)一、 听录音,圈出所含此音素的字母。念两次。(5%)1. Aa Oo Bb 2. Rr Ff Hh 3. Ll Ii Gg4. Cc Jj Ss 5. Mm Ee Kk二、 听录音,把听到的单词或词组选出来。念两次。(10%)( ) 1. A. water B. wash C. watch D. dish( ) 2. A. fridge B. empty C. piano D. full( ) 3. A. collect B. stamp C. expensive D. cheap( ) 4. A. weekend B. week C. listen D. raining( ) 5. A. weather B. what C. why D. where( ) 6. A. like fishing B. like singing C. like reading D. like writing( ) 7. A. listening to music B. studying EnglishC. Drawing pictures D. taking photos( ) 8. A. watch a film B. play a game C. water the plants D. hold on( ) 9. A. clean sinks B. tidy room C. dirty wall D. full bin( ) 10. A. East Lake B. Xili Lake C. go fishing D. go swimming三、 听录音,选出你未听到的句子。念两次。(5%)( ) 1. A. I like playing the piano. B. She likes having picnics.C. He likes playing chess.( ) 2. A. The bin was full. B. The bin was empty. C. The sink was full.( ) 3. A. What did you do this morning? B. What did she do last month?C. What can we do now?( ) 4. A. It was sunny yesterday. B. It was rainy yesterday morning.C. It wasnt windy last week.( ) 5. A. What is the weather like today? B. What was the weather like yesterday? C. How was the weather yesterday?四、 听录音,选择正确的问句或答句。念两次。(5%)( ) 1. A. Its raining. B. Its right. C. I like it.( ). 2. A. He wants to have a picnic. B. Hes listening to CDs.C. Hes going to play the piano.( ) 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I like.( ) 4. A. What can you do? B. What did you do yesterday?C. What are you going to do?( ) 5. A. No, he isnt. B. No, he wasnt. C. No, she wasnt.五、 看图,听录音句子,填上所缺的单词。念两次。(6%)1. What are your favourite _?I like skating and swimming. Theyre _.2. This morning, the bins _ full. Now they are _.3. What can we do now?We can _ TV or _ the Internet.六、 听录音,根据录音在相应的格子里打上“”,念两次。(6%)七、 听对话,用1. 2. 3 8 给下列句子排序。念两次。(8%)( ) I came to China by plane. ( ) Dont be late.( ) Where were you born? ( ) How did you e to China?( ) Yes, I am. ( ) Are you on the way home?( ) I was born in Canada. ( ) Thank you.八、 听短文、判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”.(5%)( ) 1. There was a party at my flat yesterday.( ) 2. The party was fun but the kitchen was very messy.( ) 3. The table was clean but the walls were dirty.( ) 4. The sink was empty but the fridge was full.( ) 5. I cleaned up until three oclock.II笔试部分 (50%)一、 找出划线部分读音与所给词相同的单词。(4%)( ) 1. room A. book B. cook C. cool ( ) 2. feet A. rest B. meet C. messy( ) 3. sit A. fit B. kite C. five( ) 4. shouted A. joked B. juggled C. wanted二、 选出不同类型的一项。(4%)( ) 1. A. tidy B. dirty C. messy D. fridge( ) 2. A. weekend B. rainy C. fine D. cloudy( ) 3. A. Childrens Palace B. the park C. go fishing D. my home ( ) 4. A. a new cupboard B. listen to CDs C. dirty walls D. a full bin三、 选择填空。(10%)( ) 1. Its _ hard. I dont like _weather.A. rain, rain B. rainy, rainy C. raining, rainy D. rainy, rain ( ) 2. Yesterday the fridge _ but today it _.A. was full; was empty B. were empty; are fullC. was empty; is full D. were full; was empty ( ) 3. Can I talk _ Jenny, please? Yes, Ill get her. Hold _. A. on; in B. to ; in C. to; on D. with; on ( ) 4. Candy _ playing badminton. She doesnt _ swimming. A. like; like B. likes; likes C. like; likes D. likes; like ( ) 5. The first stamp in the world is _ England.A. from B. after C. over D. at( ) 6. Is _ Tom speaking? Yes, _ is Tom speaking. A. that; that B. this; that C. that; this D. this; this( ) 7. I like playing chess _ having picnics. They are fun.A. or B. and C. of D. also( ) 8. Were you at school yesterday? _.A. Yes, I were. B. No, I werent. C. Yes, I was.( ) 9. Where was Candy? She _ in the kitchen.A. were B. was C. is D. are( ) 10. Do you want to e _? Sure.A. down B. off C. up D. over四 看句子,根据提示选出正确的单词填空。(7%)1. What _ (do/did) Candy _ (do/did) yesterday?2. _ (was/were) you in the kitchen yesterday? Yes, I_(was/were).3. Look, the dog is _ (have/having) the bone.4. Our teacher like _ (we/us) very much and we like_(they/them)五 根据对话上下文,选择正确的句子的序号填空。(9%)A. Hows the weatherB. Thank youC. Where are you fromD. I like fishingE. Good afternoonF. Where are you goingP: Good afternoon, Tom! T: _!P: _? T: I am from Shanghai.P: _? T: Its very hot there.P: Whats your favourite hobby? T: _.P: _? T: I am going to the shopping mall.P: _. T: Youre wele.六 完型填空。(10%) Tom was a little boy. He _1_ four years old. One day, his mother took him to _2_ his grandmother. His grandmothers home is very far _3_ them. So they went there _4_ . There _5_ only a few people on the bus. They all sat on _6_. Tom was very happy. He looked _7_ the window and talked with his mother. Then he began running on the bus. He ran and ran. “_8_ are you always running? Please _9_ .” his mother said. “I want to see my grandmother soon. The bus is not _10_ enough(足够).” Tom answered.( ) 1. A. has B. is C. was D. were. ( ) 2. A. look B. look at C. watch D. see( ) 3. A. away B. from C. to D. with( ) 4. A. on foot B. by bus C. by a bus D. drive a bus( ) 5. A. were B. was C. is D. are( ) 6. A. their seats B. their seat C. theirs seat D. a seat( ) 7. A. from B. at C. to D. out of( ) 8. A. How B. Why C. What D. Where( ) 9. A. stand up B. walk C. run D. sit down( ) 10. A. fast B. slow C. run D. move七 阅读理解,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) (6%)One morning, Bobs mother cleaned up the flat. The kitchen was tidy. The table wasnt messy. The sink was empty. The fridge was full. The floor was clean. The cupboard and the walls werent dirty. When Bobs mother came back from work, she was going to cook. Thats a surprise! Everything was not tidy. Its messy. So his mother was angry. Shes unhappy. Thats Bobs friend, Tony. He wanted to learn to cook.1. One afternoon the table was tidy. ( ) 2. The floor wasnt clean. ( )3. The fridge wasnt empty. ( ) 4. His mother was surprise.( )5. It was Bob to cook. ( ) 6. That morning Bobs mother didnt clean up. ( ) 高级党校培训心得经过几个星期的高级党校培训,在初级党校的基础上,我对党的理解和党性修养上得到了又一次升华。通过学习,对我起到了更新新观念、转变理念的作用,也达到了思想上清醒,政治上坚定的目的。归纳起来主要以下几点:一、 端正入党动机入党动机指一个人入党的内在愿望和真实目的,即为什么入党。作为一名中国共产党员,其入党动机应是为了献身共产主义事业,为了更好地为人民服务,这是与党的性质、宗旨、奋斗目标和党员条件相一致的。入党动机的真确与否,是直接影响每一个要求入党同志能否真正成为一个合格共产党员的根本性问题。只有为了献身共产主义事业,更好的为人民服务而要求入党才是唯一真确的入党动机。只有端正了入党动机,才符合党章规定的党员条件;入党以后才能发挥一个共产党员应有的作用,从而保证党的先进性和纯洁性,增强党的战斗力。动机不纯的人特别是企图利用党员称号来索取好处的人进入党内,就难以保证党的先进性和纯洁性,甚至给党带来严重损失。为保证党员的质量,组织的纯洁,我们党历来重视和强调入党同志要端正入党动机。党从实现共产主义的社会制度的最终目的出发,从人民的利益出发,从保证的队伍纯洁性和党战斗力的客观要求出发,强调每个要求及收入党组织的同志必须树立正确的入党动机。每个共产党员和要求入党的同志要坚决贯彻执行党的基本路线,同党中央保持一致,积极投入到改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业中,积极进取,用于开拓,勤勤恳恳,踏实工作。二、 树立正确理想信念调查显示,高校学生坚决拥护中国共产党的领导,高校学生精神面貌和思想状况持续呈现可喜性变化,思想道德素质进一步提升。当前高校学生思想政治状况继续保持积极、健康向上的良好态势,与20年前相比发生转折性变化。他们具有浓厚的爱国情怀,在国家大事、难事、急事面前,能够自觉担当、奋勇向前,表现出强烈的爱国热情、高度的社会责任感、崇高的奉献精神,是值得信赖、堪当重任、大有希望的一代。罗素说:对爱的渴望;对知识的追求;对人类苦难的遭遇的同情;这三种无比单纯又无比强烈的激情将支配我的一生。作为当代大学生,感觉现实的目标渐渐模糊化,是被世俗的风气所渐染了,逐渐趋向堕落化。经过高级党校的洗礼,突然感觉自己好像背离了社会发展方向,现在作为一名入党积极分子,应该及时更新大脑思想,跟着先进文化走,跟着党走,坚定拥护 共产党的领导,自觉担当,奋勇向前,表现出高度的社会责任感。三、 党的宗旨十七大报告指出,全心全意为人民服务是党的根本宗旨,党的一切奋斗和工作都是为了造福人民。要始终把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为党和国家的根本目标。党的根本宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,中国共产党以自己的实际行动不断践行着为人民服务的宗旨。作为党的后备军,我们必须不断提高自我素养及才干,只有这样才是合格的党员,才有资格积极要求加入中国共产党!只有在全心全意为人民服务宗旨的指引下,我们才可能有所作为。四、 以廉洁文化充实校园文化中国共产党第十七届四中全会报告指出:“坚决反对腐败,是党必须始终抓好的重大任务。必须充分认识反腐败斗争的长期性、复杂性、艰巨性,把反腐倡廉建设放在更加突出的位置,坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举。坚决惩治腐败的同时加大教育、监督、改革、制度创新力度,更有效地预防腐败,不断取得反腐斗争新成效。大学生是青年人世界观、人生观、价值观形成的关键时期,大学生能否健康成长事关国家和民族的前途命运,也涉及了千家万户的幸福安康。加强大学生廉洁教育是培养德才兼备高素质人才的必然要求,是构建惩治和预防腐败体系的基础工程。所以加强大学生的廉洁文化修养教育势在必行。“反腐倡廉”的主题似乎是一个千年不变的焦点,尤其在市场经济空前发展的当今社会,所以廉政建设的重要性显而易见。我们是党的后备军,而现在我们生活点似乎都集中在校园,因此校园文化的良好氛围对于我们抗腐能力的提高具有重要作用。所以,作为一名积极向党组织靠拢的大学生,我们必须加强廉洁文化的吸收,从而增加免疫力,在今后的工作生活中严格要求自己。五、 共产党员先进性的基本内涵及当代要求共产党员先进性的基本内涵是指共产党员品质上的先进性,与品质紧密相连的事能力,行为是共产党员先进性的外在展示,对共产党员先进性的基本内涵,要在品质、能力、行为的统一中来把握,品质是基础、能力是核心、行为是关键。立党为公,执政为民,是中国共产党的执政纲领,每一个共产党员都要成为先进分子,都要为中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。追求共产党员的先进性是建党以来一个不变的话题,尤其是在“三个代表”思想的提出后更加受到党的重视。“代表先进生产力的发展方向,代表先进文化的前进方向,代表最广大人民根本利益”在“三个代表”的思想深入人心后,我们可以很清晰地认识到党员先进性的重要性。只有保持党员先进性,才能使党永葆生机、与时俱进;只有保证党员先进性,才能使党“全心全意为人民服务”的宗旨得到更好的诠释,使群众对党充满信心,相信党可以带领中华民族走上富强之路。因此作为党员的后备军我们必须从现在开始严格要求呀自己,使自己在各方面都符合一名先进党员的要求。 虽然党课学习的时间是有限的,但是我很珍惜这次的机会,使自己的思想觉悟又成功地向党靠近了。Module 121、play basketball打篮球2、play football踢足球3、play table tennis打兵乓球4、play tennis打网球5、play the piano弹钢琴7、ride a bike骑自行车8、sing pop songs唱流行歌曲9、have a swim游泳10、factory manager工厂经理11、hotel secretary宾馆秘书12、Beijing International School北国际学校13、factory worker工厂工人14、a doctor in a hospital医生在医院15、my parents我的父母亲16、an English teacher一名英语老师17、your fathers job你爸爸的工作18、speak English说英语19、wele to欢迎到20、speak Chinese说汉语Module 31、in front of在前面2、next to隔壁3、behind在后面4、science lab科学实验室5、twenty-one二十一6、ninety-nine九十九7、thirty-two三十二8、forty-three四十一9、fifty-four五十四10、sixty-five六十五11、seven-six七十六12、eighty-seven八十七13、in my classroom在我的教室里14、in our school在我们学校15、on our desks在我们的桌子上16、on Miss Lis desk在李小姐的桌子上17、in a building在一个建筑物里18、on the blackboard在黑板上19、his dictionary他的字典20、a gym一个体育馆21、a dining hall一个餐厅22、office building办公大楼23、the library图书馆24、in the picture在图画上25、a television一个电视机26、her puter她的电脑27、our teacher我们的老师28、their classroom他们的教室Module 4 1、a small family小家庭2、her mother and father她的妈妈和爸爸3、my parents我的父母亲4、your grandparents你的祖父母5、his brother他的兄弟6、their sister他们的姐妹7、my aunt and uncle我的叔叔和婶婶8、your grandmother and grandfather 你的爷爷和奶奶9、an American friend一个美国朋友10、how many多少Module 51、Chinese food中国食品2、American food美国食品3、favourite food最喜爱的食品4、in the fridge在冰箱里5、healthy food and drink 健康食品和饮料6、unhealthy food and drink 不健康食品和饮料Module 61、my favourite film star我最喜欢的电影明星2、in the morning在早晨3、in the afternoon在下午4、in the evening在晚上5、on Monday在星期一6、go to the cinema去看电影7、ask sb to do sth请某人做某事8、piano lesson钢琴课9、stay at home呆在家里10、go to the park去公园11、play puter games玩电脑游游戏12、the magic show魔术表演13、swimming lesson游泳课14、on the phone打电话15、visit Grandma探望奶奶Module 81、a box of chocolate一盒巧克力2、have a birthday party举办生日聚会3、a film ticket一张电影票4、get a present收到一件礼物5、get a birthday card收到一张生日贺卡6、Tony 的生日Tonys birthday7、送给他一张生日贺卡send him a birthday card8、一双运动鞋a pair of trainers9、一条牛仔裤a pair of jeans10、a lot of / lots of许多11、watch the football match on TV通过电视看足球比赛12、different habits不同的习惯13、at once立刻,马上14、as birthday present作为生日礼物Module 91、visit China访问中国2、every day每天3、more animals更多的动物4、in the jungle在热带雨林5、all around the world全世界6、在野外in the wild7、15 kilos of bamboo a day每天15千克竹子8、12 hours a day每天12小时9、stay healthy保持健康Module 101、connectto把与相连2、switch on打开;接通3、save the document保存文件4、open a document打开文件5、go online上网6、downloadfrom the Internet从网上上下载downloadfrom the email从电子邮件上下载7、connect the Internet连接网络8、download information下载信息9、visit a website访问10、send an email发邮件11、switch on a puter打开电脑12、print your work打印文件13、click on save点击保存14、play a puter game玩电脑游戏15、make travel plan制定旅行计划16、Xiao Mei uses her laptop for work 小梅用她的笔记本电脑工作初一年级(上)英语满分演练试题及答案来源:网络资源 XX-09-29 08:31:27标签:一年级 答案 试题小学精华资讯 免费订阅一. 单项填空1. -What colour is the bike?-Its _ orange.A. an B. a C. / D. the2. That isnt her bag. Its _.A. my B. I C. mine D. me3. -Oh, your kite is very nice.-_.A. Thats right B. No, its not nice C. Yes, it is D. Thank you4. The woman is sixty, but she _ young.A. is B. sees C. looks D. watches5. Its time _ lunch. Lets go home.A. to B. in C. for D. on6. -_ is your coat?-The black one.A. What B. Where C. Which D. How7. -_ is the toy?-Its on the bed.A. Who B. Where C. What D. Whose8. The shoes are too old. Put _ over there.A. it B. they C. their D. them9. Excuse me. Can you _ my watch, please?A. look B. look like C. look after D. look at10. Look _ the blackboard and listen _ the teacher.A. / / B. at; to C. after; / D. on; after11. -Whose dress is this?-Its _.A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Jim D. Jims12. The girl _ the purple coat is his sister.A. at B. in C. on D. with13. There is a bird _ the tree.A. in B. on C. to D. of14. There are many _ in our school.A. woman teachers B. woman teacherC. women teacher D. women teachers15. -Is there a ball under the desk?-_


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