2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6教案2 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6教案2 牛津译林版知识目标:1、 句型What would you like? Anything else?及其应答Id like.2、 词汇的听说读写at, coffee, rice3、 听说读:snack bar, a hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, a sandwich, a cup of能力目标:在实际生活中能用What would you like?征询意见,学会点餐,表达自己的需要。情感目标:教导学生树立健康饮食的观念,同时初步了解西方人的一些饮食。教学难点:1、Sandwich, Anything else ?的读音到位2、a, an some的正确运用3、流畅的表演教学准备:CAI, 食品实物(一杯咖啡,一杯牛奶, 汉堡,三明治,面条等),茶杯,玻璃杯,(学生四人一组)九组图片,菜单, 信息表,课堂小练习教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图评价建议Step 1 Warm-upSong: Rhyme:Sing and say happily.用歌曲和韵律歌谣活跃课堂气氛,融入英语的学习Step 2 Pre-readingGames:Number gamesGuessing game(about food, drinks)T: Are you happy/tired/hungry/ thirsty?Shall we go to the snack bar?Show: Unit 6 At the snack barPlay the games with the teacher.Learn: at, at the snack barSpell: at通过有趣的游戏复习旧知,并渗透教学thirsty, hungryStep 3 While-reading1. (act a waitress): Look, I have some food and drinks here. You can buy my food and drinks. And you can eat and drink her. Where am I? Yes , we are at the snack bar. You can choose the food and drinks now. What would you like? Anything else?(注意学生a , an ,some的正确运用及Anything else?的读音)Teach: hamburger, a glass of milk, noodles,sandwich, a cup of coffee, riceT: Can you eat healthy? Heres a saying for you. PPT: You are what you eat. Drill:What would you like? Id like.Anything else?Read the new words, taste the food and drinksspell: coffee, rice快速进入新单词的学习,并通过感官加深印象,并在对话中进行巩固。用“吃得健康,人如其食,吃什么,怎样吃,决定你长什么样。”和学生分享健康饮食观。2. Show the picture: Look, who are they? What are they doing? What will they say?3. Watch the cartoon, answer: what food and drinks would they like?what would Mike/ Helen/ Dad like?S:Mike, Helen and their fatherS choose the word cards,and paste then on the blackboard在完整的情境中呈现人物、地点和情节。通过问题引导和观看视频学习4. Read the dialogue.注意语音语调语气的模仿。Read it after the tape.Read in groups.Read it togerhe.先听再读,结合指导,互相纠错,齐读反馈。Step 4 Post-readingActing time.T: You can read well. I believe you can do bettle. Here are some tasks for you. You can choose one.Task 1: Read aloud.Task 2: Act out the whole story.Task 3: Act a new dialogue like the story.进一步学习,将任务分级,学生根据自己的情况自主选择朗读、表演或改编。Step 5 Consolidation1. How to ask ones need? How to exposition need?2. New words.3. Homework. 1. Listen and read story time. Act out.2. Exercise课堂小结,及时反馈,课后巩固。fooddrinksMikeHelenDadBlackboard design:Unit 6 At the snack barWhat would you like? Id like a/ an/ some.Anything else?hamburger, a glass of milk, noodles,sandwich, a cup of coffee, rice附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6(9)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标: 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和拼写单词a pair of shoes ,a sweater , a jacket 2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词a pair of jeans /gloves /socks /shorts, a scarf 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whose is this /are they ? 及其答句Its /Theyre 教学重点: 1,单词:能掌握a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket 2,句型:能会用Whose is this /are they ? 及Its /Theyre 教学难点: 1.能了解服饰类复数单词的形式和用法 2.能理解s的含义 教学准备: 录音机、多媒体课件、服饰类实物、图片 教学过程: l .Greetings 2.Revision : T: Wheres your rubber ? Whats this in English ? What are they in English ? 多媒体出示被故意打乱的答句,让学生选择 3. Presentation : (1)出示一只鞋问学生: Whats this in English ? Its a shoe. (2)拿出一双鞋子问学生:Whats this in English ? Its a pair of shoes . Repeat “ a pair of shoes” 并且在屏幕上出现,用变调读单词shoes ,并且spell it . (3)再问学生:What are they in English ? Theyre shoes . Guess ! Whose shoes are they ? ( Perhaps) theyre s (在黑板上贴出句型) 出示另一只鞋问:Whose shoe is this ? Its s.(贴出句型) 用同样的方法教a pair of gloves /socks ,教a pair of jeans /shorts 时省去jean and short 的教学,插入提问学生为什么一条裤子要用复数。 A scarf , a sweater , a jacket 的教法相同如: Whats this in English ? Its a Whose scarf is this ? Its s. (4)当屏幕上出现所有的单词时,让学生齐读,每个读两遍 3.Sing a song 首先在屏幕上打出Perhaps 的歌词,让学生跟录音唱歌,接着将部分单词换掉用红色提醒,再唱两遍 4.Practice : (1)Open your book and turn to page 47, work in pairs . (2)Act out . (3)Write your answer on your book . 5. Home work : (1)完成copybook 单词部分 (2)完成练习册D 部分 板书设计: Unit 6Whose gloves ? Whose shoe is this ?Its Wang Yins . Whose shoes are they ?Theyre Wang Yins .


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