2019年五年级英语上册 We have new friends 5试题(无答案)人教新版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 We have new friends 5试题(无答案)人教新版Lesson 5一、new words1. who 谁2. her 她的3. pretty 漂亮的4. have 有 (三单)has5. long长的6. hair 头发7. bright明亮的8. cute可爱的9. active 积极的; 活泼的10. be good at擅长. 11. school work功课12. Chinese中国的,汉语的,语文13. maths 数学14. 科学二、重点句型1. Whos that girl?2. She is my new friend.3. Whats her name?4. How old is she?5. Shes a pretty girl.6. She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.7. Shes cute and active.8. Is she good at her school work?9. Shes good at Chinese, maths, and science.三、按要求完成下列各题。1. whos (完全形式) 2. 新朋友 3. 多大 4. 擅长 5. shes= 6. 长头发 7. 明亮的眼睛 8.have(三单)四、按要求完成下列各句。1. Shes ten. (同义句)2. She is good at her school work. (一般疑问句)3. Shes a pretty girl. (一般疑问句)4. Shes cute and active.(一般疑问句)5. Shes good at Chinese, maths and science. (变否定句)五、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)1. that, who, girl, is?2. Chinese, at , good, is, she.3. pretty, is, she, girl, a 4. long, hair, has, she, big, beautiful, eyes, bright5. old, is, how, she?6. school, at, is, s he, her, work?六、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“T”, 错误的打(F)。 Hello! Im John. Im in Grade Five. I have a new neighbour. She is a doctor. She is Miss Wang. She is an university(大学)student. She is 22. She is tall and strong. She is strict(严肃的),but active. She likes singing. I like her very much. ( ) John is a student.( ) Miss Wang is a science teacher.( ) Miss Wang is thin and tall.( ) Mrs. Wang is my new neighbour.附送:2019年五年级英语上册 We have new friends一课一练(无答案) 人教新版姓名 班级 Look and write1. 读句子,完成对话。1). A: Whats _name? B: His name is Wang Dong. _ is my best friend.2). A: I have a good friend. B: _ or_? A: Girl. B: Whats her name? A: _ name is Lucy. B: How old is she? A: _ is ten.2. 按正确笔顺分步骤写出下列字母。1). t 2). V 3). S 4). u 5). v 6). T Read and draw1. Bob has short hair, big eyes and ears. He has a small nose and a big mouth. Hes strong.2. Lucy is thin. She has long hair, big eyes, small nose and mouth.3. My friend has short hair, small eyes and nose. She is tall.4. Linda is tall. She is thin. She has long hair.5. Fred is short. He is not thin. He has short hair.6. Paul is strong. He is not short. He has big eyes.7. Mary is quiet. She is thin. She has small mouth.Read and match ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )( )This is a girl. Her name is Betty. She has long yellow hair and small mouth.( )Sam has short black hair and big eyes. Hes tall.( )His name is Tim. He has short hair and big nose. Hes strong and tall.( )My friend is Susan. She has short brown hair. Shes thin.

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