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2019年PEP小学英语三年级下册重点词汇和重点句型一、单词归类1.表示“一类人”boy girl teacher student man woman男孩 女孩 教师 学生 男人 女人2. 表示问候good morning good afternoon早上好 下午好3. 表示家庭成员father(dad) mother(mom) grandmother(grandma)爸爸(口语) 妈妈 祖母 grandfather(grandpa) sister brother祖 父 姐妹 兄弟4表示数字eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 十一 十二 十三 十四十五sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty十六 十七 十八 十九 二十5表示水果peach pear orange watermelon桃 梨 橙子 西瓜apple banana strawberry grape苹果 香蕉 草莓 葡萄6表示交通工具bus bike taxi jeep boat plane公共汽车 自行车 出租车 吉普车 船 飞机7表示位置on在上面 in在里面 under在下面8.形容词small big long short tall short小的 大的 长的 短的 高的 矮的9.房间里的物品desk chair walkman lamp window课桌 椅子 随身听 台灯 窗户10.表示动物giraffe zebra deer 长颈鹿 斑马 鹿11.表示国家 (kangaroo) UK CAN(beaver) USA(eagle) PRC(panda)澳大利亚(袋鼠) 英国 加拿大(海狸) 美国(鹰) 中国(熊猫)12.与字母有关的单词apple ant boy bag Coke coffee duck dog egg elephant fish father 苹果 蚂蚁 男孩 书包 可乐 咖啡 鸭子 狗 蛋 大象 鱼 爸爸goose girl hamburger hot dog ice-cream ice jeep jump kangaroo key 鹅 女孩 汉堡包 热狗 冰激凌 冰 吉普车 跳 袋鼠 钥匙lion lock milk mouse night nest orange OK peach pear queen quiet 狮子 锁 牛奶 老鼠 晚上 (鸟)巢 桔子 好的 桃子 梨 女王 安静 rain rainbow snake squirrel tiger taxi umbrella under vest violin 雨 彩虹 蛇 松鼠 虎 出租车 雨伞 在下面 背心 小提琴window wind fox box yellow yo-yo zoo zebra 窗户 风 狐狸 盒子 黄色 溜溜球 动物园 斑马A.M.( a.m.)上午 P.M. (p.m.)下午 二、重点句型1.We have a new friend today.今天我们来了一位新朋友。2.Where are you from?你来自哪里?Im from America /Canada /China. 我来自美国/加拿大/中国。3.Im sorry.对不起。Its OK. e in. 没关系。进来。4.Happy Womens Day! 妇女节快乐!Thank you. 谢谢 1.Whos that woman? Shes my mother.那个妇女是谁? 她是我的妈妈。2.Whos that man? Hes my father. 那个男人是谁? 他是我的爸爸。3.Whos this girl? Shes my sister.这个女孩是谁? 她是我的姐妹。4.A: Lets watch TV.让我们一起看电视吧! B:OK!/Great!/Good idea!/Yeah. 好的/太好了/好主意/5How funny! 真有趣! How beautiful! 真漂亮!6What a big fish!好大的一条鱼啊!1.How many kites can you see?你能看见多少只风筝?I can see 12. 我能看见12只。2.How many crayons do you have? 你有多少只蜡笔?I have 16 crayons!我有16只蜡笔。3.A:“对的”、“正确的” 怎么说?B: Thats right.(Youre right.)4.A:“有些什么在盒子里面”怎么说: B: Whats in the box?5.你想知道盒子里装些什么东西?叫对方打开它?Open it and see.1.Do you like peaches? Yes,I do . 你喜欢桃吗?是的,我喜欢。2.Do you like oranges? No,I dont. 你喜欢橘子吗?不,我不喜欢。3.Can I have an apple, please? 我能吃只苹果吗?Certainly!/Sure/OK/ No problem. 当然!4.A: Do you like pears?你喜欢梨吗?B: Yes, I do.(No, I dont.)(Sorry, I dont like pears.) 是的(不)(对不起,我不喜欢梨)5.What about grapes? 葡萄怎么样?6.A: Have some juice, please. 请喝一些果汁B: Thanks.(No, thank you.) 谢谢(不了,谢谢)7.A: Have some more. 请再吃一些B: No, thank you. 不了,谢谢1.A: Where is my pencil? 我的铅笔在哪里?B: Its under/in/on the book. 它在书下/里/上。Under/in/on the book.2Excuse me,Can I use your pencil?打扰一下,我能用用你的铅笔吗?No problem.没问题。4A: “儿童节快乐!”B: Happy Childrens Day!1.t has a long nose and a short tail.它有一只长鼻子和一条短尾巴。2、It has small eyes and big ears.它有小眼睛和大耳朵。3、The giraffe is tall.The deer is short.长颈鹿高高的,鹿是矮小的。4、Youre tall. Im short. Youre right. 你是高的,我是矮的。你是对的。三缩写形式Im = I am lets = let us whos=who is dont=do not 我是 让我们 是谁 不是,不要四短语watch out =look out (担心,留神) e in (进来) e on(赶快,加油) look at(看,瞧) very much (非常,很多的) excuse me (对不起,打扰了) no problem (没问题) here you are (给你) 五.易错书写Ii J j Ll Pp Q q Rr Vv Miss Mr America TV OK Coke CAN PRC UK USA A.M. P.M. yo-yo 附送:2019年PEP小学英语五年级上册1至6单元测试题一.找出画线部分读音与前面所给单词画线部分相同的单词. (4分)( ) 1. no A. now B. how C. know ( ) 2. eraser A. lamp B. lady C. library( ) 3. umbrella A. fun B. puter C. music( ) 4. like A. fish B. kind C. kid二. 接龙写单词. (10分)Miss( ) _ _ _ _ _(聪明) _ _ _ _(高的) lady( )_ _ _ _ _(年轻) go (老的) doll( ) _ _ _ _(喜欢) eight( )- _ _ _ _(瘦的) 三.将单词归类,写在横线上面.(12分)strict Canada short driver Australia strong UK teacher farmer China quiet principal人物特征描写:_国家:_职业:_ 四.翻译短语. (8 分)1.short and strong_ 2.university student_3.又漂亮又活泼_4.一位和蔼的老师_五.选择填空. (16分)( ) 1. Whos _math teacher?A. you B. your C. yours( ) 2. What is _like?A. him B. he C. his( ) 3. Mr. Carter is_ English teacher.A. a B. these C. an( ) 4._strong? Yes, he is.A. is he B. Is his C. Is he( ) 5 Who is that_ ? Oh, she is _principal.A. lady; our B. man; our C. boy; our( )6.如果你想说:“他的课很有趣”,应该说:( )A. He is very funny.B. His class is so much fun.C. He is very active.( )7.如果你想问:他是你的新数学老师吗?”应该说:( )A. Is she your math teacher?B. He is your new math teacher.C. Is he your new math teacher?( )8.对你听到的话表示惊奇,应该说:( )A. Let me try.B. You are wele.C. Really? Cool!六.改写句子. (10分)1、Mr. Carter is our new English teacher.(对画线部分提问) _2、He is short and strong.(对画线部分提问)_3、He is very quiet.(该为否定句)_4、Is your music teacher active ?(根据你的实际情况回答)_5、 at is your P.E teacher like?(根据你的实际情况回答)_七.连词成句. (10分)1. he, new, your, Is, teacher, Chinese _?2. is, very, and, active, She, short_.3. a, Our, is, new, student, music, university, teacher _4. is, lady, that, old, Who_?5. your, art, funny, Is, teacher, very_?八.将下列对话排序. (10分) ( ) Yes, he is. And he is funny, too. ( ) Really? What is he like? ( ) Is he strict? ( ) I have a new P.E. teacher. ( ) He is tall and strong.九. 读对话,看图片,填序号。(10分)Amy: Who is your math teacher, Peter?Peter: Miss White. She is young and pretty. What is your math teacher like?Amy: He is nice .He is very kind. Is your mother tall?Peter: Yes, she is. She is a principal. What is your sister like?Amy: She is thin and active. She is a student. What is your brother like?Peter: He is short and thin. He has two lovely dogs.一个小男孩在写字。老师在黑板讲课。一个女孩在做运动。一个男孩牵着两只狗。老师拿着包走路。 A B C D EPeters math teacher: _ Amys math teacher: _Peters mother: _ Amys sister:_Peters brother: _十写作。学校刚来了一位新体育老师Mr Brown, 他来自美国。这位老师很和蔼,很强壮,也很有趣,大家都喜欢上他的课。请试着用英语来形容一下这位老师。(10分)一位老师在打乒乓球。We have a _ _ _. Hes Mr.Brown.Hesfrom_.Hes_and_. He is _, too. His classes are_ _ fun. We all like him. 小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题Unit Two My Days Of The Week一、辨别下列每组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。(10分)1. on tomorrow( ) 2. Monday says ( ) 3.education much ( ) 4. housework soup ( ) 5. have grape( )二、一周七天,写出缺少的那几天。(10分)_ Monday_ _ _ _ Saturday 一个男孩在写东西。一个男孩在看电视。 一个男孩在看书。一个男孩在玩电脑。 四、情景交际。(10分)1.如果你想问“今天是星期几?”应该说:()A. What do you do on Mondays? B. What day is it today? C. When is your birthday? 2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应该说:()A. Monday is my favorite. B. We have English, math, and P.E. C. What do you have on Monday?3.如果你想说:“我喜欢星期六。”应该说:( )AWhat do you do on Saturdays? B. like Sundays. I watch TV on Sundays.C. I like Saturdays.4.别人问你:“What do you do on Saturdays?” 你应该回答:( ) A. I like Saturdays. B.I play puter games and read books on Saturdays.C. Its Saturday today.5.“你呢?”除了说“What about you?”外,还可以说:( ) A. Oops! B. Oh, Really? C. And you? 五、选择填空。(分)().Mothers Day is _ May. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 2.We have English_ Mondays and Wednesdays. A. in B. of C. on ( ) 3.I want_ sneakers. A. a B. a pair C. a pair of ( )4. I need to do some _. I need some _. A. shop crayons B. shopping, crayons C. shopping, crayons ( ) 5. -Whos that young lady? -_is our principal. A. He B. she C. She ( ) 6.I often do my homework_ weekends. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 7.Its 8:00. Its time _get up. A. to B. C. for ( ) 8.-I often play ping-pong.-Great! I can play _you. A. at B. with C. and ( ) 9._We have two English classes this afternoonReally? We have English, A. two B. too C. to( ) 10.Hes tall and strong, thats sure. A. of B. in C. for( ) 11.I often read some and watch TV. A. book B. books C. notebook( ) 12.Amy Saturdays. A. like B. on C. likes六、将A、B左右两栏的句子连接。(5分) A B1. What do you have on Mondays? Thats right! 2. What day is it today? Great! I can play with you.3. What do you do on Sundays? I have English and art on Mondays.4. I often play football. Its Monday.5. I do my homework on Saturdays. I do my homework at home on Sundays.七、按要求改写句子。(10分) 1. Its Saturday today.(对画线部分提问) 2. We have English, math and P.E on Mondays. (对画线部分提问) 3. I watch TV and do my homework on Saturdays. (对画线部分提问) 4. I like Saturdays.(改为否定句 ) 5. What day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答) 八、英汉互译。(10分) 1. I do housework on Sundays. 2. Oh, I play puter games on Monday evening. 3. Its 9:00. Its time to read books. 4.你们星期四上什么课? 5.你星期三晚上做什么? 九、阅读理解。(15分) 1阅读课程表,填写单词,完成短文。(8分)Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.1EnglishMathArtEnglishChinese2MathEnglishMusicArtChinese3ChineseHistoryScience movieMusicSocial study4puterHistoryScience movieP.E.Social study We go to school from to_ .We are busy(忙碌的)every day. On_, we have English, Math, Chinese and puter. On ,we have Math ,English and two History(历史) classes . On_, we have Art, Music and we watch Science movies. _ is my favorite .On ,we have English ,Art , Music and P.E. On_, we have two Chinese classes and two Social study. English is my favorite subject(课程)and I study hard . 2.阅读对话,回答问题。(7分)Amy: What day is today?Grandma: Saturday. What do you do today?Amy: I do homework and play ping-pong.Grandma: What do you do on Sundays?Amy: I read books and watch TV. What about you?Grandma: I do some housework and watch TV, too.Amy: Let me help you. I do housework, too!Grandma: Good girl, Thank you!Now youre Amy. Answer the questions:1. What do you do on Sunday? 2. What do you do on Saturday? 3. Do you play ping-pang on Sunday? 4. Do you do homework on Sunday? 小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题Unit Three whats Your Favorite Food?一、 读单词,找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,并写出序号。(10分)( )1、A .cabbage B. washroom C. cat D. have( )2、A. music B. puter C. menu D. mutton ( )3、A. short B. pork C. doctor D. fork( )4、A. that B. those C. healthy D. this( )5、A. sweater B. eat C. beans D. meat 二、 读句子,写出本单元中和画线部分同类的单词。(10分)1. Id like some potatoes. 2. I dont like oranges. Theyre sour. 3. I like apple juice. Its my favorite. 三、 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。(9分)bean(复数) tomato(复数) Id like(完整形式) thin(反义词) Potato(复数) lets(完整形式) 四、 词组互译。(8分)1.school menu 2. sounds good 3. have to 4. 好吃又有益于健康 五、将A、B左右两栏的句子连线。(4分) A B1. What do you have for breakfast today? My favorite food is fish.2. What would you like for lunch? No, we have cabbage and mutton.3. Whats your favorite food? I have pork and cabbage for breakfast.4. Do you have any noodles? Id like some fish and noodles. 六、选择填空。(12分) ( )1. I dont like grapes. Sour. A. they are B. its C. Theyre ( ) 2. Bananas my favorite. A. is B. are C. like ( ) 3. Im hungry. go to a restaurant. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets ( ) 4. Cabbage and cucumber are . A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit ( ) 5. Oops! These noodles are salty. A. to B. two C. too ( ) 6. Its 6:30p.m. Lets have . A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( ) 7. Pork and mutton are . A. fruits B. meat C. vegetables ( ) 8. On Mid-Autumn Day, people usually eat . A. zongzi B. moon cake C. dumplings ( ) 9. Vinegar(醋) usually tastes . A. salty B. sour C. sweet ( ) 10. Id like rice and mutton lunch today. A. for B. at C. on ( ) 11. Carrot juice is healthy me! A. with B. for C. at ( ) 12. Im hungry, Mom. -Oh! Mew Mew is hungry, . A. to B. two C. too七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(12分) 1. Watermelon is (I) favorite fruit. 2. Your school menu (sound) very good. 3. I dont like (orange). Theyre sour. 4. Usually we have some (eggplant) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.5. The hamburger is (taste). Its favorite.6. Opens! The noodles are too (salt)八、英汉互译。(12分)1. We have mutton, fish and tofu today. 2. What do you have for lunch on Thursdays? 3. What is your favorite food? 4. I like apples because they are sweet. 5.但是我不喜欢葡萄。 6.星期三的晚饭吃什么? 九、阅读理解。(16分) (1)Many people like apples, because (因为) apples are tasty and healthy. Theyre very good fruits. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Vegetables, such as cabbage, eggplant are healthy for us, too. But many kids dont like vegetables. They like meat. They eat pork, beef and mutton so much. Meat is helpful, but too much meat is bad for our health. So remember, always eat more(更多的) fruits, more vegetables but less meat.读句子,判断正误,打“”或“”。(6分)1. Apples are good for our health. ( ) 2. Many kids eat cabbage too much. ( )3. Meat is bad for our healthy. Dont eat any meat. ( )4. More fruits, more vegetables are good for us. ( )5. Many kids like meat much more than vegetables. ( )6.文章中单词less的意思应该是: ( ) A.多的 B.更少的 C.没有(2)Zip: I like pears. They are sweet. Whats your favorite fruit, Rabbit? Rabbit: I like carrot. Its tasty for me.Monkey: I dont like carrot. But I like carrot juice. Its healthy.Zoom: Is carrot juice your favorite drink(饮料), Monkey?Monkey: Of course not. Bananas are my favorite. What about you, Zoom?Zoom: Ha! Guess. My favorite fruit is round and very big. Its green.Its sweet and juicy. We often eat it in summers. What is it?Zip: I know!根据对话回答下列问题。(10分)1. Whats Zips favorite fruit? 2. What does rabbit like? 3. Is monkeys favorite drink carrot juice? 4. What is monkeys favorite fruit? 5. What is Zooms favorite fruit? Do you know? 十、写作。(7分)下面给你提供了一个school menu。请你根据合理的膳食,为每天搭配不同的食物,并填写下面一则ad(广告),把你的school menu向大家宣传一下!DaysSchool MenuMon.Rice +eggplant + pork + carrot juiceTue.bread + + +Wed.+ beef + +Thu. + + + apple juiceFri.Noodles + + + Good news! We have a new school menu. Look, on Monday, we have_, _, _ and .On Tuesday, we have bread and_. On you can eat_, beef, _ and .On Thursday, we have_,_, and apple juice. On Friday, here are noodles,_, and . Everything is tasty, and I am sure there must be something your favorite. e on, boys and girls! Dont wait!( )See you tomorrow.(2)读短文,看图片,根据短文描述来给每个人写上他们的名字。(4分) Here is a picture of my friends. The boy with the short red hair is Tom. Hes very funny. Thats his motorcycle. Its nice. The girl with long black hair and blue eyes is Angela. She is quiet. She is a university student. The tall girl with short yellow hair is Ingrid. She wears glasses. She is a basketball player. She is very active. That short boy is Mike, my best friend. He has brown curly hair and green eyes. Hes very smart. 短红色头发的男孩是_,黑色头发和兰眼睛的女孩是_,黄色短发戴眼镜的高个女孩是_,棕色卷发和绿眼睛的男孩是_。七、写作。(10分) 你的pen pal, David从美国来信,问到你的近况如何。下面是你的课程表和School Menu.请你根据这些信息给他回信,回答他在信中谈到的问题。What class do you have on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays?What do you have for lunch at school every day?What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?要求:1、内容全面,思路表述清楚。2、用词正确,句子通顺。3、字数在50个单词以上。Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.ChineseEnglishMathChineseEnglishMathMathChineseputerChineseputerMoral EducationP.E.EnglishMathSocial StudiesMusicScienceMusicP.E.EggplantTomatomuttonCabbageTofu and cakeGreen beansFish a


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