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2019-2020年六年级毕业考试语文试卷 题 型 汉语拼音 汉 字 词 语 句 子 阅 读 作 文满 分101418131530得 分总分员复核员(全卷共6页,120分钟完成,满分100分)得 分评卷人 一、汉语拼音(10分)1 1 看拼音,写词语,并按田字格的要求把字写端正。(4分)m6i j9ng d3 c3i z4n t4n b) y! 2 2 给下面词句中带点字的正确读音打上“”。(3分) 河面上映着倒(d3o d4o)影。一群穿着(zhu$ zhe)破烂的纤夫,迈着沉重(zhng ch$ng)的步子向前走。3 3 判断下面说法的对错,对的打“”,错的打“x”。(3分)(1)“剧、膘、橱、屑、庸、卓”六个字按音序排列,排在最前面的是“膘”;排在最后面的是“卓”。 ( )(2)zhi chi shi ji qi xi 都是整体认读音节。 ( )(3)“S U I o p” 都是大写字母。 ( )得 分评人 二、汉字(14分) 1、给下面带点的字选择确切的解释,把解释的序号填在括号里。(4分)(1) 固执己见( ) 喜闻乐见( ) 接见( ) 看到,看见 看得出;显示出 看法;意见 ( )(2) 一穷二白 彻底(追究) 缺乏财物 极端,达到极点( )2、改正下面的错别字,写在括号里。(4分) 神几妙算 ( )逆凤行驶 ( ) 自作自爱 ( )安然无羊( ) 3、用音序和部首查字法查带点的字,按要求填表。(6分) 查带点的字音序查字法部首查字法 字典里的解释应取哪种解释(写序号)先查什么字母先查什么部再查几画精兵简政 简单 简化,使简单 姓 卓越 高而直;高超,优秀。盛气凌人冰;升、高出;侵犯,欺压; 得 分评卷人 三、词语(18分) 1、下列各组词中不属于同一类的用“”画掉。(4分) 红彤彤 黄澄澄 绿油油 白茫茫 沉甸甸勇敢 顽强 聪明 阴险 沉着 鸟啼 狐狸 狼嚎 鱼跃 鹰飞 网球 地球 排球 足球 篮球 2、选出三组近义词、三组反义词,写在横线上。(6分) 隐蔽 希望 紧张 积极 指望 消极 轻松 榜样 脱离 暴露 模范 离开近义词:( )( )( )( )( )( )反义词:( )( )( )( )( )( ) 3、请把下面的成语补充完整。(4分)画蛇 足 守株 兔 耳盗铃 苗助长坐井 天 刻 求剑 亡羊 牢 丢 弃甲4、左右两边的词怎样搭配才合适,请用线连起来。(4分) 清澈的 水草 刻苦 嘹亮 皎洁的 天空 努力 学习 晴朗的 泉水 歌声 端正 茂密的 月光 字迹 工作 得 分评卷人 四、句子(11分)1、 1、 在扩号里填上合适的关联词。(3分)宁可也不 虽然但是 因为所以 (1)( )蔺相在渑池会上又立了功,( )赵王封他为上卿。 (2)那件事( )已经过去很多年了,( )我永远忘不了。 (2) 狼牙山上的五位壮士( )牺牲生命,( )让敌人抓住。 2按要求改写句子:(6分)(1) (1) 游击队员听着叫声。(1.5分) 扩句:( )游击队员( )听着( )叫声。 (2)魁梧黧黑的渔夫拖着湿淋淋的撕破了的鱼网。(1.5分) 缩句: 。 (3)小女孩对奶奶说:“请把我带走吧!我们去过幸福的生活。”(2分) 改写成第三人称转述的形式: (4) (4) 秦王我都不怕,更不怕廉将军。(1分) 改为反问句: 3、读句子,在比喻句后面的括号里打“”。(1分) (1)它张开大口,人们仿佛听到它的高亢的嘶鸣声。 ( ) (2)这匹马几乎是四蹄离地,风驰电掣般的飞奔。 ( ) 4、修改病句(修改后抄在横线上)。(3分)(1) (1) 李华谦虚地接受了同学们的意见。 (2)月光曲的作曲者是德国著名音乐家贝多芬写的。 得 分评卷人 五、阅读(15分) (一)默写:(2分) 示 儿 (二)认真阅读下面的文章,按后面的要求完成练习。课内阅读:(3分)我们的共产党和共产党所领导的八路军、新四军,是革命的队伍。我们这个队伍完全是为着解放人民的,是彻底地为人民的利益工作的。张思德同志就是我们这个队伍中的一个同志。给这段话划分层次,用“”在短文中标明。(1分)这段话的段意是 (2分)课外阅读:(10分)奇 迹法国著名作家雨果才华出众 他20岁开始发表作品 刚刚29岁就创作了轰动法国文坛的小说 巴黎圣母院 以后他又创作了一系列戏剧 诗歌 小说 可是正当他激情奔放的时候心脏(z4ng z1ng)病恶性发作了 那年他才40岁。 看着雨果发青的脸色,沉重的喘息,人们惋惜万分,说:“唉,这颗巨星将坠落了。”随后发出深重的叹息。 雨果并不悲观,他在医生的指导下,开始进行体育锻炼。每天清晨外出散步、做操、打拳,接着跑步、游泳、爬山 “生命在于运动”,雨果的健康状况慢慢地好转了,体质逐渐增强了。他又获得了充沛(p8i p5i)的精力,重新拿起笔,写出了大量文学作品,直到晚年,仍创作不懈。60岁时,他创作了悲惨世界这部世界名著;80岁那年,他又写成了戏剧杜尔克玛。雨果逝世于1885年,活了84岁。看见雨果得了心脏病,却最后成了长寿者,人们惊叹不已:“这真是奇迹!”奇迹怎么来的呢?体育锻炼!1. 请把文章中括号里不正确的读音画掉。(2分)2. 给第一自然段加标点。(2分)3用“ ”标出描写雨果心脏病发作时的外部特点的语句。(2分) 4选择正确的答案,在正确答案的序号上打“”(2分)(1)全文共分( a.二段 b.三段 c.四段)。(2)“奇迹怎么来的呢?”这句话是(a反问句 b. 设问句)。 5“奇迹”指的是什么?(2分) 得 分评卷人 六、作文(30分)1、根据所给材料,续写一篇记叙文。(25分)要求:根据题目和开头段,围绕“遇到抢劫或勒索时怎么办”这一主题展开合理想象,续写一篇400字以上的作文。做到文章有中心,有条理,内容具体,详略得当。注意前后呼应,首尾连贯。书写工整。2、作文写完后,尽量用修改符号初步修改自己的作文。(5分)附送:2019-2020年六年级毕业英语模拟试卷一、 听录音选出你所听到的内容,将序号写在题前的括号内。(5 分)( ) 1. . C. ( ) 2. 5:45 B. 6:15 C. 6:05( ) 3. day B. date C. away( ) 4. A. play cards B. play baseball C. play basketball( ) 5. A. 6月9日 B. 9月6日 C. 9月16日二、听录音,给下列图片排序,将序号写在括号内。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听录音选择合适的应答句,将序号写在括号内。(5分)( )1.A. Its warm. B. I like spring best. C. I can eat ice-cream.( )2.A. Its Monday. B. Its the 24th of September. C. Its on the 24th of September .( )3.A. He watches TV. B. He watched TV. C. He is going to watch TV.( )4.A. I want to write a letter. B. Do you know? C. I have an envelope.( )5.A. Its about a kilometer away. B. Go along this street. C. You can take bus No.2.四、 听录音完成对话,每空一词。(10分)1. A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the _ _, please? B: Go along this street, and then turn_, at the _ crossing.2. A:. Whats _ with you? B: Ive got a _. A: _your mouth and say “Ah” B: Ahhh. A: Youve got a _.Take some medicine and_ a good_.读写部分 (75分)五、书写 A.按照字母表的顺序写出Gg到Mm之间的字母(用大小写)。(5分)MmGg _ _ _ _B.把下面的句子正确规范地写在四线三格内,注意大小写及标点符号(2分)what do you have su hai and su yang 六、判断下列每组的两个单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“S”不同的打“D”。(5分)1. A.their B.three _ 2. A.dear B.there _3. A.how B.grow _ 4. A. where B. who _5. A.high B.history _七、词汇A.按要求写词。(10分)1.free (反义词) _ 2.careful(副词) _3.catch(第三人称单数)_ 4.sit (现在分词) _5.right(同音词) _ 6.read(过去式) _7.twins(名词所有格) _ 8.mine(宾格) _ _9.butterfly(复数) _ 10.thin(比较级) _B.英汉互译。(10分)1.儿童节_ _ 2.回答一些问题 _3.散步 _ _ 4.我最喜欢的假期 _5.作为一个生日礼物_ _ 6. talk about their plans _ _7. help each other _ _ 8.teach her students about shapes _ _9.a map of the world _ 10.run out of the shop _ _C.用词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. In spring, the _ (leaf) turn green.2. All the students are very _(excite) at the _ (excite) running race.3. Whose eyes are _ (big) , _ (you) or_(I)?.4. Tom is from France. She speaks _ (France)5. Rose and I _ (take) part in a singing contest tomorrow.6. There _ (be) a lot of rain in spring.7. Look, the children_ (swim).八、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. This is pear and that is apple .A. a , an B. a ; a C. an ; a ( ) 2. Can you me , please ?A. helping B. help C. helped ( ) 3. The pair of glasses _ _ in my handbag. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 4. The visitors_ London next month. A. went to B. is going to C. are going to( ) 5. I can speak Japanese _ my mother. A. better, as B. better, than C. good; as ( ) 6. -Where _ you just now? -I _ at the library. A. was, were B. are, was C. were, was ( ) 7. ts time _ listen _ the music. A. to, / B. for, to C. to, to, ( ) 8. _ she milk cows last Sunday? A. Did B. Does C. Do( ) 9. Mr White is from_. Hes_. He speaks_. A. America, American, English B. American, America, English C. America, American, American( ) 10. David likes model ships, Mike doesnt .A. make, but B. making, but C. make, and 九、情景匹配。(5分) I II( )1.Whats the weather like in spring? A. Yes, you can take bus No.2.( )2.Whats your telephone number? B. I saw a Beijing Opera.( )3.What are you going to do? C. Its on Huahai Road( )4.What date is it today? D. Its 3327519.( )5.Is the boy in a hat your brother? E. Its Monday( )6.Whats your E-mail address? F. Its warm and sunny.( )7.Is it far from here? G. Its the 5th of July.( )8.What else did you do on Monday? H.Yes, he is.( )9.Wheres the Bank of China? I. Im going to give a concert.( )10.What day is it today? J. Its hu123sina.com十、连词成句。(10分)1.you, did, food, like, there,the ( ? )2.is, kites, big, to, buy, some, he, going ( . )3. any , are , beside , toilets , there , not , building , the ( . ) 4. is , far , from , here , how , the , zoo ( ? )5.Mr, to, students, about, Black, his, holidays, talking, is ( . ) 十一、阅读理解, 判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(5分)It is Saturday today . Lily is shopping with her mother . She wants her mother to buy a blue sweater for her . In a clothing shop , she finds a blue sweater . She tries it on , but its tpp small . The shopkeeper tells them there is only one blue sweater left . Lily doesnt like other colours . Her mother asks ,“Shall wo go to another shop to have a look ?” So they go out of the shop and into another . The second shop is much bigger than the first , and in it there are many kinds if sweaters of different sizes and colours .Lily tries on a blue one .Its too big .She tries a smaller one .Thats OK. “How much is it ?” Lilys mother asks the woman who sells the clothes . Then they find it too expensive ,and they dont have so much money with them .“Would you like a cheaper one ?” the woman asks . “No , we shall take this one .My daughter likes it .We shall e back to buy it tomorrow .” Lilys mother answers . After that , they leave the shop to buy some other things .( ) 1. It is Saturday .Lily and her mother are doing some shopping .( ) 2. Lily wants to buy a blue sweater for her mother .( ) 3. There is only one blue sweater in the first shop .( ) 4. The blue sweater in the first shop is bigger . ( ) 5. In the second shop , they find a sweater of the right size and colour .十二、写话(3分)你的生日在什么时候呢?请用简单的三句话介绍自己的生日。My birthday

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