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2019-2020年新版PEP英语五年级上册Unit3Whatsyourfavoritefood6课时英文教案设计Unit 3 lesson1( Lets start main scene A Lets learn. Group work.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Three skills for sentences: What would you like for lunch? Id like-.(2) Four skills for words: tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant.(3) Three skills for words: cabbage, mutton, pork.(4) Group work.2. Key and difficult points:Words: tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant, cabbage, mutton, pork.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape, co lour pens.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Sing a song. “What would you like?”b. Lets chant (Pep4)(2). Preview:a. Put up the cards(food), T: We have many food here. What would you like?Ss: Id like some.Tofu/fish spell.b. Show a picture in “Lets start.” and let Ss guess the food.(3). Presentation:Lets learna. Tomato& potatoT shows card: tomato.Read and spell.The tomatoes are juicy and red. What about potatoes?Theyre tasty and brown. teach “potato” in the same way.b. mutton, cabbage, pork.T teaches words: mutton, cabbage, pork. Ss read after T. Recognize quickly and read quickly.c. Green beans& eggplant.What colour is it? Its green.Yes, its green beans. Read and spell.Its the vegetable. Its purple. Guess whats this?Its eggplant. Read and spell.d. Ss listen to the tape and read the words.e. Play a game: T tells words, Ss tell the color of the vegetables, and then T tells the vegetables character. Ss tell the words.f. To consolidate the words have learnt.Group work.T: what would you like for lunch?Ss: Id like someT takes off a word card, say “Sure”.Let Ss say ”Thank you”.T takes off a word card, say “Sorry, no”Let Ss use small cards to talk in groups.Lets chant.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Activity book P17(1)listen and match(2)write and say.b. Write the new words four times.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson2( A Lets try. Lets talk. Talk and match. C Good to know.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Two skills for sentences: What do you nave for lunch today? I have eggplant-and can talk with each other.(2) Good to know.2. Key and difficult points:(1) Three skills for sentences: What do you nave for lunch today? I have eggplant- Can talk with each other use sentences have learnt.(2) Lets try.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Lets chant.b. Free talk.T: What would you like for lunch?(2). Preview: What would you like for lunch? Means “你中午想吃什么?”But how to say“你吃了什么?”Listen to a song: What do you have for lunch?After the song, do you know how to say“你吃了什么?”Yes, thats “what do you have for lunch?”Lets try.(3). Presentation:Lets talk.a. Read by students first, and answer the questions.T: What does Mike have for lunch today? what about Sarah?Ss: Mike ha eggplant and tomatoes, and Sarah has onions and green beans.b. Show the sentences: What do you have for lunch today? Ss read and practise the new sentence.c. Practise the sentences in pairs: use the picture.T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-S1, one ask and the other answer.d. Play a game: One choose a card and the other Ss ask, the one choose card answer using words and sentences have learnt.e. Read the text after the tape. T-Ss, Ss-SsTalk and match.Ask your paterner: What do you have for lunch today?Talk and match the food. T: what does your paterner have for lunch today? Ss: She/ he has Good to know.Tell Ss the traditional Chinese food, and the festivals. (4). Consolidation and extension:a. Check the answers in Activity book P17, point out we should plus “es” after tomato and potato.b. Activity book P18(3) Listen and match(4)make a survey. c. Sss bookP30 make your menu. Ask Ss to write down a menu he want to give us Ss.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson3( A Read and write. Group work. C Lets sing.)1.Teaching aims: (1) Can know the meaning of the story.(1) Four skills for sentences.(2) Sing a song.2. Key and difficult points:Four skilled sentences.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape, school menu.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Sing a song;b. Free talk.T: What day is it today?Ss: Its T: What do you have for lunch on ? (Show the word cards (food)Ss: We have (2). Preview:Lets chant.(3). Presentation: Group work a. Show a form (put up word cards (Mon.Fri.)T: There are five days we have lunch at the school. Lets make a school menu.Put up the word cards (food)Ask and answer:What do you have for lunch on?I / we haveThat sounds good.T-Ss Ss-Ss Ss-S1At last, T shows the menu.T: This is our school menu.b. Design a menu ( Ss book P30), talk about the food in groups. Read and write.a. Read by students. And answer the questions.What does Amy have for lunch on Mondays?What would she like for dinner today?b. Listen to the tape and repeat.c. Read after T, and read together.Check the answers in book P30 Let Ss find out what should we pay attention to the writing.d. Practise the sentences.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Activity bookP19(5)listen and write.(6)read and tick or cross.b. Write the sentences four times.c. Design a menu at home to your parents.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson4( B Lets learn. Lets chant )1. Teaching aims:(1) Be able to master the words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh and sweet in four skills. and three skill for word: healthy .(2). Be able to say “Lets chant”(3) Can use the adj. to describe the favorite food.2. Key and difficult points:(1) Four-skilled words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh, sweet(2) The pronunciation of “healthy”.(3) To describe the favorite food.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, apples, orange, sugar, salty, vinegar and tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Lets chant.(PEP4 Unit6)b. Free talk.T: Do you like tomatoes/onions? Why?(theyre juicy and tasty, theyre smelly.)(2). Preview:T: Do you like apples? Why?(theyre yummy and tasty) Please taste it.Ss taste the apple, and enjoy a song “an apple a day”(3). Presentation:Lets learna. Tasty& sweetT: Is it yummy?(S1)Is it tasty?(S2)Is it sweet?(S3)T: So its yummy, tasty and sweet.Teach tasty& sweet, read and spell.b. Fresh.T: you like apples, and I like apples too. Theyre sweet and tasty. Theyre my favourite. But I dont like this apple. Its not fresh. Look! I like this apple, its big, red, sweet and its fresh!Teach fresh, read and spell.c. Healthy.T: apples are very good for us. Here is an old saying: An apple a day keeps doctor away. It means (一天一个苹果,医生就会远离你)So apples are healthy, they re healthy for us!Teach healthy, read.d. Sour.T: Look, I have oranges too. Are they healthy for us? Yes, theyre healthy for us. Do you like oranges? Why?(Ss) Theyre tasty, sweet and healthy. They re my favourite, too.Let me taste it.Hmm.its sour! Do you want to try?Ss taste the orange. Is it sour?Teach sour, read and spell.What else is sour in our life?Yes, grapes are sour.Take out the vinegar and let the Ss smell.e. Salty.The vinegar is sour, we need it in the cooking.We need sugar in the cooking, too.Mix the sugar in the hot water. And ask the students to tasty it.Lead the Ss to say its sweet.Change another glass(salty)Oh, Im sorry, I take a mistake, its salty.Teach salty, read and spell.f. Read new words after T.Lets chant.Read the chant.Make a new chant.Task time.(Write and talk)Put up a form(Activity bookP21), ask and answerWhats your favourite food/drink/fruit? I likeWhy? Because its T demonstrates with two Ss.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Activity book P20(1,2)b. Write the words four times.c. Ask your parents whats their favourite food/drink/fruit, and why.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson5( B Lets try. Lets talk. Pair work. C .Task time.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Two skills for sentences: Whats your favourite food? I/We like-. And can talk with other Ss using sentences have learnt.(2) Can do “Task time.”2. Key and difficult points:(1) Three skills for sentences: Whats your favourite food? I/We like-. And can talk with other Ss using sentences have learnt.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a. Lets chant (book P31,Activity bookP20)b. Free talk. Do you like? Why? (Theyre tasty / sweet/ fresh.)(2). Preview:Lets try.(3). Presentation:lets talka. T: I like chicken, beef and fish. and draw smell face on the blackboard. Ss learn to say: favourite.b. Teach sentence: Whats your favourite food? T: Whats your favourite food?Show mutton, pork, chicken.S1: I like/ I dont likeS2: Me too. Its (tasty and yummy)Play games to practise the sentence running trains.Use bananas, etc fruit and foodc. Read the text and answer the questions.T: whats Sarahs favourite food? What about ChenJie? Why? d. Read the text after the tape.T-Ss Ss-Ss Ss-S1Practise the dialogue by picture.Pair work: T: lead the Ss to ask and answer.Then make a new dialogue.Do Activity book P21 (4) write and talk.Task time.T: whats your favourite food? But I dont like it, can you make an ad. for us and let us to buy it?Ss make ad. then tell others, look how many Ss will pass it.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Activity book P21 (3) Listen and match.b. Activity book P23 (2)answer the questions in pairs after class.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson6( B Read and write. Group work. C Pronunciation. Lets check.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Can know the meaning of the story.(2) Pronunciation.(3)Four skills for sentences.(4)Lets check.2. Key and difficult points:Four skilled sentences.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, tape.3. Teaching steps: (1).Warm-up:a. Lets chant.Whats your favourite food? Mutton, chicken or fish?I like fish best. Its salty and tasty.Whats your favourite drink? Milk, water or orange juice?I like orange juice best. Its sweet and sour.Whats your favourite fruit? Strawberries, watermelons or grapes?I like Strawberries. Theyre fresh and healthy.I dont like grapes. Theyre fresh, but theyre sour. (2). Preview: Free talk.T: Whats your favourite food? Ss tell whats their favourite food.Practise sentences: I like/I dont like(3). Presentation:Read and write.a. Read and finish the sentences.b. Listen and answer the questions.Whats Monkeys favourite fruit? Why?Does rabbit like fruit? Does he like grapes? Why?Whats his favourite fruit? Why?What does Zip like? Why?What about Zoom?He says he has to eat vegetables. Why? c. Listen to the tape and repeat after the tape and T.Check the answer.Read together.d. Lead the Ss to find out what they should pay attention to the writing.Group work.Whats your favourite food? Why?Ask and fill the blanks in groups.Activity book P22 (5) Read and answer the questions.Pronunciation.Read after tape and find out the rules in pronunciation.Lets check.(4). Consolidation and extension:a. Activity book P22 (6) Listen to the dialogue and write the questions.b. Write the sentences four times.c. ask your parents favourite food, and make for them.Teaching notes:附送:2019-2020年新版PEP英语五年级上册Unit4Whatcanyoudo6课时英文教案设计Unit 4 Lesson1(Main scene Lets start A Lets learn Lets play. Lets chant.)1、Teaching aims:(1) Listen read and say the pattern “empty the trash. Cook the meal, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom”(2) Can use the sentence “Im helpful1! I can sweep the floor”(1) Sing the chant “dog dog what can you do”2. Key and difficult points:(1) The five patterns.(1) use “ I can”in the real situation 3. Teaching aids:word cards, tape, cards of movement 4. Teaching steps:(1) Warm-uplets do (PEP3 unit 1 Part A)(2) Previews T: take the card “ clean the window.” Do the action. Ask Ss “Can you clean the window?”Lead the Ss “Yes, I can”T: “ Can you wash the window?” Ss “ I can”Tell the Ss the difference between “clean” and “wash”. (3) PresentationsLets learn.a. T draws some flowers on the board. Say “ I can draw flowers.” T do the action water the flowers and say “ I can water the flower” lead the Ss to spell and read the word “ water flower”b. T: “I can water the flowers, what can you do?” Do the action sweep the floor, lead them learn to say “ I can sweep the floor.” Read and spell. c. T: After we sweep the floor, we should empty the trash. Empty the Ss pencil-case, teach “empty” Make a trash, teach. Teach: Empty the trash. Read and spell. d. T: I can wash the window, I can sweep the floor, I can clean the desks and chairs, I can make the bed, so I can clean the bedroom. Learn to say “ clean the bedroom” . Read and spell.e. Boys and girls, Miss Ye can clean the window, can . What can you do? Ask Ss to say: I can practise.f. T: You can do so many things. Youre helpful. Teach “helpful”. Im/ youre/shes/ hes/ were/ theyre helpfulg. T:S1, are you helpful? Can you water the flowers? Teach “water the flowers”, read and spell.h. T: Miss Ye is helpful at home. I can wash the window, I can sweep the floor, I can empty the trash, I can water the flowers, but theres one thing I cant do.Guess, what I cant do?Yes, I cant cook the meals. Im not helpful.Read and spell. “cook the meals” Listen and repeat. Listen and show the finger. T says the phrases, and Ss show which picture. Practicesa. Ask and answer.What can you do?I canT-Ss B-Gb. Ss say to the others what can they do and cant be the same pattern.Let s chant a. T shows the animals pictures.“Dog, dog, what can you do?I can run after you.”Show dog, rabbit, bird, mouse, elephant Ss answer what can they dob. Ss listen to the chant.chant and do.(4)Consolidations a. Activity book. P33 E1 listen, number and match. E2 read and write.b. do some housework at home and teach your parents.c. write the four-skilled phrases four times.Teaching notes:Unit 4 Lesson2( A Lets try Lets talk Group work C Lets sing.)1、Teaching aims:(1) Understand and say: “are you helpful at home? What can you do? I can sweep the floor. Youre helpful”(2)Sing the song “I can help”2. Key and difficult points:(1) What can you do? I can .(2) Are you helpful at home?3. Teaching aids:tape, word cards4. Teaching steps:(1) Warm-upa. Lets do( PEP3 unit 4 Part A)b. Lets chant.(2) Previewsa. guess game. T do the action and Ss use the “I can.” to answer. Spell and write.b. The dog can run, the panda can eat bamboo, the mouse can hide in the shoe, Mike can draw animals in the zoo. I can sing , I can play ping-pong. What can you do? Talk about what can they do at home. To give more answers.(3) Presentations Lets tryListen and tick or cross.Check.Lets talka. Mike is helpful at home. What about ChenJie? Is Chen Jie helpful? What can she do? Listen to the tape, please.b. Ss answer the questions. Listen again and repeat the dialogue.T-Ss Ss-Ss c. Use the pictures to practice the sentence. Are you helpful at home?What can you do?d. T: Today is mothers day. Mom, happy Mothers Day! Let me help you.Ss: What can you do?T: I canSs: Great. Youre helpful!Practice in the groups.Group work. Make a survey. What can you do? Ask two friends.Talk to the class: * can cook the mealect.T and s1 make a model.Lets singListen to the song “ I can help”, then learn to sing the song.To get the meaning, sing after the tape.(4) Consolidationsa. Do the activity book.P34 E3 Listen and match E4 Listen and write.b. Ask Ss to help their parents to do some housework and say it in English.Teaching notes:Unit 4 Lesson3( A Read and write Lets play C Pronunciation Story time.)1. Teaching aims:(1) grasp the spelling of “ what can you do? I can sweep the floor”(2)Can use and write these sentences(3)Pronunciation, can read with the role of “or, all, pl and pr”(4)Story time2. Key and difficult points:(1) the spelling of the word and sentence(2) what can you do? I can.”3. Teaching aids:the picture, tape4. Teaching steps:(1) warm-upa. Lets chantb. Sing the song “I can help”(2) Previewsa. T show the word cards ask Ss read and write.b. Game “whats missing”c. Free talk.Are you helpful?What can you do at home?(3) PresentationsRead and writea. T shows the picture, say “Look. This is mother goat. She is ill. Lets help her. What can you do?” Ask Ss to answer. Show the sentences: What can you do? I can Read and spell.b. The monkey, rabbit, Zoom and Zip are helping Mother Goat too.Theyre helpful. What can they do?.Lets listen to the tape and find out the answer.Listen and answer Ts questions.c. Read the dialogue.T-Ss S1-S2-S3-S4Finish the sentences.d. Learn to write the sentences.Lets playUse the card to ask and answer what can you do? I can . According to the real situation, to say “Yes, you can/No, you cant.”Lets chant.( New chant) Amy, Amy, what can you do? I can sweep the floor. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, you can. Youre helpful.Amy, Amy, what can you do? I can cook the meals. No, no, no. No, you cant.PronunciationsRead with the role of “or, all, pl and pr”or: pork fort short storm horse shorts orange morningall: all tall small ball wall hall fall callpl: plant play plan plane place please platepr: pretty pride print proud pray express Story time(4)Consolidationsa. Do the activity book P35 E5 Listen and write. E6 Read and write. P39 E1 croup and readP40 Listen and number.b. Sing the song to their parentsc. write the sentences four times.Teaching notes:Unit 4 Lesson4( B Lets learn Lets chant C Good to know.)1. Teaching aims:(1) Understand and say and write: “wash the clothes, set the table ,make the bed, do the dishes”(2) Lets chant(3) Know something about the circumstance and safety key 2. Key and difficult points:(1)The words and patterns about the housework(2)The pronunciation of the word “clothes”3. Teaching aids:word cards, tape4. Teaching steps:(1) Warm-up a. Lets do ( PEP3 unit 4 Part B) b. teach “make the bed” and “ set the table”. Read and spell. (2) Previews.a. Lets chant. (New chant) b. spell the sentences: “what can you do ?” “I can .”(3) PresentationsLets learn.a. T does the action, I can wash my face, what can you wash? Lead the Ss to say “I can wash the” T: I can wash my coat/jeans/shirt I can wash the clothes. Read and spell.b. T: I wash the clothes, dry them, and then I put away the clothes. Read and spell.c. Ss read after the tape, teach “do the dishes”Practice the new words.d. Make the new chant Use the things what Ss can do , e.g: “Can you do housework ? Yes I can . I can I can ”e. Pass one by oneShow some different sentences to every groups. Ask them to pass it .and see which group is fastest and correct.Lets chantListen and read after the tape.Practice Its sunny, lets do housework today.What can you do all day?Lets start from “get up”Get upwash face and teethhave breakfastwater the flowers/plantsmake the bedsweep the floorclean the bedroom/living room-cook the mealsset the tablehave lunchdo the dishesempty the trashwash the clothesput away the clothescook the mealshave dinne

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