2019-2020年小学英语 3unit5教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年小学英语 3unit5教案 牛津版一、Teaching aim:1. Words: a pen , a book , a rubber , a pencil , a pencil box , a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener 及复数形式。2.Sentences: 1)How are you ? Fine , thankyou . / Not bad , thank you . 2) How are you ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Im fine , too . 3) How are you ? Not so good . Im sorry .3.Sing a song : Hello !How are you ?二、Difficult and important teaching points :1. Words: a pen , a book , a rubber , a pencil , a pencil box , a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener 及复数形式。2.Sentences:1) How are you ? Fine , thankyou . / Not bad , thank you . 2) How are you ? Fine , thank you . And you ? Im fine , too . 3) How are you ? Not so good . Im sorry .三、Teaching aids:1. Tape recorder 2. Cards with sentences , pictures of the school things 3. Dolls 四、Teaching times:Three lessons五、Teaching process: Lesson 1Step 1 . Listen to the tape Hello! How are you ? 导入:How are you ? Teach: How are you ? Practise: 1) train practise 2) boys read , girls read .Step 2. S-T: S1: How are you ? T:(Card:我很好; bodylanguage) Fine, thank you . S2,n -T ask and answer Teach Fine , thank you . Practise: 1) pair work T-S (教师纠正发音)S-S 2)listen to the tape , Ss read after the tape Step 3. (教师模仿对话)Doll1: How are you ? Doll2: Fine , thank you . And you ?Doll1: Im fine , too .(Repeat it )Teach this dialouge .Pratise : 1) pair work T-S (教师纠正发音)S-S 2)listen to the tape , Ss read after the tape Step 4 . Teach the words .1.T: Today , lets meet some new friends. Theyre five brothers . Now lets have a look at No.2 pen.今天,让我们认识五位新朋友,他们是兄弟哦。现在我们来看一看老二 pen .Then teach pen Practise: 1) train practise 2) A pen , a pen , this is a pen .2. The same way to teach ball pen (老大) , pencil(老三) , pencil box(老四) , pencil sharpener(老五)3. Play games.1. Whats missing ? 1) quick respond 2)Whats missing?2. Touch and guess .Step 5 .教学复数形式教师左手拿一枝钢笔,说a pen , 右手拿一枝钢笔,说a pen , 把两枝钢笔和起来说pens.继续拿一枝钢笔说a pen , 再三枝合起来说 pens 。 依次类推,引出复数的概念。要注意 pencil boxes 的读音 。es读/iz/ Lesson 2Step 1: Free talkT: Hello!Good morning .Ss: Hello! Good morning .T: Hello , how are you ?S1: Fine , thank you . And you ?T: Im fine , too .Step 2 : Exchange S1 : Hello , Miss Deng . How are you ? T: Fine , thank you . And you ? S1: Im fine , too.S2: Hello , Miss Deng . How are you ?T: Not bad , thank you . ( 教师做表情, 和Fine , thank you 的表情相似)如此几遍以后,教学Not bad , thank you .Practise : 1) Train practise . 2) Pair work and act . 3) Listen to the tape , read after it and act .Step 3: 事先安排一学生与教师对话1. S1: How are you ? T: Not so good .( 做生病的状态, 可咳嗽,打喷嚏 , 捂肚子)2. T: How are you ? S1: Not so good . (也做生病的状态)Teach Not so good. Practise : 1) Train practise . 2) Pair work and act . 在S-S 的pair work 中, 教师在旁引出Im sorry . 并手拿哭脸卡片。Teach Im sorry . T-S: T: How are you ? S1: Not so good . T: Im sorry .学生以这样的形式操练此句型。并听录音跟读。Step 4:1. Review the words that we have learned .We can play a game : quick respond .2. 用实物呈现单词 T: Whats this ? Its a ruler .同法教学rubber , book 及其复数。注意: books /buks/3. Play a game : guess呈现某件东西的一小部分让学生猜是什么。4.Do fun house : 第一部分中的a,b,c,d.1)认识图中的物品。2)听录音。3)师生分析答案。Unit5第三课时Step1FreetalkT:Goodmorning.S:Goodmorning.T:Goodafternoon.S:Goodafternoon.T:Getup,xx.S:Allright.T:Howareyou?S:Fine,thankyou.Andyou?T:Imfine,too.T:Gotobednow,xx.S:OK.Goodnight.Step21)Listentothesong.2)Singthesong.Step3Takeoutthepicture,think(guess)whattheyaresaying?以第二幅图为例,教师分析,学生来说。学生表演:S:Gotoschool,Mike.S:Allright.Bye,Dad.教师对学生的表演予以评价,学生再次表演。四人一组练习,评一评哪位是表演天才。Step4Funhouse(EFGH)1.Lookatthepicture.2.Talk(students).3.Listentothetape.4.Checkitout.Step5Workbook1.Lookatthepicture.2.Listentothetape,andnumberit.(在这个过程中重复内容)3.Checkitout.Step6Reviewtheword.1.认识书中东西。2.Listentothetape.3.Checkitout.Step7Playagame.Guessandsay:教师先示范,将文具放在文具盒里面,学生在教师配合下完成这个游戏,注意这里单词需升调,安排学生利用自己的文具同桌操练。附送:2019-2020年小学英语 3Unit6教案 牛津版一.Teachingaim.Words:adog,acat,amonkey,atiger,apanda,azebra,abird,anelephant, red,green,white,black,orange,blue,yellow.apples,oranges,pears,bananas,peaches,mangoesdesk,chair,abed,asofa,atable,atelephone,abookcase,afridgepens,books,pencils,ballpens,pencil-boxes,pencilsharpener,rulers,rubbers2.Sentences:Hello,ImWhatsyourname?ThisisNicetomeetyou.Goodmorning/afternoon.Getup./Gotoschoolnow./Gohomenow./Gotobed,please.OK./Allright.Howareyou?Fine,thankyou./Notbad,thankyou./Notsogood.Imsorry.二.Difficultandimportantpoints.people,animals,colours,fruits,thingsforschool.三.教具1.tapeandtaperecorder2.cardsUnit6第一课时Step1FreetalkT:Hello!Howareyou?S:Fine,thankyou.T:Goodmorning.S:Goodmorning.T:Goodafternoon.S:Goodafternoon.T:Gotobednow,xx.S:OK.Goodnight.T:Hello!Howareyou?S:Notsogood.T:Imsorry.Step2Review1.Reviewthewordsanimals,fruits,furniture,schoolthings,colors2.将Unit6出现的单词卡片贴至黑板上,集中复习黑板上单词,do(listenandcircle)3.Listenandnumber.1).拿出东西让学生练习。比如,一支红铅笔aredpencil,一个黄色桌子ayellowdesk,让学生自己练习。2).让学生将图中的物品加以描述,如:abluefridge,agreensofa,aredtelephone,abrownchair3).Listentothetape.(1).集中听独立做。(2).重复内容。(3).CheckStep3Workbook(CDE)1.Listen,findandcircle.2.Listen,findandcolor.3.Listenanddraw.在这三个过程中,先集中听独立做,然后重复内容,最后检查。第二课时Step1FreetalkT:Goodmorning.S:Goodmorning.T:Hello,whatsyourname?S:Mynameisxx.T:Howareyou?S:Fine,thankyou.Andyou?T:Imfine,too.T:Goodafternoon.S:Goodafternoon.T:Hello!Howareyou?S:Notsogood.T:Imsorry.Step21.Lookatthepictures.2.学生讨论,让学生自主的进行讨论,让学生发表意见。3.教师将学生的意见加以总结。4.教师加以举例。(用第一幅图)5.Makedialogues.6.Act.Step3Workbook1.Listen(once)会回答先回答(部分)2.第二遍(twice)学生继续(全体)3.认识人物(尤其是区别比较大的:MrGreen,MrBlack)4.Listentothetape.5.Checkit.第三课时Step1我们总结一下所学过的物品名称。谁还记得?生说师写(注意分类)Step2分类复习a.Animals:adog,acat,amonkey,atiger,apanda,azebra,abird,anelephant.歌谣复习bird,bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳叫。dog,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫。cat,cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫。monkey,monkey是猴子,猴子monkey爱吃桃。zebra,zebra是斑马,斑马zebra满身是条纹。tiger,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王。panda,panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝。elephant,elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙。b.Fruits.(快速反应,注意单复数的区别)c.Thingsinrooms.(Whatsmissing?)1.Whatsmissing?2.Whatcolor?d.文具Lookandguess.挡住一部分,猜物Step3Consolidation看图(实物),一同学说名称,一同学说颜色,教师任意抽出图片。 第四课时step1 free talk 教师尽量使用学过的问候与打招呼step 2 教师提供一些情景和学生讨论表演.场景1 David 早晨起床,Mrs Black 与他的一段对话Mrs Black: get up,David David All right. Good morning,Mum.Mrs Black Good morning.场景2 Wang Bing 去上学,在路上遇见Helen Wang :Hello,Helen.Helen: Hello,Wang Bing.Wang:How are you ?Helen:Fine, thank you. And you ?Wang : I am fine ,too.场景3:Helen 将Mike介绍给高山认识Helen 先与高山打招呼,在介绍Helen:Good morning.Gao:Good morning.Helen:This is my brother,Mike Gao Nice to meet you.,Mike Mike: Nice to meet you ,too.4将学生自由组合.找自己最好的朋友,选择一场景进行表演,(用自己的名字)


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