2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson14(1)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson14(1)教案 闽教版 教学目的与要求:1、词汇:继续巩固第十三课有关职业的词语:pilot, nurse, singer, dancer, farmer, worker, doctor, policeman2、句型:Do you want to be a teacher? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Why not?.3、情感:让学生们了解工作的辛苦,培养学生尊重他人劳动的品质。 教学重点:1、学会掌握9种职业单词的拼写和读法。2、学会掌握句型:“Do you want to be a teacher? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Why not?” 教学难点:运用所学句型询问他人的理想。教具准备:单词卡,职业的图片,录音机。 教学过程:Step 1 热身活动:1、师生问候。2、唱英文歌曲:A Happy Song3、说chant:Whats your hobby?4、教师与学生自由会话,完成课本六十四页调查表。5、揭题Lesson14。今天我们要来继续学习跟职业有关的课文。Step 2 复习导入:1、教师出示有关职业的单词卡片,请学生全部读过一遍后做游戏Whats missing?2、竞赛活动:每组请一位学生上台,教师出示有关职业的卡片,请全班学生看卡片说词,台上的同学必须马上做出相应的动作,做的慢的或做错的学生出局,留到最后的学生为获胜者,小组加分。3、单词拼写游戏吊死鬼。Step 3 教授新课:1、教授句型:Do you want to be a ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Why not?教师问学生:What do you want to be?请一个学生回答,如I want to be a doctor.教师根据这个学生的回答,问其他学生: Do you want to be a doctor?(呈现句型并教授)引导学生用Yes, I do./No, I dont.自由回答,同时教师板书。接着教师问回答”No”的学生:Why not?为什么不呢?(板书)让学生根据自己的喜好说出原因,可以用英文或中文。教师教导学生每种职业都有它辛苦的地方,培养学生尊重他人劳动的品质。游戏站我这边来,教师请一些学生到讲台上来,并将他们分为两个组,给每人一张有关职业的图片然后让两组学生轮流用句型Do you want to be a ?来猜对方小组成员手中的图片。若猜对了,对方小组的这名同学就要站到猜对的学生小组后面;若猜错,则两组都不动,游戏结束后以小组人数多的为胜利的一方。2、课文呈现:请学生听录音回答教师提出的几个问题, 如:What does Sally want to be? Why?Is Wang Tao want to be a teacher?What does Wang Tao want to be? Why?放第二遍录音请学生提出不明白的部分,可请其他学生给予帮助和讲解,或教师进行答疑。划出本课主要句型。听音跟读,用不同形式进行听音模仿朗读训练。3、听听读读六十六页Say a rhyme.听第二十四页的录音,让学生先了解大意。再听第二次录音,跟读,教师解释意思。听音多次模仿语音语调,可分组、分排、男女生朗读训练。Step 4 复习巩固1、完成六十七页第三题。教师先带领学生将题目读一遍,理解题意,接着播放第一遍录音,请学生圈出正确答案。再播放第二遍录音,对答案,并请做对的学生起来翻译。可以由教师按暂停键一句句翻译。2、完成六十八页第四题。教师请学生在框格中写上自己长大后想做的职业,并指导学生写出原因。Step 5 家庭作业1、听录音,熟读本课内容.2、完成一册通上本课的练习.3、完成课本六十八页评价部分。4、预习Lesson 15。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7(1)教案 广东版开心一、 教学内容1.Vocabulary:headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache,take some medicine,see the dentist,stay in bed,earache,sore throat2. Sentences:(1) Whats the matter with you?I have a stomachache.You should take some medicine.(2) Whats the matter with you?I have a cold.You should stay in bed.(3) Whats the matter with you?I hurt my foot.Be careful next time.3. Sounds and words: red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread二、教学目的与要求1. 熟悉并掌握单词和语音,能正确拼读和书写。2. 能运用会话中的句型,联系日常生活,进行扩展性的情景会话。3. 通过学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心生活大小事的情感,激发学生探索生活的兴趣。三、教学重点、难点能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段利用图片,运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备图画卡片,洋娃娃,录音带,录音机,头饰,六、教学步骤Step 1. Greetings(1 minute)T: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to meet you.Step 2. Presentation (4minutes)1. Lead-in(展示洋娃娃,复习身体部位)T: Im Mary.Hello,every one.Ss:Hello,Mary.T:Now,see,tell me,whats this? Ss:This is a . (nose,mouth,teeth,head,stomach,feet,ears)2.Mary is unhappy today.(摆出布娃娃不高兴的样子)Do you know why?Because she feel sick today.Whats the matter with her?She has a headache.Step 3 teaching words (10 minutes)1. 电教(图片导入)headacheT:Headache,read after me,repeat.Ss:Headache,headache,h-e-a-d-a-c-h-e,headache.T:Show me a headache.(手抱头作头痛状)学生模仿动作 Ss:Yes,I did.2. Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)3. cold,fever,sore throat(1)coldT:I have a cold. (接着教师拿出纸巾捏一下鼻子)(电教)cold,read after me,repeat.Ss:cold,cold,c-o-l-d,coldT:Show me a cold.(手捏鼻子)学生模仿动作T:Did you have a cold?(2)fever,sore throat(图片教学)4.review the words (5 minutes)Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)Step 4 (8 minutes)1.One student show a fever,then teacher asked:Whats the matter with you?I have a fever.T:Whats the matter with you?S:I have a fever.2.Look at the picture,and answer the questions.T:Whats the matter with her/him?S1:She/He has .3. pair work:A:Whats the matter with you?B:I have.Step 5 (11 minutes)1. performence:One student act a doctor,the other act a patient.2. listen to the tape twice.Step 6 homework(1 minutes)


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