2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(3)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(3)教案 广州版教学内容分析:本课主要谈论个人的身体感受。涉及的语法知识是Its time to; Its time for的区别。要求掌握的句型及短语有:Its time to; Its time for; Whats the matter? I feel.; I dont want to; wake up, get dressed quickly等。本课话题虽然学生初次接触,但内容很贴近实际生活,通过游戏、竞赛容易激发学生的学习兴趣。教学对象分析五年级学生经过两年的英语学习,有了一定的表达及阅读能力,但对语法知识的运用存在一定困难,特别是对真实交际活动中灵活运用语言感到吃力。本课话题和学生的生活实际贴近,谈论身体感受,学生感兴趣,有利于学生之间的对话交流,促进课堂有效教学。教学策略: 根据五年级学生年龄特点和认知规律,课堂教学中充分利用歌曲、游戏、竞赛等形式,寓教于乐,调动学生学习兴趣。优化整合本单元教学内容,创设语言情境,增大语言输入,提高有效输出,增强学生的语言运用能力,同时培养学生关心他人的良好品质,有效达成教学目标。课时设计Objectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:feel , wake , ill , matter , quickly Sentences句型:Its time to /forWhats the matter? I feel . I dont want to Daily Express习惯用语:: wake up, get dressed quickly.Grammar语法:Its time to 与Its time for的区别。 2.Language skill语言技能:能运用英语问答个人感受。3.Affect 情感态度:学会关心他人,团结互助。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:学会与他人合作,共同完成任务。Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:本课主要以询问他人感受为话题,难点是句型Whats the matter?的运用教学过程中尽量通过完成多种教学任务让学生掌握本课短语、句型。TeachingAids/Media教学媒体 自制课件,使用于导入、呈现和操练环节。Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activity & Steps 教学活动及操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略Purpose设计意图1.Leading-in 2.Pre-task3.While-task 4.Post-task5.SummarySing the songs: Do some exercise with me.a)利用课件复习What time is it? Its Its time to/for学生小结两种表达方法的区别。b)由上一任务回答活动自然引出短语wake up, get dressed, quickly。TPR动作呈现操练。c)play a speed game: get up dressed quickly!看谁动作快d)看课件,用should/shouldnt说出健康的生活习惯。e) Chant: Janet, Janet, wake up!f)安排一学生伏在桌面,老师过去询问引出:Whats the matter? I feel, 学习单词matter, feel, ill。play a memory game巩固。g)看课件并模仿monkeys用Whats the matter? I feel问答个人感受。 h)play a guessing game.小组练习,表演。i)学生练习I dont want toj)CAI呈现课文,看完回答老师问题。a)全班跟读录音机朗读课文b) Make up a dialogue. 小组讨论,根据所学句型编写对话。小组汇报表演所编对话。a)学生自主小结本课知识点。b)老师点评,宣布竞赛成绩,表扬获胜小组。学生们在愉悦的音乐氛围中接触健康知识。学生根据课件使用两种方法造句。学生根据老师示范引导使用新短语进行表达,理解意思并运用。 学生对新短语进行输入和感知,完成游戏。d)学生说出哪些是健康的生活习惯。e) 学生chant所学短语。f)学生通过看flash课件回答问题和根据课件小组互问互答等不同方式,对句型进行操练。g) 学生通过老师示范感知任务并在情景中进行完成。h)通过老师示范感知guessing game.小组练习。i)学生造句I dont want toj) 学生看、听课文,并回答相关问题。a)学生分小组朗读课文。b)学生根据新句型编写对话。通过小组合作,表演对话。学生自主小结本课知识点。通过歌曲营造轻松的课堂气氛。a)学生在复习旧知识的基础上区别运用两个句子。b)输入短语并进行情景运用。 c)运用学生感兴趣的竞赛形式强化输入。d)促使学生思考如何养成健康生活习惯。e)巩固所学短语。f) g)通过完成多种任务进行输入,激发学生学习兴趣。通过真实交际让学生理解运用新句型,同时教育学生关心他人。h)通过游戏激发学习兴趣,有效突破难点。i)巩固句子。j)学生在掌握句型的基础上理解课文。让学生运用所学进行有效输出,运用于真实交际。有效输出所学知识。梳理本课知识点,完善学生知识结构。Homework 作业(1) Copy new words and the dialogue.(2) Read aloud the dialogue and try to perform it with partners.(3) Give some advice to keep health.(选做)附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4(4)教案 广州版 一、 Teaching Content:Module 2(Unit 4) Janet feels ill 二、Teaching aim: (一) Main Task: 1. Can say these words correctly: feel, wake, and wake up, ill, matter, whats the matter? Quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, plenty, plenty of, bath, have a bath 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly.3. Can use these daily expressions in munication: A. Its time to get up. B. I dont want to be late for school. (二)Difficult point: 1. New words of this dialogue. 2. The prehension of the dialogue of Unit 4. 3. How to express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor. 4. How to giving advice, especially when someone is ill. (三) Affects: To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits.三、 Teaching Tools: puter, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue四、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods.五、reaching Process: Leading-in1. Greeting 2. Have them do the exercises about the simple present tense. 1)Greeting 2)Do the exercises about the simple present tense. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences.Present station1. Have the Ps open the book and read the conversation and try to understand what its meaning. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun).Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. Feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, whats the matter? Quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, plenty, plenty of, bath, have a bath Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and asks them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher corrects their pronunciation.7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldnt understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher helps them. Voluntarily 1. Open the book and read the conversation and try to understand what its meaning. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 2, Unit 4 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldnt understand and then discuss in groups. 1) Learn the new content. 2)Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3)Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4)Go over the tense.Practice1. Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2. Read the dialogue follows the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs.1. Read the new words in groups check and correct each other. Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of he dialogue an d the words.Consolidate and Development1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue. 1)Answer the questions. 2)Try to act out the dialogue. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what theyve Learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue.Homework1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by them loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 17. 3. Copy the new words.


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