2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1(VIII)教学案 外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1(VIII)教学案 外研版一、教学目标 1.知识目标能够用英语表达向别人赠送礼物和接受别人的礼物。2.能力目标能够综合运用一般过去时态与一般现在时态。3.情感目标学会接人待物的一般常识,了解一定的西方接人待物的习俗。二、 预习学案(一)预习目标1能够读准课文中新单词的读音,并记熟。2读课文,感知课文的大体内容。(二)预习内容1写出下列单词过去式buy give ride eat play is,am drink see watch go win do 2回答下列问题(1) What did Daming buy for his mother?(2) What did Simons family give Daming?(3) What did Daming buy for his friends?三、导学案(一) 学习目标能够用英语表达向别人赠送礼物和接受别人的礼物。(二)师生共同学习课文。1.教师呈现听音任务,并且板书到黑板上。(1)Where is Daming now? Daming is in now (2) What did Daming buy for his mum.(3)Who gave Daming a baseball set? gave him a baseball set。(4)What did Daming buy for his friends? He for his friends.(5)Did Daming buy something for Tom? .(6)Can they have a baseball team? ,they have a baseball team.2.教师引导学生理解听音任务。3.学生准备好课堂作业本,教师第一遍播放录音,学生整体感知课文对话内容。4.教师第二遍播放录音,并且在每句话后暂停,给学生一定的思考空间,并且请学生在课堂练习本上完成相应的听音任务。5.教师第三遍播放录音,学生检查自己任务完成的情况。6.教师将学生分成四人小组先交流,看看是否每一位同学都完成了听音任务。7.全班交流听音任务的完成情况。8.教师第四次播放录音,请学生跟读并且模仿其中的语音语调。(三)积累提高1.教师谈话示范给学生,引出话题。T:Daming bought a book for his mum .I bought a new coat for my mum.And what did you buy for your mum or friend?1. 教师请部分学生回答问题。四、课堂检测用所给单词完成下列空格。(played were saw sat drank went did rode)Lili and Ting ting are good friends. Last weekend, they To the park. They lots of people in the park. An old lady on the chair. Two old men excises. Some children colas under a big tree. Boys Bikes and girls games. They very happy.五、课后作业写一写自己记忆中的一天。六、板书设计Unit1 I bought you this book. Went rode watch saw played won ate drank was七、教学反思附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 2(IV)教学案 外研版一、学习目标:1.Learning task:1).I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting.Whats it about? Its about animals.2.Ability:Talk about somthing about presents教 具:a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:1.T:Look at Part One,Whats the book about ?S:Its about spaceship. 2.Look at Part Three,there are lots of books.Whats it about?Its about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.三、导学案:Step1.Ss on duty have a report about the presentsOther students listen and answer the questionsStep2.1.Today the teacher should wear a new sweater and say to students :Look! I have got a sweater .Look. Its green.(Here the teacher should ask a question:What color is it?)Its very beautiful. My sister bought it to me .(Here the teacher should let students ask some questions,eg:Who gave it to you? Who bought it for you? Then the teacher answer the questions)2.Write down the sentences3.Let students talk about their presents like this. They can discuss it. If they have any questions ,they can ask the teacher.Let several students stand up and talk about their presents in front of the class.They listen carefully and answer the questions about the talk.E,G:Who gave . the present? What is the present? What color is the present? .Step3.1.If there is a student talked about a book as a gift,the teacher should use the information:T:Whats the book about?2.OPen the SB, turn to page 24.Part One: T:Lookl at Part One,Whats the book about ?S:Its about spaceship. Pay attentiion to how to teach the word.3.Look at Part Three,there are lots of books. Let students answer the questions one by one.Whats it about?Its about cars/planes/animals/bicycles/America/China.4.Then let students make a dialogue like this and practise in groups.:A:This book looks interesting.B:Whats it about?A:Its about .5.Let students act in front of the class.Step4.1.Look at Part,Do you know what is Damings Mum saying?S:I bought the book for you.2.T:We know,Daming bought a book about America for his mum,so today his mum bought a book for Daming.T:Whats it about?S:Its about spaceships.T:Do you want to read it?S:Yes.3.T:Look at the three pictures.Picture1: Its a picture of an America spaceship.Picture2:Its a picture of a Russia spaceship.What is in it?Picture3.This is a picture of a spaceship in China.4.Please listen and tell me whats in the book.Play the tape for students ,and let them listen and pay attention to what they say.5,Play th tape again and follow it. 四、课堂检测:I have gat a present. My mum it to me on my birthday .On that day ,many friends to my house , They “Happy birthday” to me.I very happy. gave came said was 五、课后作业:(Talk about somthing about presents)描写一件自己的礼物(present)到家庭作业本上。要求写5句以上。六、板书设计:Module6 Unit 2 Whats it about?1).I bought a book for you. 2).This book looks interesting.Whats it about? Its about animals.


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