2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson3 Can I try this shirt on教案(1).doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson3 Can I try this shirt on教案(1)教学目标:1.学习选择疑问句。2.形容词的比较级和最高级。3.学习有关购物的表达方式。教学重点难点:引导学生在各种情境中的相关表达,更好地体现语言的交际功能和交际策略,如“How much is it?/This shirt looks good on you.”等。第一课时教学目标:词汇:shirt, purple, gray, try on, of course, fitting room, which, better, shop交际用语:Which one do you like better, A or B? I like A better. Can I try (衣物) on?语法:选择疑问句;比较级教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1.Greeting. You look beautiful today. I think your shirt is very nice. 2.Review检查确认习情况。3.Warm up.让学生指出本课要学习的新单词并猜测词义。Step 2. Presentation1.Lets Join the Chant!让学生跟着学。将主要的单词和句子写在黑板上,指名学习目标。2.Lets Have Fun 1听录音,了解本课学习内容。3.Language notesWhich one do you like better, _ or _? 选择疑问句,要求对方在两者中选择其一做出回答。I like _ better.Into: 进入到之内Can I 我可以吗?用于征求对方意见The purple one = the purple (shirt)Of course , sure:当然,当然可以语气较强Step 3. Practice1.听录间,要求学生跟着一起说录音中的英语部分。2.讲解录音中的重点难点,做到“学练结合”。3.Read,write and say.Step 4. ProductionWork in groups1.学生绘制如下表格,运用句型“Which one do you like better, _ or _? I like _ better.”访问调查,讲所获信息填入表格内。SubjectQuestionS1S2Math/EnglishWhich do you like better,_ or _?Winter/SummerSinging/DancingMountain/BeachStep 5 .Sum up/Homework1.总结本节课所学内容。2.作业:书写本课时句子;预习下节课内容。3.Say Good-bye.第二课时注意事项:选择疑问句中的语调变化。教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. Good morning,every.Hows it going today?Step 2. PresentationA. Lets Practice 1. Listen and learn some more.B. Listen and choose the correct picture.1. Which do you like better, the orange T-shirt or pink T-shirt?I like the orange T-shirt better.Which do you like better, the orange T-shirt or pink T-shirt?I like the orange T-shirt better.Which do you like better, cats or dogs? I like dogs better.Which do you like better, science or music? I like music betterC. Read and number the picture. 1. The fitting room is over there. 2. Dad, I like those pants. /Lets go into the shop. 3. Can I try this shirt on? /Of course.Step 3. Practice购物时的相关表达:Do you have 你有吗? May I look around? 我可以四处看看吗?Its too tight(紧) here. Its too loose(松) here. 这太松了。Its just right。=its fits。 正好。正合适its so expensive. 太贵了。Step 4. Culture Tip介绍西装的由来。第三课时教学目标:词汇:too small, look good, take, big-bigger-biggest, for shirtsmall-smaller-smallest交际用语:Do you have a bigger one? This is the biggest one.(This shirt) looks good on + 称谓 This shirt) is too for 教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. T: What was the last lesson? How many lessons do you have in one day? What are they? Whats your favorite lesson?2、确认预习情况,看Look and listen 部分的四幅图。Answer: What did Xiaoxiao buy? How much is Xiaoxiaos shirt?3、提示第3课时的学习目标。Step 2. Presentation1. 听 Lets have fun 2 A. Look and listen.2. Language notes 形容词的比较级是在词尾加er,最高级是加est。做定语时放在所修饰名词前面,做表语时放在be动词之后。 Ill take it: 我买了。 look good on :看起来同很相配。 Step 3. Practice讲解录音中的重点、难点。“学练结合”。Read,Write and Say .This shirt is too small for me. Do you have a _one.Sure! This is the _one.That shirt looks good _you.Thank you. Ill take it.Step 4.ProductionWord in groups and fill in the blanks.QuestionFriend 1 Friend 2Which river is the longest in China? Which country is the biggest in the world?Which animal is bigger, pandas or bears?Which mountain is the tallest in China?Which building is the tallest in the world?Which aninal lives longer, elephant or turtle?(龟)Step 5. Sum/ Homework 1.书写本课时句子;预习。 2. say Good-bye。第四课时教学目标:同上。重点、难点:比较级的规则变化和比规则变化;最高级前加the。教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. 2检查预习情况3问答录音内容及重点词句,根据反馈情况,提示第4课时的学习目标。Step 2. PresentationA. Lets Practice 2. Listen and learn some moreB. Listen and choose the thing for the kid.1. This hat is too small for me .Do you have a bigger one?Sure! This is the biggest one.2. This skirt is too short for me. Do you have a longer one?Of course, This is the longest one.3. This sweater is too big for me. Do you have a smaller one ?Of course, This is the smallest one. C. Read and choose the sentence for the empty bubble. 1. Do you have a longer one? Sorry, thats the longest one. 2. It looks good on you. Thank you. 3. How much is it? Its 13 dollars. Step 3. Culture Tip 介绍形容词比较级、最高级规则。见下面附录。Step 4. Sum/ Homework熟读课文。2.做练习。附:小学英语常见形容词及比较级、最高级变化一览表1. 单音节词末尾加-er比较级,-est最高级:Bright明亮的-brighter-brightest broad广阔的-broader-broadestcheap便宜的-cheaper-cheapest clean干净的-cleaner-cleanestclever聪明的-cleverer-cleverest cold寒冷的-colder-coldestcool凉的-cooler-coolest dark黑暗的-darker-darkestdear贵的-dearer-dearest deep深的-deeper-deepestfast迅速的-faster-fastest few少的-fewer-fewestgreat伟大的-greater-greatest hard困难的,硬的-harder-hardesthigh高的-higher-highest kind善良的-kinder-kindestlight轻的-lighter-lightest long长的-longer-longest loud响亮的-louder-loudest low低的-lower-lowestnear近的-nearer-nearest new新的-newer-newestpoor穷的-poorer-poorest quick快的-quicker-quickestquiet安静的-quieter-quietest rich富裕的-richer-richestshort短的-shorter-shortest slow慢的-slower-slowest small小的-smaller-smallest smart聪明的-smarter-smartest soft柔软的-softer-softest strong强壮的-stronger-strongest sweet甜的-sweeter-sweetest tall高的-taller-tallest thick厚的-thicker-thickest warm温暖的-warmer-warmest weak弱的-weaker-weakest young年轻的-younger-youngest 2.双写最后一个字母,再加上“er”“est”构成比较级、最高级:big大的-bigger-biggest fat胖的-fatter-fattest hot热的-hotter-hottest red红的-redder-reddest sad伤心的-sadder-saddest thin瘦的-thinner-thinnest wet湿的-wetter-wettest mad疯的-madder-maddest 3.以不发音的字母e结尾的形容词,加上 “r” “st” 构成比较级、最高级:able能干的-abler-ablest brave勇敢的-braver-bravest close接近的-closer-closest fine好的,完美的-finer-finestlarge巨大的-larger-largest late迟的-later-latest nice好的-nicer-nicest ripe成熟的-riper-ripestrude粗鲁的-ruder-rudest safe安全的-safer-safest strange奇怪的-stranger-strangest wide宽广的-wider-widest wise睿智的,聪明的-wiser-wisest white白的-whiter-whitest 4.以字母y结尾的形容词,把y改为i,再加上 “er” “est” 构成比较级、最高级:busy忙碌的-busier-busiest dirty脏的-dirtier-dirtiest dry干燥的-drier-driest early早的-earlier-earliest easy容易的-easier-easiest friendly友好的-friendlier-friendliest funny好玩的-funnier-funniest happy开心的-happier-happiest healthy健康的-healthier-healthiest heavy重的-heavier-heaviest hungry饿的-hungrier-hungriest lazy懒惰的-lazier-laziest lucky幸运的-luckier-luckiest naughty调皮的-naughtier-naughtiest noisy嘈杂的-noisier-noisiest pretty美丽的-prettier-prettiest silly傻的-sillier-silliest spicy辣的-spicier-spiciest thirsty渴的-thirstier-thirstiest ugly丑的-uglier-ugliest 5.双音节、多音节形容词,在单词前面加上 “more” “most” 构成比较级、最高级:afraid害怕的-more afraid-most afraid beautiful美丽的-more beautiful-most beautiful careful仔细的-more careful-most careful cheerful开心的-more cheerful-most cheerful crowded拥挤的-more crowded-most crowded dangerous危险的-more dangerous-most dangerous delicious美味的-more delicious-most delicious difficult困难的-more difficult-most difficult exciting令人兴奋的-more exciting-most exciting expensive昂贵的-more expensive-most expensivefamous著名的-more famous-most famous frightened受惊的-more frightened-most frightened frightening令人害怕的-more frightening-most frightening hard-working勤奋的-more hard-working-most hard-working helpful有帮助的-more helpful-most helpful honest诚实的-more honest-most honest important重要的-more important-most important interesting有趣的-more interesting-most interesting polite有礼貌的-more polite-most polite terrible可怕的-more terrible-most terrible tired累的-more tired-most tired 6.不规则变化的形容词:bad坏的-worse-worst far远的-farther-farthest far-further-furthestgood好的-better-best ill病的-worse-worst little少的-less-least many多的-more-most much多的-more-most old年老的-older-oldest old-elder-eldest well好的,身体好的-better-best 第五课时教学目标:1.练习学母组合ch 、sh 在单词中的发音。2.培养学生的发音能力重点、难点:ch 、sh 在单词中的发音t d教学步骤Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. Good morning, everyone .2、检查预习情况。Step 2. PresentationDo It Yourself! Time to listenA. Listen and choose the correct answer.1. Which do you like better, the yellow shoes or the purple shoes.a. I like the purple shoes better.b. I like the yellow shoes better.c. I like the gray shoes better.2. This hat is too small for me. Do you have bigger one?a. Sure! This is the biggest one. b. Sorry, that is the biggest one.cOf course, this is the smallest one.3. How much are the socks? a. They are 10dollars.b. They are 15 dollars. c. They are 30dollars.B. Listen and choose the correct picture.1. Can I try this skirt on? Sure! The fitting room is over there.2. That hat looks good on you. Ill take it.3. Which do you like better, blue skirt or the red skirt?I like the redone better.Time to speak! Fill in the blanks and say the sentences.1. Which do you like better, science or music? I like science better.2. This shirt is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one? Sorry, that is the biggest one.3. How much is it? Its twenty dollars.Time To PhonicsTry to sound them correctly.Which China child beach t Shirt she brush English Read and fill in the blanks.1. Which do you like better, The blue hat or the gray hat? I like the blue one better.This hat is too small for me.Do you have a bigger one?Sure! This is the biggest one.Step 3. Sum/ Homework:回家预习第6课时第六课时教学目标:1.总结单元学习内容,评价单元教学目标完成情况。2.通过Lets build our reading skill.活动设置,提高学生“读”的技能。3.充分发挥课文内在思想教育因素,使学生在思想上获得深刻的启迪。重点、难点:学生能熟练的阅读课文。教学步骤:Step 1. Warm up1. Greeting. Good morning, everyone .2、检查预习情况Step 2. Presentation教师放录音机,让学生听,找出不会的单词。教师第二次放录音,让学生进一步熟悉课文让学生根据自已所掌握的知识,小声读课文。让学生自由读课文。教师提问学生读课文。学生分角色朗读课文。问:本篇课文讲了哪些内容?Fine clothes make the man. 人靠衣装,佛靠金装。三、作业:熟读课文。附送:2019年六年级英语上册 Lesson3 Can I try this shirt on教案(2)(第1课时)Teaching aims:1.Learntospeakbuyandsellexpressmethod.2.Speaknewwordsofthislesson.3.Canmakesomesentences.Teaching contents:1. glossary: which better shop of course try on 2. Sentences: Which one do you like better, A or B?Teaching important and difficult points:I like A better.big- bigger -biggestsmall- smaller-smallest too smallTeaching phrasing:1. look good take2. Do you have a bigger one? . is too . for.Teaching aids:tape pictures and puterTeaching Steps:Step1. Warm up1. Greetings.2. Sing the chant.3. Ask and answer.4. Correct their mistakes.Step2Revision1. Ask the contents of dialog.2. Translate into Chinese.3. Speak and read.Step3New lesson teaching1. Show them pictures of shop.2. Tell them to go into the shop.3. Speak buy and sell expresses method.4. Correct their mistakes.5. Listen to the tape.6. The student borrows own clothesStep4Read teaching1. Listen to the tape.2. Read after the tape.3. Read together.4. Read the text after me.Step5Practice1. Listen to the tape.2. Choose the correct picture.3. Read the content and number the picture.Step6Expand the practiceDo you have.?May I look around?Its too tight here.Its too loose here.Its just right.Its so expensive.Step7Sum up / Homework.Read and write the text.Lesson 3 Can I try this shirt on ?(第2课时)一、教学内容 教育科学出版社EEC英语六年级第一学期第三课Can I try this shirt on ?的第二课时。二、教学背景 1、教材分析 阅读的内容是在Can I try this shirt on ?的前五课时的基础上,延伸并扩展的一篇阅读短文。再前几课时中学生已经熟练的掌握阅读中黑体句子部分。那么教师就要准确把握教学内容的实质,有效的开展语言交际活动,为学生营造良好的学习氛围,以增强学生学习的主动性,激发学生的学习热情,让学生在学习的过程中有自身独特的体验,从而使学生在掌握外语语言知识的同时,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。 2、学情分析 小学英语是一门实践性很强的学科,小学阶段的英语主要是激发学生学习的兴趣,培养学生的语感,为学生打下良好的语言、语调基础。在此基础上,还应该培养学生一定的朗读技能,从而逐步提高阅读速度。三、教学目标1、知识目标:能够通过上下文,图示和字典的帮助理解本文大意。 2、能力目标:学生能够采取多种的朗读形式或进行角色表演,而且语音语调优美流畅。 3、情感目标:结合具体情况、指导学生如何通过上下文、图示等猜测生词意义的能力,帮助学生克服在阅读时低声读、指读身体摆动等不良阅读习惯,从而逐步提高阅读速度。 四、教学模式与教学策略 在教学中,我采用听读结合-小组合作-说写结合的教学模式,突出趣味性,充分利用教学资源,采用听、读、演、说、写的方式,鼓励学生积极参加,大胆表达,从而产生高效率的学习,使学生在听听、读读、演演、说说、写写的活动中轻松愉快地学会英语。 五.课程资源 积极开发和合理利用课程资源是英语课程实施的重要组成部分。英语的课程资源包括英语教材以及有利于发展学生综合语言运用能力的其他所有学习材料和辅助措施。基于以上认识,课前先为学生要学习的内容作好铺垫,了解要学习的知识,为学习做好准备。课中利用听读、理解、交际、合作、运用等激发学生学习情趣,建立一个轻松、愉快的教学氛围,旨在让学生在学习语言知识时,开拓视野的同时,乐学、爱学、投入的学。六、教学准备1、课前布置预习课文,尽量理解课文大意。 2、多媒体、录音机、卡片、磁带等。七.教学流程(一)Warm up. (热身活动) T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Miss Hu. T:Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T:How are you ? Ss:Fine,thank you.And you? T:I am fine,too.Lets do exercise,OK? Ss:OK. 师生之间的亲切问候,即活泼又适合小学生的年龄特征,激发了学生的学习兴趣,吸引了学生的注意力。让学生在轻松的气氛中进入学习英语的意境。 (二)Revision(复习) T:Now lets review words and sentences .Answer my questions. Look at this pictures. What do you want to say? S1:Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one? I like the purple one better. S2:Can I try this shirt on ? S3:This shirt is too small for me. S4: 通过单词、句子的复习,设计这一生动有趣的画面,不仅起到对旧知的复习,而且也是为新课的阅读教学做好铺垫。 (三)Teaching the new lesson(讲授新课) T:Lets learn the new lesson ,Lesson 3 Reading skill First, look at this screen and listen to this talk. Shout your mouths and read this talk in your heart. Ss:Look, listen and read T:Open your books.Listen tothis talk and read it.Look at these questions and think it over. Ss:read and answer true or False 1.Xiaoxiao buys a new shirt. 2.Xiaoxiaos shirt is fourteen dollar. 3.Xiaoxiao goes shopping with his friend. 4.Xiaoxiao is happy with his new shirt. 5.Xiaoxiao is not sad. 6.The clerk gives hm the smallest purple shirt . T:OK.You are good. Look at these questions and open your books to page 43. 1.read this talk again and read it in your heart. Questions: What time does Xiaoxiao go shopping? Who does Xiaoxiao go shopping with? Which does like better, the purple one or the gray one? What does Xiaoxiao buy ? How much is Xiaoxiaos shirt ? 首先,学生先通过看图听短文默读看书听读的两种形式,使学生对课文有了一个听、看读、译初步感知,在这个前提下,让学生进行简单的判断对错,以便于教师掌握学生对课文大意了解的程度,再次让学生带着问题,打开书出声读和默读,这样做目的是,可以加深学生对文章的理解,也是培养学生有目的、有任务的去学习。 (四)Practice (课文操练) T:Thats correct. OK. Look at your books.Then read after me this talk. Ss: read T:Good.Work in pairs.1. 找出课文内容上读不懂的地方,语音上有读不准的地方2.找出你认为是新短语的部分 Ss: read in pairs. T: Who can read this talk ? S1 and S2: read T: Exellect. Any questions? Ss:. T:T show some phrases.I dont know these phrases in Chinese.Who can help me? New phrases: go shopping arrive at Shopping center ask for For expmple: Lets go shoppingfishinghiking. Im going to arrive at shopping. Im going to arrive in Beijing.(etc.) T:Any more questions? OK, lets read this talk again in pairs. If you choose read this talk and act. Ss:Practise T:我们以小组为单位,在座的每一位同学都是小评委,请仔细倾听各小组的汇报,选出我们本节课朗读课文的小擂主,获得小擂主的小组同学,每人可以获得一张小粘贴。 Ss: report 在上一环节,学生已经完全理解课文内容,在此基础上,教师先范读课文,让学生初步模仿的过程,然后在以小组为中心,进行自读课文,在小组中,可以找出课文中不理解的地方或读不准的之处,教师再加以点拨,扩展并延伸课文知识点。 以竞赛的形式展开小组合作读课文、演课文,这样做不仅锻炼学生的积极性,而且还培养了学生团结合作的意识。同时学生也可以采取多种学习方式,可以是分角色朗读,一人读一自然段,男女生齐读或情景表演。教师在此处无需更多语言,只需稍微在学生语言输出时,指点一下语音。 (五)Consolidation(巩固延伸) T:同学们,我们学的每篇课文都有课题,下面我们共同合作为短文 起一个题目。 Ss:Go shopping New shirt. T:You are great.我们一起回忆一下,在今天和以前的英语知识学习中,说一说你知道那些购物方面的句子。 Ss:answer T: So smart ! Look at here. I have four pictures.同学们,你们可以根据图意小组合作说一段话,如有困难,可以选一幅图说一说,组长也可以把说的内容记录下来。 Ss:report 在学生已经对整篇课文掌握非常熟练的基础上,出示一幅类似的本篇课文的小故事插图,让学生对其进行仿写,这样做的目的,即起到巩固延伸的效果。Lesson 3 Can I try this shirt on ?(第3课时)一、教学目标:通过各种颜色的复习学习新词、新句子,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,在学习过程中提高学生听、说、读、写英语的技能。二、重点难点:1.重点: 三个句型。2.难点: 熟练地运用三个句型参与交际。三、教学模式与教学策略 在教学中,我采用听读结合-小组合作-说写结合的教学模式,突出趣味性,充分利用教学资源,采用听、读、演、说、写的方式,鼓励学生积极参加,大胆表达,从而产生高效率的学习,使学生在听听、读读、演演、说说、写写的活动中轻松愉快地学会英语。 四、课程资源 积极开发和合理利用课程资源是英语课程实施的重要组成部分。英语的课程资源包括英语教材以及有利于发展学生综合语言运用能力的其他所有学习材料和辅助措施。基于以上认识,课前先为学生要学习的内容作好铺垫,了解要学习的知识,为学习做好准备。课中利用听读、理解、交际、合作、运用等激发学生学习情趣,建立一个轻松、愉快的教学氛围,旨在让学生在学习语言知识时,开拓视野的同时,乐学、爱学、投入的学。五、教学准备 1.课前布置预习课文,尽量理解课文大意 2.多媒体、录音机、卡片、磁带等。一.Warm up. (热身活动) T:Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Miss Hu. T:Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. T:How are you ? Ss:Fine,thank you.And you? T:I am fine,too.Lets do exercise,OK? Ss:OK. 师生之间的亲切问候,即活泼又适合小学生的年龄特征,激发了学生的学习兴趣,吸引了学生的注意力。让学生在轻松的气氛中进入学习英语的意境。 (二)Revision(复习) T:Now lets review words and sentences .Answer my questions. Look at this pictures. What do you want to say? S1:Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one? I like the purple one better. S2:Can I try this shirt on ? S3:This shirt is too small for me. S4: 通过单词、句子的复习,设计这一生动有趣的画面,不仅起到对旧知的复习,而且也是为新课的阅读教学做好铺垫。 (三)Teaching the new lesson(讲授新课) T:Lets learn the new lesson ,Lesson 3 Reading skill First, look at this screen and listen to this talk. Shout your mouths and read this talk in your heart. Ss:Look, listen and read T:Open your books.Listen tothis talk and read it.Look at these questions and think it over. Ss:read and answer True or False 1.Xiaoxiao buys a new shirt. 2.Xiaoxiaos shirt is fourteen dollar. 3.Xiaoxiao goes shopping with his friend. 4.Xiaoxiao is happy with his new shirt. 5.Xiaoxiao is not sad. 6.The clerk gives hm the smallest purple shirt . T:OK.You are good. Look at these questions and open your books to page 43. 1.read this talk again and read it in your heart. Questions: What time does Xiaoxiao go shopping? Who does Xiaoxiao go shopping with? Which does like better, the purple one or the gray one? What does Xiaoxiao buy ? How much is Xiaoxiaos shirt ? 首先,学生先通过看图听短文默读看书听读的两种形式,使学生对课文有了一个听、看读、译初步感知,在这个前提下,让学生进行简单的判断对错,以便于教师掌握学生对课文大意了解的程度,再次让学生带着问题,打开书出声读和默读,这样做目的是,可以加深学生对文章的理解,也是培养学生有目的、有任务的去学习。 (四)Practice (课文操练) T:Thats correct. OK. Look at your books.Then read after me this talk. Ss: read T:Good.Work in pairs.1. 找出课文内容上读不懂的地方,语音上有读不准的地方2.找出你认为是新短语的部分 Ss: read in pairs. T: Who can read this talk ? S1 and S2: read T: Exellect. Any questions? Ss:. T:T show some phrases.I dont know these phrases in Chinese.Who can help me? New phrases: go shopping arrive at Shopping center ask for For expmple: Lets go shoppingfishinghiking. Im going to arrive at shopping. Im going to arrive in Beijing.(etc.) T:Any more questions? OK, lets read this talk again in pairs. If you choose read this talk and act. Ss:Practise

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