2019年三年级英语上册 Unit8 Who’s that lady教案 广州版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit8 Whos that lady教案 广州版教学目标 1、四会单词:strong pretty young old tall thin 和四会句子:Is she ? Yes ,she is. No, she isnt.并能在实际情景中运用。2、掌握ea/ ee / bl / br字母组合的发音,并能准确的读出这些单词。教学重点难点:教学重点:掌握句型Whos that young lady? Shes . Is she ? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. Shes .要求学生能在相似的情景中正确替换句中关键词,练习新语言。教学难点:一般疑问句Is he/she.?及其肯定和否定回答。课前准备1、制作一张教师节日卡。2、每小组准备一份游戏卡(见下表),单词卡、录音机。教学过程:一、课前导入1、Lets chant .2、对话练习:Whos your art teacher? Ms Wang.Whats she like?Shes tall and strong.Is she kind?Yes, she is.二、学习新课1, 指着班里远处的女孩问Whos that girl?学生回答:Shes Li Xin.继续问学生Is she strong?帮助学生回答No, she is thin.和学生进行几组问答练习。然后转入生生练习。同样练习Whos that boy? Hes Wang Zheng. Is he thin? Yes, he is.2,pair work学生两人一组进行练习。然后展示。3老师将一位老师的图片贴在黑板上问Whos that young lady? 学生回答Shes our science teacher.学习单词lady.教读,跟读,学生单行读。运用该图片进行问答Is she thin?Is she tall? 帮助学生作出回答。老师在黑板上贴出几个人的照片,有老师的,还有名人的。学生进行问答练习。练习句型Is he/she.? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.4,match两人一组进行对话练习,然后分三大组进行比赛,看哪组在规定的时间内说的最多而且纪律最好。三、巩固练习1、教师出示每组单词卡,让学生读并注意动脑筋,看每组单词有什么特点(包括字母组合的特点和读音的特点);2、教师检查学生学习情况;3、老师准备一些新单词,这些单词具有以上的特点,让学生准确的读出,并归类;4、Lets Chant:Whos that lady?Whos that young lady?Is she thin and pretty?Yes, she is.Is she your aunt? No, she isnt.She is my mummy.She often calls me cute baby.四、Homework1. 学习用形容词描述人The man /lady/girl/boy is .2. 用刚学的形容词介绍自己家人:My grandpa/ is 3. 用适当的形容词形容图上的人物。(1) That man is _ and _.(2) This lady is _ and _(3) This is a _ girl.(4) That is a _boy.(5) He is an _ man.(6) My sister is a _girl.(7)(8) 附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit9 Is it a cat教案 广州版一、 教学内容分析本单元主要学习12个玩具的单词和有关一般疑问句及其回答、描述自己拥有的东西,用所有格来描述他人拥有的东西的句型。本课时是Module 5的第一课时,虽然集中了该单元两个重点句型 Is it ? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Its Jiamins dog. 但琳琅满目的Toys 陪伴着孩子的成长,对玩具的由衷喜爱能大大激发起学生对本话题学习的冲动和热情,而且在一年级的口语学习中,学生已接触过toys这个话题,对本节课的单词cat, rabbit, dog, bear, ball, kite 有了一定的知识存储,使本课时的学习难度得以降低。二、 教学对象分析三年级的学生学习兴趣较浓,但由于英语知识认知范围小,他们只能对所学的内容进行表演,要慢慢对他们养成一定的连贯说话能力。三、 教学目标(一)语言知识目标“四会”掌握单词:toy, cat, rabit, dog. bear. ball, kite2.三会掌握单词及词组:Jiamins dog3.听说以下句型:Is it a ?Yes,it is. Its ./No, it isnt. Its Its s .(二) 语言技能目标 能准确使用所学表示玩具的单词。 能熟练运用本课句型提出问题及其正确回答。 能理解和跟读课文。(三)情感态度目标。. 在学习过程中传授知识同时,注意培养学生德育方面的培养,养成良好的个人行为习惯。2. 通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强英语学习的自信心。3. 帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动合作。4. 在语言训练活动中,让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于与同学分享交流。5.教导学生养成爱护动物的良好习惯。(四)学习策略目标在学习中集中注意力,细心聆听,主动思考。在玩具与玩具特性中建立意义联想。得体地运用所学语言进行表达与交流。四、教学策略运用多媒体创设情景,使学生在具体的语言环境中理解、运用语言。采用全身反应法激发学生主动调用语言的学习行为,使语言交际活动贯穿教学活动的始终,从而提高学生的个人表述能力。注重过程评价,提高参与课堂活动的积极性,促进学生能力的发展。五、教学重、难点。重点:灵活运用句型Is it a ?及其回答。难点:1.整体理解和运用Yes,it is . /No, it isnt.2. 名词所有格六、教学媒体:课件、图片及实物玩具。七、教学过程(一).Warming-up. Sing the song of “This is the way.”(二).Revision.(课前复习)1. Go over the sentence patterns of Who is the boy/girl?Hes /Shes .2. Review the sentence patterns of Is he/she your ?Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt.(三).学习新知识 1. Present the title of this hour Module 5 Toys Unit 9 Is it a cat? 2. Present the new words of cat ball rabbit in the sentence pattern of Whats this ? Its a .Its a toy .Present the new words on the blackboard. Get the pupils copy and read the new words while learning or copying.3. Learning the new words of bear kite dog while presenting the sentence pattern of Is it a ? No, it isnt. Its a .4. Present the sentence pattern of Is it a ? Yes, it is. Its Jiamins dog.5. Watch the video of the dialog. Get the pupils read the dialog after the tape or teacher.Get them try to recite it out in pairs.6. Substitutional practice of the sentence pattern with pupils toys. Is it a ? Yes, it is. Its s .7. Get the pupils to practice the sentence pattern of Is it a ? No, it isnt. Yes, it is. Choose some pairs to practice the sentence pattern in the class.8. Consolidation exercise P52 ex.1.2(四).巩固练习1. Sum up the English knowledge this hour.2. Stress the good behavior the pupils should do to animals.(五).Homework.家庭作业1. 读熟并抄写本课单词 2. 做活动手册 3. 分小组分角色读课文.

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