2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson Third教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson Third教案 人教PEPSpecific vocabulary: cat,rabbit,pig,duck,dog, Specific target sentences: Are they ducks? No, they arent. What do you see in the picture? I see What are these? What are those?Specific functional exponents: 听、说、认、读、写本课时的主要单词 cat,rabbit,pig,duck,dog,以及句型Are they ducks? No, they arent.能听懂,会说What can you see in the picture? I see What are these? What are those? Source of material: 1、本课生词的单词卡片2、配套的教学课件3、相配套的教学录音带Assumptions: 在学习本课前,学生已掌握主要句型:What are they? They are ? Are they? 能够掌握从单数句型转化为复数句型。Step 1 Warm-up1.Sing a song: Mary Has a Little Lamp 2. Showing pictures, 露出图的小部分,引导学生用Are they ?猜图片内容,教师根据实际用Yes,they are.或No, they arent.回答。出示Read and write部分的挂图,组织学生进行小组问答练习。设计意图:在短时间内活跃课堂气氛并激活学生的原有知识。AStep 2 Presentation1.Play the video and ask the questions:What do you see in the picture? Are they ducks? Are they horses? How many cats can you see? How many rabbits can you see?How many pigs can you see? How many geese can you see?2.让学生观看VCD,第二遍时重复对话中的语句。3.连词组句活动:将单词卡cats,dogs,rabbits,ducks,pigs,they,are,arent,No,yes分别发给几个学生,然后说句子:Are they ducks? No,they arent.Are they rabbits? Yes, they are.Are they pigs? Yes, they are.Are they dogs? No, they arent.4.学生根据自己手中的单词和听到的句子迅速找到自己的位置,然后全班同学一起朗读排好的句子,并判断正误。设计意图:通过不同的活动,使学生对一般疑问句掌握得更牢固。R学生在本上书写句子:Are they ducks?No,they arent.教师巡视指导。设计意图:培养学生的书写能力。RStep 3 pronunciation1.请学生大声读出教材P77 Pronunciation部分单词。教师提供含有此音素的单词2.学生四人一组讨论这些单词共同音素。3.教师启发学生说说5个元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的发音规律。设计意图:通过多种不同形式的练习。让学生对元音字母a e i o u 的发音掌握得更加牢固。CStep 4 practice1. Bingo 游戏2. 听P73儿歌,教师适时出示蔬菜卡片,为下节课内容进行铺垫。设计意图:利用趣味游戏练习单词和句型,巩固所学内容。RStep 5 Homework1. 抄写Read and write 的单词和句型,单词每个一行,句子两次读72页Read and write 、77页Pronunciation 两次。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 6 第一课时教案 广东版开心Teaching objectives:1. Words and expressions:tomorrow wake up time go to sleep get up get dressed brush teeth go to school go home do (my) homework eat dinner go to bed at tea meet key pea sea2. Sentences: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.3.ea and ee i:Teaching key points:1. Words and expressions:2. Sentences: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.Teaching difficult points:1. Sentences: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school?I go to school at 7:30.2.ea and ee i:Teaching tools: recorder、tape、picturesTeaching procedure:The first periodStep 1 ConversationGetting ready 1. Prepare a clock and ask :What time is it? Help Ss to answer: Its 3:00. 2. Teach the other time:3:15, 4:30, 5:45 in the same way 。Using the book 1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and repeat and try to imitate Tony and Gogo.2. Pair work : practice the conversation 。3. Role play 。4. Teach the new words :tomorrow, wake up, Its time to, time, go to sleep.Extension activity: Ask Ss to make a dialogue (imitate the conversation)Step 2 VocabularyGetting ready Show some pictures and ask Ss to make actions and guess. Using the book 1. Play the tape and ask Ss to read . 2. The teacher makes some actions and ask Ss to guess the words 3. Ask Ss to look at the numbers on the blackboard :2160 and read. Look the clock and say the time ,for example :Its four twenty-one.etc.。Homework 1. Copy and remember the words in this unit ; 2. Copy the conversation and try to translate 。


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