2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 Part B教案 人教pep.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 Part B教案 人教pepperiod 2 lets talkTeaching aims : Be understand and say : Are they .? How many .?G ood to know Step 1 Revision 1 lets chant . 2 sing a song step 2 presentation show a picture to the class and let the students listen to the tape .T: Play a guessing game . Are they sheep ?S: No, they arent.T: what are they ?S1: They are goats .T: ( write Are they .?) Are they .?S: yes ,they are . T: how many goats are there ?S: There are three.T: How many pencils do you have ?S: three .T: How many pens do you have ?S: four .T: ( ask your friend how many.)Step 3 Drills T: look at your books ,listen to the tape and read the dialogue . Read the dialogue in groups or in pairs .Step 4 consolidation and extension 1 Do activity books. 2 listen to the tape and read the lets talk . period 3 Read and write Teaching aims : 1 Be able to listen say read and write : cat rabbit duck pig and Are you ducks ? No ,they arent .2 Be able to understand lets chant .3 how to pronunce i.Step 1 Revision 1 warm up 2 sing a song step 2 presentation T: what do you see in the picture ?S: I see two cows ,three cats ,and one dog .T: what do you see in that picture ?S: I see five cats ,eight rabbits and two pigs .T: can you spell the word pig/rabbit /cat/duck/dog .?S: yes .T: what are those ? Are they ducks ?S: No, they arent . They are geese.T: how many geese can you see ?S: Three .T: Do you like geese or ducks ?S: I like ducks./I like geese/I like .Step 3 Drills Play a game : 做句子排序游戏,将句子打乱,让学生重新排列。Step 4 consolidation and extension 1 Do activity books.2 Copy the words.3 Listen to the tape and read the chant to your parents.45 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit6 Part C教案 人教pepperiod 4 B Lets learn Teaching aims and demands :1 Be able to listen say and write the words .2Be able to follow the tape.3 Be able to say lets chant .Teaching steps:Step 1 Revision Warm up a sing a song b lets chant Step 2 presentationListen to the tape and chant : I like tomatoes . I like tomatoes . Juicy and red .T: Do you like tomatoes ? s: yes . I like tomatoes .T: Draw one tomato. Draw three tomatoes .S: tomato/tomatoesT: who likes cucumbers ?S: I like cucumbers.T: Draw a cucumber . Draw four cmcumbers.S: cucumber /cucumbersT: Do you like potatos/onions/carrots?S: yes ,I like carrots ,but I dont like cucumbers.T: can you draw three carrots ?S: yes . draw three carrots on Bb.T: can you draw some vegetables on Bb ?S: yes .( draw some carrots cucumbers onions tomatoes.)Step 3 Drills T( look at the Bb ) what are these ?S: They are .T: how many carrots.?S: Six .T: Do you like them? S: yes .T: who likes carrots? tiger /monkey or .?S: Rabbit likes carrots.Step 4 consolidation and extension 1 Do activity books .2 Read the chant to your parents .

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