2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 第四课时教案 苏教牛津版Unit 1 May I have? (第四教时) 一、教学内容Listen and repeat; Look and read; Work in groups二、教学目标1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。2. 能够熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学地句型和日常交际用语。3. 能初步了解辅音字母b和c在单词中地读音。4. 进一步掌握句型May I have this/that?Sure./Yes. Here you are.5. 能有节奏地诵读歌谣A little book。三、教学重点和难点1. 能正确拼写本单元的单词。2. 能综合运用本单元学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。四、课前准备磁带、录音机、实物、单词卡片五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动AFree talk1. 让学生有节奏地诵读歌谣。2. T: May I have a notebook?T: May I have a notebook for Yang Ling?T: This card is for you.T: This card is for Wang Bing.3. 小组操练对话。4. 请几对学生表演。诵读歌谣。S1:Yes. This notebook is for you.S1:Sure. Here you are.S2: Thank you.S2: All right.操练对话。表演对话。BReview1. 请学生表演E部分的对话。2. 请学生表演改编后的对话。表演对话。表演改编后的对话。CListen and repeat1. T: Now, look at this picture.出示插图及四个单词big, boy, cap, cat.2. 放录音。3. 出示一些含有字母b和c的单词,让学生更好地体会这两个字母在单词中的发音。如:book, ball pen, bus学生听录音,并跟说四个单词,体会b和c在单词中的发音。跟录音说:The cat and the big cap are for the boy.读这些单词,并记住。DLook and read1. 让学生仔细观察图画,自己朗读故事,了解故事大意,体会其中的幽默含义。2. 指导朗读。仔细观察图画,结合全文了解故事大意,体会幽默含义。齐读故事,分角色朗读表演。EWork in groups1.T: Whats this?T: Its my pencil case. In my pencil case, Ive got two ball pens.领读Ive gotT: Whats in your pencil case?2.小组统计。3.T:How many students have got pens? Who are they?Its a pencil case.跟读Ive gotS1:Ive gotS2: Ive got小组统计,由组长汇报调查结果。小组长根据小组内的情况回答教师的提问。六、板书设计 Unit 1 May I have? Whats in your pencil case?Ive got七、作业设计1. 抄写本单元的单词和句型并能默写。2. 创设情景自编对话。八、课后反思 学生初步掌握了b和c在单词中的发音。在句型的操练中还是有个别同学将Thisis for读成This isfor。在默写中,错的最多的单词是ruler有同学拼成ruller。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1(1)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: to help students to prehend a dialogue and a passage, and reviews of students Book 2TEACHING KEY: students to prehend a dialogue and a passage, and reviews of students Book 2TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the first periodPROCEDURES:ConversationGetting ready l Put picture cards of Gogo, Tony and jenny on the board.l T: whats his name? Whos she?l Model responses. Then elicit responses from Ss.l Put picture cards of notebook, snake, butterfly and lamp on the board.l T: whats that? Is it (bird)? Is it big or small?l Model answers, e.g. Its a small snake. Have Ss repeat.Using the bookl T: Lets look at the pictures and listen to the tape.l Point to Ss books and play the tape.l T: Lets listen again and repeat.l Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.l Divide Ss into four groups for the roles of Tony, Jenny, Bing the bird and Gogo.l Treads each line, pausing for each group to repeat its part.l Encourage groups to add actions, e.g. Tony and Jenny looking up and pointing at the sky and the bird flapping its wings.Extension activity TB p.12VocabularyGetting ready l Rub your stomach and lick your lips.l T: Im hungry. Repeat.Ss: Im hungry.(Show Ss Picture Card l hungry.)l Rub your throat.l T: Im thirty. Repeat. Ss: Im thirsty.(Show Ss Picture Card 2 thirsty.)l Continue with the other picture Cards. Say the word and have Ss repeat.Using the bookl T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.l Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.l Point to the picture of stapler.l T: Stapler. Ss: Stapler.l Point the other pictures in random order. Say the words and have Ss repeat.Extension activity TB p.12 ReviewGetting ready l Point to the door.l T: Whats that? Ss: Its a door.l T: Are you happy? (Point to one student.)S1: Yes, I am.l Elicit responses from several Ss.l T: Whos he? (Point to one student then ask another student to answer.)S2: Hes my friend. / Hes a student.Using the bookl T: Listen to the tape and repeat.l Have Ss look at the pictures.l Play the tape and Pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.Extension activity TB p.12Optional activities Tb p.14

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